These 5 Signs of Bad Mental Health: Don't Ignore, Or...

Ahmedabad. 28 April 2023 Friday

Along with physical health, good mental health is necessary to lead a healthy life but most women get so busy with home and office responsibilities that they fail to take care of themselves. Meanwhile, women have to contend with mental health along with physical health. There are difficulties but many times women do not anticipate this. Meanwhile, some indications are that women are struggling with psychological problems.

Difficulty concentrating

One of the biggest signs of poor mental health is a lack of interest in anything. There is difficulty in concentration. Women can't do housework properly and can't work well in office either. Be it home or office, mistakes happen in every work.

Putting and forgetting things

Putting things away and forgetting them is also a sign of poor mental health. Sometimes this is natural, but if it happens frequently, it is a serious matter. This problem should not be ignored.

be sad

Being sad all the time is also a sign that your mental health is not good. If you don't feel happy even when spending time with family or friends, then understand that you are stressed.

Insomnia at night

Insomnia at night is also considered a symptom of mental health. If there are changes in sleeping and waking habits, if you wake up frequently during the night, staying up late at night or staying up late in the morning, these are all signs of poor mental health.

Change in eating habits

Eating too much or too little is also a symptom of poor mental health. If this is happening to you then you should consult a doctor.

Anger or irritability

If you get irritable or start to get angry or start crying over the smallest things, this is also a symptom of poor mental health.


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