Worse than corona, 20 percent of patients die within 12 hours of being admitted to hospital

New delhi date. 23 April 2021, Friday

On the one hand the second wave of corona is even more deadly than before and on the other hand hospitals are experiencing oxygen shortages. As a result, the death toll is rising.

The condition is such that the patient dies within hours of being brought to the hospital. 2104 people have died in 24 hours in the country. This means that one person is dying every minute. The country has been witnessing such a situation for the last 15 days. Cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Cochin, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Raipur, Bhopal are seeing a 40 per cent increase in oxygen demand.

A report from the National Center for Disease Control states that one in five deaths from corona dies within 12 hours of being admitted to hospital. Earlier, 25 to 30 per cent of hospital deaths occurred within 48 hours.

The situation is similar in most cities, according to the report. The number of patients who have been brought to the hospital and died on the way has also increased. According to a source in the National Task Force, earlier 40 per cent of deaths occurred within 72 hours of a patient being brought to the hospital, but this period has now been reduced.

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