Have you ever heard of Chandra Namaskar? Know its physical-mental benefits

Image Source: Freepik

New delhi date. 26 May 2023 Friday

It is not unknown to anyone that doing yoga brings many benefits to the body. It also gets rid of many types of physical problems. It has often been said that yoga can cure even minor ailments of the body. Yoga is an effective and natural treatment for the human body.

Benefits of Moon Salutation

We have read, seen and heard about the many benefits and benefits of Surya Namaskar. But have you heard about Chandra Namaskar which works to keep the body cool. This particular yoga is often done by people in hot weather which keeps the body quite cool. Chandra Namaskar keeps you energetic. Also it keeps you calm, relaxed and creative. Chandra Namaskar strengthens the spine, hamstrings and back of the legs. Not only this, it strengthens the legs, arms, back and muscles.

According to a report, Chandra Namaskar is necessary in the heat as it keeps your body cool. This keeps you internally beautiful, calm and cool. Chandra Namaskar helps bring clarity and cools down our body temperature. Chandra Namaskar enhances breathing patterns and digestive function and balance.

Chandra Namaskar is considered a gentler and more calming practice than Surya Namaskar. It has calming, relaxing and constructive properties and also calms the mind. Moon salutation always keeps stress away. Your mind remains calm.


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