

The leaves of this tree are very effective in the monsoon season, regular consumption has great benefits

Image Envato Dt. 17 July 2023, Monday Many types of herbs are mentioned in our Ayurveda. Which has been proved to be very beneficial for health. One such plant is Sargova. Not only the pods but also the leaves of this plant have been used for making medicine in Ayurveda for years. Sargava leaves are a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, chlorophyll and complete amino acids. However, instead of its green leaves, the dried leaves are considered more effective for health. Regular consumption of these leaves during rainy season increases immunity and also removes boils. Apart from this, problems like stomach pain and constipation are relieved. Let us know about it in detail. Protects against bacterial threats In this regard, according to experts, more than 40 types of antioxidants are found in Sargava leaves. Apart from this, these leaves also have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce the risk of bacterial growth and infection in monsoons. That is

Do you also feel the problem of lack of interest in work, brain fatigue? So change these 4 habits today

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 July 2023 Tuesday The brain is in complete control of our body. Because of the brain we can do even the most difficult tasks easily. However, sometimes our ability to understand and think is completely lost somewhere. It must have happened to you often that the brain is not working or you are not thinking about something. Do you know why this happens? The brain is often unable to function properly due to all the difficulties associated with life. Break these habits today 1. Skip breakfast Some people are in a hurry in the morning. Due to this haste, they skip breakfast. Breaking fast is considered the most essential part of the day but despite knowing it, many people make the big mistake of skipping it. This is the reason why the brain starts to feel weak and you cannot think of anything. 2. Eating more sweets Craving for sweet food items is normal but it is a concern if you consume a lot of sweet items. Many researches have revealed that eat

Do you also drink a lot of water as soon as you wake up in the morning? Know whether it is right or wrong to do this according to Ayurveda

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 July 2023 Tuesday Most people drink warm water or normal water from 2 glasses to half a liter in the morning. Some people drink up to 1 liter of water in the morning. Elderly or people around the house often say that drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning is very good for health. This has many benefits as it improves our metabolism and also strengthens our digestion. Is drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning actually beneficial for the stomach? According to Ayurveda, drinking too much water at one time is not good. According to Ayurveda doing this especially in the morning is not good for human stomach. Drinking water on an empty stomach is good or bad According to a report, drinking more water on an empty stomach in the morning does more harm than good. Let's know more about whether drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning is right or wrong according to Ayurveda. When you drink more water in the morning, it af

Tea Benefits: By adding this one thing to tea and drinking it, tension will disappear, diabetes will also be controlled

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 July 2023 Tuesday Millions of people in India are crazy about tea. In some people, this madness is seen at a different level. Thus, tea has benefits and harms as well. The amazing thing is that some scientists have done research to know the benefits of drinking tea. After which its popularity has increased a lot. Many ingredients added to tea can help reduce the effects and symptoms of physical problems. One of them is cardamom. There are many benefits of drinking cardamom tea. Drinking this especially in the morning can give you good results. Improves the digestive system The antioxidant properties present in cardamom strengthens the digestive system and relieves indigestion. Full of healthy properties Cardamom contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, iron, fiber and other nutrients that are beneficial for health. Reduces stress The aromatic substance present in cardamom calms your mind and relieves stress. Activates the brain A substan

Do you know about ADHD disease especially seen in children?

Image : FreePik New delhi date. 18 July 2023, Tuesday You must have seen many people, who are confused throughout the day. They take a lot of time to make decisions. Such people may be in the grip of a major problem called Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). According to several studies, around 1.6 percent to 12.2 percent of children in India have ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a type of mental disorder. Due to this disease, many problems are seen continuously. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the development of the brain and nervous system. Due to this, different parts of the brain cannot come in contact with each other and their brain cannot communicate, due to which the functioning of the brain is affected. Why is it called adult deficit hyperactivity disorder? People with this disorder are unable to concentrate on one place, nor can they sit still. Mostly this problem is seen in children. However, sometimes this problem i

