One out of every three people in the country does not wear a mask despite Omicron

New Delhi: Despite growing concerns in the country over the case of the Omrocon variant of the Corona, people are not following the rules of wearing masks as required. According to a survey, one in three Indians say that most people in their area do not wear masks when leaving their homes.

Only 2% believe that people in their area follow the rule of wearing a mask. The survey, conducted by Digital Community Based Platform (Local Circle), covered the responses of 3,000 people in 9 districts of the country on this issue. Among them, 29 per cent said that the rate of adhering to the rule of wearing a mask is good.

Mask wear rates in the country fell to 12 per cent in September. In November, the rate was just two per cent. Sachin Tapariya, founder of Digital Platform, says that it is imperative that the central and state governments, taking into account the Omicron variant of the Corona, spread awareness about the need to wear masks and take necessary legal action to comply.

The report says that if an infected person does not wear a mask in one indoor area, he can transmit the virus to another in just ten minutes. It is necessary to wear a mask if you are being warned about the Omicron variant. This variant has spread to more than 40 countries around the world.

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