The leaves of this tree are very effective in the monsoon season, regular consumption has great benefits

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Dt. 17 July 2023, Monday

Many types of herbs are mentioned in our Ayurveda. Which has been proved to be very beneficial for health. One such plant is Sargova. Not only the pods but also the leaves of this plant have been used for making medicine in Ayurveda for years. Sargava leaves are a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, chlorophyll and complete amino acids. However, instead of its green leaves, the dried leaves are considered more effective for health. Regular consumption of these leaves during rainy season increases immunity and also removes boils. Apart from this, problems like stomach pain and constipation are relieved. Let us know about it in detail.

Protects against bacterial threats

In this regard, according to experts, more than 40 types of antioxidants are found in Sargava leaves. Apart from this, these leaves also have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce the risk of bacterial growth and infection in monsoons. That is why consuming soft leaves of Sargana in monsoon will be beneficial.

Helps in wound healing

According to Ayurveda experts, Sargava leaves are considered to be anti-bacterial. Its leaves are very beneficial for healing wounds. For this, applying the juice of young and tender leaves on the wound is beneficial. It will heal the wound faster and also reduce the scars.

Will prove beneficial in asthma

Consuming Sargava leaves is beneficial for asthma patients. Then whether it is green leaves or dried, the benefit will be certain. Chewing this leaf reduces the problem of asthma. These leaves prevent narrowing of the airways. Regular consumption of these leaves flushes out the impurities in the lungs, thereby reducing breathing problems.

Controls blood pressure

Tender and tender leaves of Sargava are considered important in controlling problems related to high blood pressure. Daily consumption improves blood circulation in the arteries. So consuming it regularly helps in high blood pressure.

Keeps eyes healthy

Consuming Sarga leaves is beneficial for keeping the eyes healthy. The antioxidant properties found in Sargava leaves are very beneficial in eye related problems. With the help of these leaves help in the area of ​​retinal vessels.


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