Tea lovers should not drink more than this cup of tea in a day, otherwise your body will become a stronghold of illness

image : Wikipedia

Ahmedabad, 16 February 2023, Thursday

If you are also a tea lover, tea is the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up in the morning. I don't know how many people like to sip tea with the news printed in the press. There are some people who never say no to tea. But do you know how harmful drinking too much tea can be for your health? If you also drink 5 to 6 cups or more of tea every day without worrying about health, you are giving your body the gift of diseases. Now the question is, how many cups of tea should be consumed daily? Let's find out the answer.

Excessive consumption of tea causes serious diseases

According to a report, tea has been used in traditional medicine for centuries due to its many medicinal properties. However, its excessive consumption can also cause many diseases, such as dehydration, acidity, blood pressure, stomach problems, inflammation of the chest, effects on the intestines, etc. Drinking too much tea can make even a healthy person seriously ill.

Excessive consumption of caffeine is dangerous

According to a university report, each cup of both green and brown tea contains 40 milligrams of caffeine. Consuming too much tea can make you addicted to caffeine, which will make it very difficult for you to concentrate on any task. You will feel restless and may also feel irritable. Apart from this, sleep patterns may also deteriorate. A small amount of caffeine is beneficial, but if it is consumed in excess, it can lead to many problems.

How many cups of tea to drink during the day is beneficial

According to one report, 3 to 4 cups or 710 ml to 950 ml of tea can be consumed daily. According to one research, participants who drank two or more cups of tea per day had a 9 to 13 percent lower risk of death compared to non-tea drinkers. Most reports link excessive consumption of tea with illnesses. So to stay healthy only 3 to 4 cups of tea should be consumed daily.


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