

These 6 habits of yours can cause vitamin D deficiency

New delhi date. 06 August 2020, Thursday Everyone knows how much vitamin D is needed for our body. Vitamin D deficiency can have a number of effects on the body. We often make a mistake that causes vitamin D deficiency in the body, so there is a great need to know the causes of vitamin D deficiency so that you can avoid making this mistake today and from now on. If you think that just standing in the sun or taking a vitamin D supplement is enough, you are wrong. You also have to correct your mistakes which are causing vitamin D deficiency in your body. While some people consume foods for vitamin D, some people take a vitamin D diet but you will not get enough vitamin D unless you correct your mistakes. Along with this it is important to give up your bad habits immediately after knowing the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. You all know the benefits of Vitamin D and how it helps to protect the body from many ailments. There are a number of things that need to be considered in order t

Drink a glass of warm water and get rid of many ailments

New delhi date. 04 August 2020, Tuesday Water is not only essential for survival, but it also has many health benefits. This is the reason why you should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Then if you start the day with a glass of warm water, you can get relief from the weight gain. Many problems related to digestion are also removed. Eva warm water is very beneficial for health. The changing environment increases the risk of colds and coughs. To avoid this, take 1 glass of warm water on an empty stomach every morning. If lemon is also added to it, it strengthens the body's immune system. If you start the day every morning with warm water, you can get relief from the problem of gas and acidity. In addition, many stomach related problems are eliminated and constipation is also relieved. Drinking warm water also kills bacteria in the throat and relieves throat infections. Gaining weight is a common problem today. Drinking warm water every morning helps in reducing

If you try these 4 remedies, the problem of acidity will never happen ..!

New delhi date. 31 July 2020, Friday We can't stop ourselves when our catcher comes across a meal. But anxiety occurs when the urge to eat this expensive food turns into problems like constipation, stomach gas. Eating fried fried food can affect digestion. For good digestion, it is important to be careful about what to eat and what not to eat. Care should also be taken to keep the digestive system healthy. There are some foods that can help us get rid of stomach problems. It is important to follow a diet chart to improve your digestive system. Eating out or eating fried food often makes your stomach bloated. At the same time, problems like acidity seem to occur. This is a problem that sounds small but the pain of acidity is unbearable when faced with it. Wrong eating habits increase the problems associated with the stomach. The problem of acidity can happen to anyone. But some people get more bloating if they eat spicy or fried food. It is important to consider what to eat and h

Do you also feel sleepy all day? You don't have this sleeping disorder ..!

New delhi date. Thursday, July 30, 2020 If for some reason you can only get a little sleep at night, it is natural to fall asleep the next day. That is why it is said that a person should get 7-8 hours of sleep every day. This is because not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to health. But a lot of people are always falling asleep. These people can suffer from sleeping disorders. If you also have this kind of problem, find out about its cause and treatment ... Why do you always fall asleep? According to one source, sleep deprivation is called insomnia. But if you start getting too much sleep, it is called hypersomnia. This is a common sleep disorder. One study found that about 20 percent of youngsters do not get enough sleep. It causes disorder in them. Insomnia or insomnia can also cause more sleep. There are many other reasons for getting more sleep, such as ... - Not getting enough sleep - Use of drugs, alcohol or cigarettes - Lack of physical activity - Depression -

The Corona epidemic will cause another 150 million people to starve

New York, July 7, 2020, Wednesday Poor families with malnutrition are the biggest victims of the Corona virus epidemic. A UN report said rural food could not reach cities and markets as food and medical supply chains were disrupted. Inadequate nutrition and malnutrition can lead to more deaths of 1.50 lakh children. More than 2.50 lakh children are becoming malnourished every month due to the Koro epidemic. If this situation continues, it will have serious consequences in the long run. Covid-12 disease deficit security is likely to have an impact for years to come. Efforts to reduce the deficit have been hit hard, and the social impact is being felt. Efforts to prevent the spread of coronavirus around the world have caused people to suffer from starvation. Deficits and medical care cannot reach rural areas due to various restrictions. The situation in African countries, especially Faso in Burkina Faso, is deplorable. One in five children is severely malnourished. 16 million people

