Caution! If you have a family history of heart disease, take care of your heart like this...

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 16 December 2023 Saturday

If you have a family history of heart disease, you need to be very cautious in your future life. Such people have a higher risk of heart disease as compared to other people. If there is something like this in your family too, keep getting regular check-ups and make lifestyle changes. Most of the people are struggling with heart related diseases due to bad lifestyle and diet nowadays.

The risk of serious diseases like heart disease like heart attack, stroke and heart failure is increasing day by day but do you know bad lifestyle and family history of heart disease also increases the risk of heart disease. If someone has a family history of heart disease, attack, stroke, or heart failure before the age of 55, they are at increased risk of heart-related disease. Coronary Artery Disease is a genetic disease. Which creates a family history of heart disease. In such a situation you need to be more alert.

How to reduce the risk of heart disease

Keep the blood sugar level under control

To keep the heart healthy, keep the blood sugar level under control. Not only that, don't let diabetes get to you too. If the blood sugar level remains under control, you will not have heart or stomach related problems.

Do not eat tobacco

Family history increases the risk of heart attack, stroke or heart failure. Smoking tobacco every day can be dangerous. Tobacco and smoking can prove to be much more dangerous for the heart.

Exercise every day

If you want to keep any disease away, take proper care of fitness. Do exercise or yoga daily to keep heart healthy. Exercise or yoga reduces the risk of heart diseases. Do 30 minutes of yoga or exercise every day. This keeps your heart healthy.

Keep weight under control

Being overweight increases the risk of heart problems, diabetes and high blood pressure. Genetic factors also increase the risk of heart disease. Meanwhile, the most important thing is to keep the weight under control. If the weight is maintained, you will also stay away from diseases.


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