WHO has released new dietary guidelines, giving information on what to eat and how much to eat
Carbohydrates are very important for dietary health. It is a major source of energy and helps in the functioning of the brain, kidneys, heart muscles and central nervous system. Likewise, fats are also necessary to give your body energy and for the proper functioning of your body's cells. It also helps protect your body parts and keeps your body warm.
WHO has given guidelines
However, carbohydrates and fats cause many diseases if their quantity is not taken care of. That is why it is very important to take care of its right amount. This is the reason why the World Health Organization has released new guidelines regarding daily limits of carbohydrates and fats.
What should be the dose?
In addition, daily caloric intake should not exceed 10% saturated fat and 1% trans-fatty acids. To stay healthy, everyone should include polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids in their daily diet instead of saturated and trans fats. Whereas, for carbohydrates, you can meet your daily requirement from whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. WHO said that saturated fat is found in things like oil, butter, ghee, coconut oil, fatty fish, milk and products made from them. Trans fats are also found in baked and fried foods, packaged snacks, meat and dairy products.
An adult needs at least this many grams of vegetables and fruits per day
According to WHO guidelines, children 2 years and older should get carbohydrates primarily from whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes. An adult should eat at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits per day. In addition, we should get up to 25 grams of naturally occurring dietary fiber. Daily intake of vegetables and fruits for children and youth is also discussed.
At least 250 grams of vegetables and fruits per day for children aged 2-5 years
At least 350 grams of vegetables and fruits per day for children aged 6-9 years
At least 400 grams per day for people 10 years of age and older
How Much Dietary Fiber to Consume?
At least 15 grams per day for children 2-5 years
At least 21 grams per day for children 6-9 years old
At least 25 grams per day for people 10 years of age and older
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