World ORS Day 2020: What is the ORS? How it is used

New delhi date. Wednesday, July 29, 2020 Despite all the advances in the medical field, diarrhea is the second leading cause of death in children under the age of 5 worldwide. About 1.5 million children die of diarrhea every year. Diarrhea kills more children than the total number of children who die from diseases such as AIDS, malaria and measles. Diarrhea is more prevalent in developing countries due to lack of clean and safe drinking water and lack of sanitation as well as overall health and nutritional deficiencies due to population growth. Doctors say that about 70% of deaths due to diarrhea can be easily prevented with a solution containing oral rehydration salt which is a very simple sugar and salt solution. ORS Day is celebrated on 29th July every year with the aim of highlighting the importance of Oral Rehydration Salt i.e. ORS. ORS is a very cheap and beneficial method that can be used to fight dangerous diseases. How does diarrhea affect the body? Diarrhea is a very com

World Hepatitis Day 2020: Know, what is this disease?

New delhi date. 28 July 2020, Tuesday Today, July 28 is celebrated as World Hepatitis Day. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 325 million people worldwide have contracted hepatitis and are forced to live the same life. Hepatitis is an infection that affects the body's liver. The liver is the largest organ in a person's body. The liver helps in various functions of the body such as digesting food, storing energy and detoxifying the body by flushing out toxins. When hepatitis is a problem, the problem of inflammation in the liver increases, which can lead to severe liver damage and even the risk of liver cancer. World Hepatitis Day is celebrated around the world every year on 28th July and the purpose of this day is to spread awareness among the people about the disease of Hepatitis. Learn some information about hepatitis ... 1. There are generally 5 types of hepatitis disease that most affect a person. Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. Hepatitis A and E are ca

Dekho Karobar Kumar, Bihar Hua Hai Bimar ..., Stanford University experts mocked

Patna 27th July 2020 Monday Stanford University in the US mocked the Bihar state government in its efforts to suffocate Corona. According to the report prepared by the experts of this university, Bihar has done the most absurd work in the data reporting of Kovid 19. The report, published in the Preprint Repository 'MidArsive', claimed that Kekorona's quality data reporting contained various details in different states of India. The worst performance was that of the Bihar state government, the report said. However, recently the Bihar government claimed to have prepared a 500-bed Kovid hospital in a fortnight. However, the Defense Research and Defense Organization (DRDO) was helping Bihar a lot. The Central Government provided assistance to the Bihar Government through DRDO. The DRDO conducted a land selection exercise in various districts of Bihar. The District Magistrate of that district assisted in this task. DRDO officials preferred a plot of land in the Muzaffarpur a

Will the spread of Cora virus continue in India?

How many ailments can be cured by using this one card

New delhi date. 24 July 2020, Friday Diabetes is a disease that gradually damages a person from within the body and then weakens the person's body as a whole. The body becomes so weak that if a person's body is injured, it cannot heal. If anyone can save himself from this disease it is an active and healthy lifestyle which is probably not becoming possible in this time of lockdown and transition to corona. It is very important to take care of your health. For which people should consume some items in their diet which can help in controlling blood sugar. One such spice is bay leaf or tamal leaf which can bring the rising or falling amount of sugar under quick control. Learn about the benefits of Tejpatra ... Tejapatra i.e. Tamalpatra is also known as Malabar Patta in many parts of the country. This card is used in many Indian dishes. Bay leaves are good for health as well as flavoring the dish. Characteristics of Tejpatra: - Vitamin-A and Vitamin-C are found in bay leaves.

