A child developing in the womb was infected with Covid, two children suffered brain damage

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Dt. 9 April 2023, Sunday

A child developing in the womb has been confirmed to be infected with Corona. An American study has revealed that the brains of two children were damaged due to corona infection. In this incident, a child died in just 13 months, which was confirmed after testing in his post modem report. According to the study, this is the first case of its kind in the world.

He had a stroke on the day of birth

According to a study published in a journal, both the babies were born to mothers who tested positive for the delta variant of Corona in the second trimester of 2020. This was the time when the Corona vaccine was not available in the market. On the same day the children were born, both the children had a stroke and their mental development slowed down. One child died at 13 months of age and the other was placed in a hospice, researchers said.

Risk of corona in a child

Pediatrician and Assistant Professor Dr. Marilyn Benney said none of the children tested positive for the coronavirus, but their blood showed high levels of Covid antibodies. This suggests that the virus can be transferred from the mother to the placenta and then to the baby. The researchers found evidence of the virus in the placentas of both mothers. Dr. Benny said that the dead child's brain was examined. A virus has been found in the brain during the test. Due to which the brain is damaged.

As the condition of the woman was delicate, the delivery had to be done at 32 weeks

According to the study, corona infection was confirmed in the mothers of both the children. One had only mild symptoms and the woman delivered nine months later. While another mother was badly affected by corona infection. The woman's condition was so critical that doctors had to deliver at 32 weeks. Gynecologist Dr. Shahnaz Duara said, 'He believes that such cases are rare. But women infected during pregnancy are urged to tell their children's pediatricians to check for developmental delays. We know that things can be very subtle until the age of seven or eight when children go to school.'


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