Papaya is good for health, but it can have side effects if people eat it

Image Wikipedia

Dated 13 April 2023, Thursday

We get different kinds of fruits there every twelve months. And each fruit has different characteristics. Apart from this, its benefits and harms also vary according to the fruit and should be taken into consideration. Papaya has few side effects, golden yellow papaya is a healthy source of dietary fiber. Papaya is low in calories and fat. Excessive consumption of papaya can cause many health problems. This fruit is not considered healthy for everyone. Papaya can be harmful not only for pregnant women but also for people with digestive problems and allergies. Eating papaya has many side effects.

Reactions can occur with blood thinners

Research in this regard has revealed that the latex in papaya has the ability to enhance the blood thinning effects. Hence, if you are taking any blood thinning medication, take it only after consulting your doctor to protect yourself from its effects.

Diarrhea may increase

Like all fibrous fruits, papaya can increase diarrhea if consumed in excess, increasing your risk of dehydration.

Constipation may occur

Papaya is known to be an effective natural remedy for constipation, but consuming too much can have negative effects on your body. Too much fiber can also cause constipation.

May cause abortion

Consuming raw papaya is dangerous for pregnant women. According to a research, consumption of raw or half-ripe papaya during pregnancy prevents pregnancy. That means it is not safe for pregnant women to consume papaya. Very harmful for pregnant women.


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