Not antibodies but T-cells are a guarantee of immunity against corona, know how it works

New delhi date. 24 July 2020, Friday In an important vaccine data released this week, T-cells are considered very important for corona immunity. So let’s find out what these T-cells are after all, how they work and why they are considered more reliable than antibodies against coronary infections. Important for an effective vaccine against corona In fact, it is believed that the body develops immunity to the virus if antibodies are found in the body during testing for the corona vaccine. However AstraZeneca Plc, Pfizer Inc. And its partner BioNTech SE, as well as China's CanSino Biologics Inc. The data associated with the Corona vaccine suggest that the presence of T-cells rather than antibodies is more important for immunity. Simply put, if T-cells are active in the body, it is a guarantee of immunity for a very long time. What are T-cells T-cells are also called T-lymphocytes. It is a type of leukocyte i.e. white blood cell which is a very important part of our immune system

If the mind is restless as soon as you wake up in the morning, sweet neem will be effective in removing it

New delhi date. Thursday, July 23, 2020 Your kitchen often uses sweet neem which is added to your dish. Sweet neem has many benefits for your body. Sweet neem is very beneficial for your skin, your hair and your body. You can use it in many ways besides eating which will benefit you a lot. So find out about the many benefits of sweet neem ... Sweet neem is very beneficial Sweet neem has many properties that help keep our body healthy. It contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and many other vitamins which can help protect the body from diseases like anemia, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. Not only this, with the help of vitamins you can get rid of many ailments. Consuming sweet neem on an empty stomach can have many benefits for your body. Learn what are the benefits of eating sweet neem on an empty stomach. 1. Lose weight Using sweet neem keeps your weight under control and does not increase your weight. It also helps control your cholesterol. 2. Eliminates anemia Sweet neem he

Jharkhand: Quarantine center hangs out, tribesmen make 3 women pregnant

Ranchi Dated 23rd July 2020 Thursday In Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, a shocking story was found about the people of Tablighi Jamaat. The quarantine center was turned into a den of immorality by the Tablighi community, resulting in three Tablighi women becoming pregnant. All three women are foreigners. The local administration was shocked when the incident came to light. The government's argument is that the reason for keeping these people in the quarantine center was to maintain social distance. If three foreign women became pregnant, it meant that these people violated social discrimination. Now the Ranchi district deputy commissioner had ordered an inquiry into the whole incident. He assigned an additional collector to investigate the incident. This additional collector will inquire the administrator of the quarantine center under what circumstances the social distance was violated. Meanwhile, senior advocates of the Jharkhand High Court had opined that if women became

Is every fourth citizen of Delhi a victim of corona?

New Delhi, July 21, 2020, Tuesday According to Delhi's CIRO survey, 4.5 per cent of the people in the capital are infected with the corona virus. However most of them did not show symptoms. This is proved by the anti-body report of Kovid-12. Every fourth person in Delhi has developed an antibody. However, the health ministry has breathed a sigh of relief that even after six months, there has not been a significant outbreak of corona. Experts believe that Corona may have reached its peak in Delhi, so Delhi is now hoping to get herd immunity. The CIRO survey, released by the Union Health Ministry, was conducted from June 9 to July 10. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the National Center for Disease Control and the Delhi government. The CIRO survey covered 11 districts of Delhi. Blood samples were taken from some selected people in the survey. These blood samples were taken according to the criteria of the Indian Council for Medicare Research and antibodies in the b

Dance Benefits: Dance is not only a hobby but also beneficial for health

New delhi date. 21 July 2020, Tuesday Dance is an art and a hobby of many people. Where dancing makes the mind happy. However there is another benefit to dancing. Dancing regularly can keep you physically fit. Then whether you are stressed, suffering from weight problems or any other physical, mental problem, dance is a cure for many of your problems. Dance is a type of movement exercise. It reduces stress and the habit of dancing also maintains your emotional health. Weight gain is a common problem nowadays. Most people are struggling with the problem of weight gain. Dancing in it proves to be beneficial. Dance is a type of therapy because it burns calories faster. That means dance is a good option to keep the body in shape. If you include dance in your daily routine, it improves the blood circulation and it can prevent many diseases. At the same time, it also brightens the skin. Most people nowadays suffer from loneliness and depression. Dance is a good option. It relieves depre

Hyderabad: The first case in the country, Corona underwent bypass surgery after breathing

Hyderabad Dated 21st July 2020 Tuesday A 63-year-old senior citizen living in Hyderabad recently breathed a sigh of relief and asked what was in it. So you will be surprised to read this news. The elder underwent coronary bypass surgery on Corona and was successful. This is the first case of its kind in the country. The identity of the patient, who lives in the Karwan area of ​​Hyderabad, has not been revealed. The brother received positive reports of corona in April this year. He was admitted to Government Gandhi Hospital for 21 days. Here he successfully treated Corona and recovered. He then showed the heart problem to Dr. Bhatnagar, a famous cardiologist from Hyderabad. He diagnosed that bypass surgery was necessary otherwise the patient's condition could worsen. The patient's family members were preparing for the bypass when the concerned doctors checked the patient's history and found out that the patient had recently breathed corona. "We have learned from som

Know, what is community transmission in the corona virus epidemic?

