Not only the salad but also the beet raitu is very beneficial for the body

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 22 January 2024 Monday

Everyone is told from childhood that beet should be eaten, eating it increases blood in the body. Also, eating beets gives a glow to the face. This is true. Beet is very beneficial for our health. Also, everyone includes it in salads but some people avoid eating it. Some people don't like the taste of beet but beet raitu is very tasty. If you avoid eating beet in salad, you can make raitu and eat it. Which proves to be very beneficial for our health as well as delicious to eat. So you should make this necessary at home.

Benefits of eating Beet Raitu

Improve digestion

Beets are high in fiber which helps in keeping the stomach clean. Constipation is relieved by eating Raitu.

Weight control

Beets are low in calories but keep you feeling full. It keeps weight gain under control.

Energy boost

Beetroot is rich in carbohydrates which provide immediate energy to the body.

BP control

Beets contain potassium that can help stabilize blood pressure.

Good for eyes

Beet contains carotene which is beneficial for eyesight.


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