If you sleep less than 6 hours, be careful, the damage will be big

Less than 6 hours of sleep damages memory: American scientists and doctors have claimed about sleep. According to a sleep specialist at the University of Southern California's Department of Medicine, getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night reduces a person's ability to form memories and recall these things in the future. Also, lack of sleep does not affect everyone equally. But it definitely affects the brain. Due to which we can forget small things like where the keys are kept, what is the name of a particular acquaintance etc.

Dangerous for rapid sleep

After getting proper sleep, our brain works to remember the events that happened during the past day. This is called rapid eye movement (REM). This REM sleep happens after the sleep process is over. According to doctors, this REM sleep plays an important role in preserving memories in our brain forever.

I will not remember things happening in front of me

If you don't sleep well, you'll struggle to pay attention to what's going on, explains Stanford University professor of neurology and neurological sciences. Our brain will not be fully present there, the information recorded in it will also be limited. As a result, you will have difficulty remembering these things or information later.


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