New Delhi, July 20, 2020, Monday Corona virus is becoming a true epidemic in India. Corona's transition cases were under control for more than 2.5 months when the country-wide lockdown took place, but Corona has been erupting since the lockdown was gradually unlocked. With an average of more than 20,000 cases a day coming to the country in the last one week, given the way Corona has picked up speed, it is only natural to be concerned that community transmission is not happening. It is important to understand what this community transmission is. The transition becomes almost uncontrollable when community transmission occurs in this third stage of the Corona epidemic. The person infected with this transmission does not know where the virus came from. A healthy person becomes a victim of infection even if they do not go to the hot spot of infection. In the first stage of transmission of the virus, people infected with Corona virus have come from other countries and they are also c

Corona reported in southern states Black cases, cases are on the rise in Tamil Nadu, Andhra and Karnataka

Chennai Ta. Monday 20 July 2020 Corona was reportedly blackmailed in the country's southern Indian states. With 4,979 new cases arriving in Tamil Nadu in a single day, the number of corona cases in the state has crossed one lakh seventy thousand. Tamil Nadu has the second highest number of cases after Maharashtra. Chief Minister Palani Swamy had a phone conversation with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday and apprised the Prime Minister of the steps taken by the state government. Palaniswami claimed that we investigate 48,000 cases daily. Andhra Pradesh, like Tamil Nadu, registered 541 new cases on Sunday. In Andhra Pradesh, the total number of corona cases crossed fifty thousand. On Sunday, 56 people were killed in Corona, bringing the death toll to 642. In Karnataka, 4,021 new cases were registered on Sunday, bringing the total number of Corona cases to 63,772 so far. The death toll rose to 1,331, with 91 more people killed on Sunday. Thus, even in Karnataka, Korona was

Find out which foods diabetics should include in their daily diet

New delhi date. 19 July 2020, Sunday Patients with diabetes have a lot of confusion about what to eat and what not to eat. It is very important to pay special attention to diet in diabetes, it is necessary to pay special attention to diet when dangerous and contagious disease has spread around us. It is important to control blood sugar levels as well as take measures to boost immunity. It is advisable to choose foods for diabetes very carefully based on controlling sugar levels. Choosing foods for high blood sugar levels can be a bit difficult. There are many foods around us that can be very beneficial in controlling diabetes. Diabetics can consume foods that not only control blood sugar levels but can also be beneficial in strengthening the immune system. Diabetes is a kind of silent disease, which can be very dangerous for health. This can lead to many other serious health problems. Diabetes is more likely to weaken the immune system. Here are some foods that can not only control

After Korona, now the risk of Kawasaki on Delhiites

New delhi date. Saturday 18 July 2020 Residents of the capital, New Delhi, are suffering the brunt of the Corona outbreak, where a new epidemic is now expected to erupt. In Delhi, more than 120,000 cases of corona have been registered so far and the number is increasing day by day. The death toll from the corona has risen to 3,571. Over the last few months, a new infection has begun to appear. Coronary artery disease and swelling were found in the bodies of children undergoing treatment in hospitals. Inquiring about this, the doctors expressed the opinion that a new infection called Kawasaki was appearing. Doctors could not say how Kawasaki spread. From infants to five-year-olds, the infection has been linked to fever, rashes, and swelling of the limbs and blood vessels. The doctors could not explain why this was happening. For the past few months this transition has appeared regularly in the children’s ward. The problem came to the notice of doctors in the children's wards o

