After Corona, now the entry of this new virus in India, its effect will be seen especially in children

Kerala, 24 January 2023, Tuesday

In Kerala today, a new variant of Corona is coming across, the system has become alert there. The name of this new virus is norovirus. As two new cases of Norovirus have been reported in Kerala, Kerala Health Minister Veena George said that there is no need to worry but some caution is required.

While the effect of this norovirus is seen more in children, the condition of both the norovirus patients reported in Kerala is also improving.

What is norovirus??
This flu-like virus is also known as stomach flu. This is a very fast spreading infectious virus. This virus directly affects the digestive system. The main symptom of this infection is diarrhea and vomiting. This is why this virus is also known as stomach flu. The infection of this disease is mostly seen in children. Norovirus is a disease caused by eating stale or falling, old food. According to a research, since there are many types of norovirus, everyone can get norovirus infection several times.

How is norovirus spread?
You can become infected with norovirus if you come into direct contact with someone infected with it. In addition, this virus enters the body through the hands by eating stale or falling food, touching dirty places.

Common symptoms of norovirus:
a cold
Stomach cramps
Muscle aches

How does norovirus affect the body?
As the main symptom of norovirus is diarrhea and vomiting, it firstly increases the risk of dehydration and lack of energy in the body leading to fatigue or body aches throughout the day. Children, elders and people with high immune system should be especially careful and take special care of hygiene.

How to avoid norovirus infection?
First of all, as this virus is spread by hands, wash your hands often with soap, or wash your hands with clean water.
Especially after using the bathroom, before eating, before cooking, after coming outside, it is necessary to wash hands first.
Wash your hands before or after eating anything outside anywhere.
Make sure food is fresh especially when eating out, avoid cold or stale food at home too.
Bring the vegetables or fruits in the house and wash them thoroughly with water first.
If someone in the house gets infected or has diarrhoea-vomiting, sanitize the whole house.
Even after recovering from norovirus, avoid going out in crowds or coming in contact with people for a while.

Young children and the elderly or pregnant women should be given a diet that increases immunity and in addition keep eating warm and nutritious food, the same precautions taken against Corona can be avoided by taking the same precautions against Norovirus.


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