This is a simple and fun way to increase the oxygen level in the body, diseases will stay away

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 27 October 2023 Friday

If you want to keep your body healthy, learn to laugh openly. This habit can improve your health in case of increased stress and bad lifestyle. Laughter can also help you avoid breathing toxic air and the effects of air pollution. Pollution affects our lungs due to which breathing becomes difficult. Laughter works like a natural therapy to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the body. Laughing openly increases the level of oxygen in the body. People who laugh openly have improved health.

Oxygen from laughter   increases

Many researches have found that people who laugh openly have better oxygen levels in their bodies. When laughing our body takes deep breaths and exhales. Hast is an exercise that keeps the flow of oxygen in the body proper. Laughing openly also increases the oxygen level in the body. You are full of energy all day long.

Laughter keeps blood pressure under control

Laughing openly improves blood circulation in the body. It has been revealed in the research that people who laugh a lot also keep their blood pressure under control. Doctors also advise people to smile. You must have seen people smiling openly in the park. Who does the laughing exercise.

Laughter increases immunity

Nowadays people do a lot to boost immunity. For this you should also start laughing openly. Laughing openly creates happy hormones in the body which strengthens immunity. Laughter also reduces the body's production of anti-virals and the risk of many other infections.

Laughter will relieve stress

Doctors advise laughing therapy for people who are troubled. Laughter helps to ward off mental and physical problems. If you want to stay away from stress, learn to laugh openly and be happy. It reduces depression, anxiety and stress. Which is becoming the crux of every problem these days.

It relieves back pain

The benefits of laughter are not limited to this, it also relieves pain. Laughing openly relieves spondylitis, back pain. To get relief from back pain you should laugh openly for 10 minutes every day. It produces endorphin hormone which makes your whole body happy.


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