Try this home remedy to get relief from kidney stone problem

New delhi date. 17 July 2020, Friday The kidney is an important organ of the human body. The kidneys work to properly maintain the levels of water, chemicals and minerals in the body. The kidneys also work to flush out harmful toxins from the body. At the same time, the kidneys help to get the necessary nutrients to the blood. Improper eating and drinking habits can lead to kidney damage and kidney related problems. Kidney stone is also one of the problems associated with the kidneys. Many people suffer from kidney stone problems. Some home remedies can relieve kidney stone problem. Learn about some home remedies to get rid of kidney stones ... Drink plenty of water Excess water should be consumed to eliminate the problem of kidney stones. Lack of water can cause many problems in the body. Excessive intake of water flushes out lazy toxins from the body through urine. Drinking more water can cure stone problem. Olive oil and lemon juice It should be consumed by mixing olive oil

Do this every morning, it will easily boost the immune system!

New delhi date. Thursday, July 16, 2020 Immunity depends on your daily routine. What do you do according to your habits throughout the day? For example, your daily habits may affect your immune system, such as following a diet or exercising daily to boost your immunity. You should make some changes in your lifestyle to increase immunity. There are a number of methods to boost immunity but just trying one method may not give you a quick advantage. Some people take home remedies to boost immunity which include several types of immunity booster drinks and extracts, but can the immune system be strengthened just by consuming it. Immunity is made up of a combination of many habits. Your daily routine is very important in boosting immunity. You can easily boost your immune system if you adopt habits to boost your immunity. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. If you prioritize so many things in your daily routine, you can increase immunity

The habit of sitting for too long can invite cancer

New delhi date. 15 July 2020, Wednesday Many countries around the world have been locked down for months to prevent the spread of the corona virus so that people do not leave their homes and become victims of the epidemic. Among them, people are doing 'work from home' i.e. office work from home. Now people can avoid this dangerous virus by not leaving the house, but staying at home for a long time can prove to be dangerous for them. If you also sit for a long time or are forced to sit and work, take care of your health. Constant sitting work can be detrimental to you. According to a report, people who work while sitting can get a variety of illnesses, including a serious illness. According to a recent study, the habit of sitting up late can increase the risk of serious illness like cancer. Sitting for hours on end increases the risk of cancer by 82 percent. According to experts, this is the first discovery to show a strong link between constant sitting and death from cancer

Learn about the health benefits of fenugreek seeds ...

New delhi date. 15 July 2020, Wednesday Almost everyone is aware of the many benefits of fenugreek. Fenugreek seeds are very beneficial in terms of health. Fenugreek seeds are also used in medicine in addition to spices. Fenugreek is also used in the treatment of many diseases. Learn about its benefits, what problems it gets rid of and how it is beneficial to consume it. Get rid of constipation For those who suffer from constipation, fenugreek seeds will prove to be a cure. Fenugreek seeds help in digestion. For this you need to boil one teaspoon of fenugreek in two glasses of warm water and boil till the color of fenugreek is evenly mixed in the water. Then strain the fenugreek seeds and separate them from the water and let the water cool down normally. Drink water when it is warm, that is, neither too hot nor too cold. Get rid of insomnia Mild warm water of fenugreek eliminates the problem of insomnia and helps you to get a deep sleep. Also relieves problems associated with th

This Himalayan species is included in the 'red list' and is effective in serious diseases like cancer.

New delhi date. 14 July 2020, Tuesday The Himalayan Viagra worm-herb or Yarshagumba found in the Himalayan region is now in danger. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has put it on the "red list" after its availability fell by 30 per cent in the last 15 years. It is learned that human intervention in the area is believed to be the reason behind the threat of this pest. An action plan is now being considered with the help of the state government for its protection. The market price of the fungus Ophiocordyceps sinensis known as Himalayan Viagra is up to Rs 20 lakh per kg. According to the Red List released on July 9, this herb is said to be in danger. This herb is sold in the local market at around Rs 10 lakh per kg. It is in high demand in China and reaches Rs 20 lakh in international markets. Effective in many serious diseases including cancer, this herb is found in an altitude of more than 3500 meters. In addition to India, it is found in Nepal,