World Polio Day: What is polio? Know its early symptoms and how to avoid it

World Polio Day 2023: World Polio Day is celebrated on October 24 every year. Polio is a serious disease. Mostly children under 5 years of age are infected with it. So, awareness is spread on this day about the importance of polio vaccination. So let's know what is the history of World Polio Day and the symptoms of polio and ways to prevent it.

History of World Polio Day

World Polio Day was initiated by Rotary International. Jonas Salk led the first team to discover a polio vaccine. Hence World Polio Day is celebrated on his birthday. In 1988, the World Health Assembly launched a mission to eradicate polio from all countries. In which the emphasis is on giving vaccine to protect every child from this terrible disease.

What is the importance of vaccines?

Polio is a deadly disease that can cause paralysis if infected. This mostly happens in children under 5 years of age, so it is very important to give children all the vaccines on time. On this day parents who vaccinate their children on time and all health care workers are appreciated. India became a polio free country in 2014.

What is polio?

Polio is known as poliomyelitis. which is caused by infection with the polio virus, which affects the spinal nerves. This can lead to paralysis or even death. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the polio virus first infects your throat and then your intestines. Due to which flu-like symptoms are observed. The infection then affects your brain and spinal cord. It is a contagious disease, which can easily spread from one person to another.

How is polio spread?

- Drinking or cooking in dirty water

- Do not wash your hands after going to the toilet

- Coming in contact with the spit, saliva and faeces of an infected person

- Swimming in dirty water

- By eating smelly food

What are the symptoms of polio?

Symptoms like fever, dry throat, headache, stomach ache, diarrhoea-vomiting, fatigue, muscle stiffness, difficulty in moving arms or legs, paralysis are seen.

What are the escape routes?

The only way to prevent polio is its vaccine. Oral polio vaccine is administered in India. Every child below 5 years of age is given polio drops.


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