Effective remedy for inflammation, dryness and increase the brightness of the eyes
New delhi date. 30 August 2020, Sunday
Weak eyesight has become a common occurrence. Ayurveda is probably the simplest and most natural method of increasing the brightness of the eyes. At the same time, Ayurvedic remedies can be very effective in relieving eye irritation and dryness caused by excessive use of screens such as spending hours on laptops and mobiles. Learn how to get rid of eye problems as well as increase the brightness of the eyes. Most people have started wearing glasses and contact lenses to avoid the problem of poor lighting. But most people just don’t like to wear glasses.
Some people do home remedies for eye inflammation, but not everyone knows what to do to improve eyesight. Some ayurvedic remedies can help you to improve your eyesight.
Ayurvedic remedies to improve eyesight
1. Ginkgo biloba
This herb can work as an ayurvedic remedy to improve eyesight. In addition to improving vision, it can also be effective in protecting you from glaucoma. Some studies have found that this can also be beneficial for retinopathy. This herb should not be given to children or diabetics. Before choosing this herb, you should check with your doctor that you will not be able to use this herb.
2. Do eye exercises.
Some eye exercises help to make your eyes more flexible. These can improve blood circulation in the eyes and help strengthen your eyesight. Exercise reduces eye strain and can also improve your concentration. That's why you can turn your eyes in both clockwise direction and anticlockwise direction in a few seconds. Keep blinking in between to give your eyes a little rest. You can also try flapping the eyelids. Quickly open and close your eyes for 20 to 30 seconds frequently.
3. Anise
The nutrients and antioxidants in this herb are beneficial for eye health. For this mix a cup of almonds, anise and sugar in a grinder and grind this powder. Mix one teaspoon of this powder with a glass of milk before going to bed. Try this remedy for 40 days and see the improvement in your vision.
4. Almonds
The omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin-E and antioxidants in almonds can naturally improve your vision. It also helps improve your memory and concentration. For this you can eat almonds or prepare a steeped almond paste and drink it with a glass of milk. Do this every day for a few months, until you see a slight improvement.
5. Wild asparagus
In Ayurveda, this wild asparagus is an excellent herb for improving eyesight. This herb is believed to have the ability to give the eyes a healthy and long life. Therefore, mix a teaspoon of wild asparagus with a little honey and drink it daily with a cup of warm cow's milk. Keep trying this remedy for a few months.
6. Amla
Amla is known as a powerful ayurvedic remedy to increase the brightness of the eyes. Indian amla is one of the best sources of vitamin-C. This fruit is rich in antioxidants and other powerful nutrients that can improve your vision. Vitamin C in amla can improve the functioning of retinal cells and promote healthy cells. For this mix a few teaspoons of amla juice in half a cup of water. Keep drinking this juice twice a day, morning and evening. This juice can also be consumed with honey.
Be sure to consult your doctor or an expert before trying any treatment for the eye which is a very sensitive organ of the human body.
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