These 6 types of problems can invite heart attack, know the remedies to avoid heart attack

Dt. 30 January 2023 Monday

Nowadays, the problem of heart attack is constantly increasing in busy lives. There can be many reasons behind a heart attack or stroke, even if you have these problems or diseases that increase your chances of having a heart attack or stroke, it can be difficult to ignore. Stress, not paying attention to food and drink, careless lifestyle, lack of sleep, excessive consumption of alcohol or cigarettes can increase the chances of heart attack or stroke. So, don't make the mistake of ignoring any small problem or problem that appears in the body and try to be careful keeping in mind all the symptoms of your body. So let's find out which diseases, habits or problems can damage the heart, thereby increasing the chances of having a heart attack or stroke.

1. Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a wax-like substance in your body. Due to the increase in cholesterol level, the arteries get blocked due to which blood cannot reach the heart in sufficient quantity. As a result the risk of heart attack and stroke increases, to avoid this situation it is important to include dietary fiber and low fat foods in your diet chart and exercise regularly.

2. Diabetes

The risk of heart disease can also happen to diabetic patients, if your blood sugar level is increasing frequently, it can damage your heart, so that the risk of heart attack and stroke can increase, so it is imperative to keep checking blood sugar level on time. One should eat healthy food and keep the body healthy.

3. Stress

Hypertension caused by excessive stress can be the main cause of heart attack, due to stress the blood pressure level increases a lot, the more the stress increases, the more the blood pressure level increases, due to which the heart has to work harder. So you should take less stress so that hypertension and blood pressure are under control. You should reduce the amount of sodium and fats in your diet and also keep your blood pressure levels under control by exercising regularly.

4. Grow up

Obesity can invite many diseases, like obesity causes diseases like cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc., due to which the risk of heart attack increases. In this way, you need to maintain weight by keeping a balance diet, besides this, you should increase physical activities as much as possible so that the risk of heart disease is reduced.

5. The more smoking, the more diseases

Smoking greatly increases the risk of heart attack, with one study finding that people who smoke regularly are 2 to 4 times more likely to have a heart attack. Due to smoking, not enough oxygen can reach the heart, not only that, but all the problems like increased blood pressure, damage to blood vessels, blood clots are the cause of smoking.

6. Not exercising

By not exercising or doing enough physical activity, you are making the mistake of inviting heart disease. At least 75 minutes of exercise should be done a day. Exercising can avoid the risk of cardiovascular diseases and it is also very helpful in controlling many diseases like obesity, cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure through exercise.


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