If you are tempted by swallowing things, do it this way. Control, stay tight for a long time.

- Dates are rich in nutritional value. It contains fiber, potassium, iron etc.

New delhi date. November 19, 2021, Friday

In our country, it is customary to eat and feed the throat during special festivals and occasions. Because of this, sweets, cakes, chocolates, cookies, etc. are left in the house and it makes your mouth water. Many people are so tempted to swallow something that they look for an excuse to swallow something every hour and swallow more than they need.

According to a study, sugar cravings are a very common problem that is more common in women. According to the study, 68 per cent of men were diagnosed with sugar cravings while 97 per cent of women suffer from sugar cravings. According to the Dietary Guidelines of America, our daily calorie intake should include a maximum of 10% sugar intake. This means that if you consume 2,000 calories per day, more than 12 teaspoons of sweeteners in it can harm your health.

Loss of sugar cravings

Problems of dehydration in the body, hormonal changes, increase in stress, lack of nutrition, bad cholesterol can increase, heart problems can occur, obesity can occur.

Consume these items during sugar cravings

1. Berries

If you feel like eating, keep a variety of berries at home. It gives your body antioxidants, Vimamins, will provide minerals.

2. Dark chocolate

If you like eating cakes, chocolates, cookies, eat dark chocolate instead. According to research, it has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are very beneficial for health.

3. Chia seed

Chia seeds are rich in omega three fatty acids, fiber, etc. Eat roasted chia seeds instead of biscuits or cakes to reduce cravings.

4. Dates

Dates are rich in nutritional value. It contains fiber, potassium, iron etc.

5. Pistachios

The high protein, fiber, and healthy fats in pistachios are essential for good health.

6. Greek yogurt

Instead of swallowing, you can easily replace Greek yogurt. It has many health benefits.

7. Cheese

Cheese is rich in protein, good fat, sodium, calcium, etc.

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