Annoyed by dust allergies? Try these 3 asanas

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Ahmedabad. 27 March 2023, Monday

If you are suffering from frequent cold-fever and cough due to dust. If you are allergic to dust, take it seriously. Due to dust allergy, you often experience coughing and shortness of breath. In such a case, you should pay special attention to cleaning around the dhar to avoid allergies. Apart from this you should take help of some asanas. That will benefit you.

Do these three asanas to avoid dust-soil allergy

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Regular practice of Anulom Vilom helps in curing any type of allergy. Practicing Anulom Vilom daily increases immunity. So Anulom Vilom should be studied for 30 minutes daily.


Doing Kapalbhati strengthens the body of a person. And with it the body remains active. By doing Kapalbhati for 20 to 30 minutes regularly, the oxygen level in the body is maintained. And the blood is purified.


Halasana must be practiced to strengthen the lungs and remove allergies. Keep in mind that ingesting dust causes difficulty in breathing. Due to which a person often sneezes. So for that, 20 to 30 minutes of Halasana should be practiced daily. Then this problem will be removed.


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