Sleeping in gloves in winter can cause these serious problems, know

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 22 December 2023 Friday

People resort to many clothes to avoid the cold in winter. Many people wear gloves while sleeping to avoid cold but do you know its disadvantages.

Blood circulation problem in the body

People sleep wearing gloves at night to avoid cold in winter. It may cause you many difficulties. Doing this can cause blood circulation problems in the body.

Overheating problem

If you go to sleep with gloves on, you may have more problems with overheating. This causes the body temperature to rise suddenly. You feel restless.

Insomnia problem

If you wear tight socks while sleeping at night, you may have trouble sleeping. So you should never sleep with gloves on. Feet should always be cleaned before sleeping.

Heart related trouble

Wearing gloves can also cause you heart related problems. It also puts a lot of pressure on the leg veins. Wearing it makes your heart pump harder.

Allergies on the skin

Sleeping in gloves every day can also cause skin allergies. Due to which you may have to face a very serious problem. So you should not do this.


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