Due to flat feet there is pain in the heel, if you do this asana regularly, you will get relief

Flat feet make it difficult for many people to walk and run, but often they also have chronic heel pain. If this type of pain is present for a long time then doing this asana regularly will surely benefit.

Flat feet

You may have noticed many times around that some people's feet are slightly different than others, their soles are slightly straight or flat. Which is called 'flat foot' in English. In childhood, if the feet do not develop properly or something is wrong, then a person can have flat feet. Such a person has difficulty in walking or standing for a long time. Along with this, such persons also have the problem of heel pain. If you also know such a person, then definitely advise them to do these two asanas.

1) Trikonasana – Doing this asana balances the body and also relaxes the leg muscles. To do Trikonasana, first take a long breath and create a space of 3 feet between the two legs. Bring both arms parallel to the pole and bend to the left. With the left hand, touch the ground from the left foot. In this position, keep the right hand straight upwards. In this position, breathe 5 to 10 times and do this process on the other side.

2) Tadasana – Tadasana relieves leg and back pain. Also relieves heel pain and swelling and knee pain. To do Tadasana, first stand straight on the ground. Keep both hands on the waist. Slowly move the hands up towards the head. Lift the heel off the ground and try to balance the body on the toes. Keep a steady gaze. Return to the original state after some time.


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