Use these five inexpensive vegetables in the rainy season, they are healthy, full of nutrients

Image Social Media Dt. 15 July 2023, Saturday The prices of tomatoes have skyrocketed in the country for the past few days. Then, due to floods and excessive rains, other vegetables have also become expensive. Currently, the prices of most vegetables have reached above 100. However, due to the rains, the crops usually fall short and the vegetables become expensive. But at such times it is necessary to know which vegetables are cheap and full of nutrients because common people cannot afford such prices. So let's know which vegetables can be used at such times. This vegetable can be eaten in rainy season Beans Beans are rich in fiber. Which is beneficial for our health. You can eat this vegetable without any hassle. Compared to other vegetables, this vegetable will also be affordable. Karela Karela is very beneficial for health with its ability to help in diseases like diabetes. It has a bitter taste. But consuming it is beneficial in cholesterol and heart related diseases. C

The habit of putting a finger in the nose is dangerous, bacteria can reach the brain from the tube.

Melbourne, July 21, 2023, Friday Some people have a habit of unconsciously blowing their noses, while others get snoring. However, according to scientists, this is not a good thing not only in terms of behavior but also in terms of health. People who have the habit of putting their finger in their nose can get dementia or Alzheimer's. This is an action that occurs spontaneously and is not under the control of the person, although its sign is very dangerous. A team of researchers from Australia's Griffith University conducted a research on this act of cleaning the nose. According to the researchers, the bacteria can reach the brain through the nasal passages. The bacteria caused changes in the brain system that gave signs of Alzheimer's. A bacterium called Chlamydia neumannii can infect humans, according to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports some time ago. Not only this bacteria is considered responsible for pneumonia, this type of bacteria is found more

Corona connection of death due to heart attack of youth, scientists are doing research on this

New Delhi, July 21, 2023, Friday After the corona epidemic, there have been many cases of death due to suddenly increasing heart attacks among young people. In this regard, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya informed the Parliament and said that the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is conducting three different types of studies to investigate the facts. Responding to a written question, the Health Minister said that sufficient evidence is currently not available to know the cause of the sudden death of young people after the Kovid-19 epidemic. It was further said that a study is being conducted in 40 hospitals and research centers on the sudden death of adults aged 18 to 45 years in India. This study is being conducted through virtual and direct autopsy. In the last two years, many youths including celebrities like Siddharth Shukla have started to die. Covid-19 treatments and vaccines were held responsible for this in social media. There was a demand for extensive med

If you also eat in a hurry, then correct the habit today, otherwise these diseases can be invited

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 21 July 2023 Friday Food is an important part of our life. This is the medicine that can help us to avoid various diseases. Eating healthy food can reduce the risk of many diseases. However, you need to know the right way to eat. Eating healthy food can reduce the risk of many diseases. Some people are always in a hurry and finish their meal within 5-10 minutes. You must have seen many people around you, who eat food in a hurry. Did you know that eating in a hurry can expose you to many serious diseases and also destroy essential nutrients. People who eat in a hurry do not pay much attention to chewing. Their purpose is only to fill the stomach and satisfy the hunger while the benefits of the food will only get you well if you pay attention to the chewing. Chewing your food thoroughly will help you absorb more nutrients easily. Digestion will be healthy and food will be digested quickly. People who eat in a hurry are at increased risk of obesity,

Do you also eat bread at night? So be careful otherwise these problems may arise

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 21 July 2023 Friday Bread has become an integral part of breakfast in our home. You can eat bread even if you are short on time or you can use bread when you want to create a healthy recipe. Apart from this, you can use the bread to make sandwiches to pakoras. But when it comes to health, it becomes necessary to know when you should consume bread. What is the right time to eat it? Should you eat bread at night or not? Eating bread at night should be avoided. This is because it can increase the blood sugar level and cause a huge spike in it. Apart from this, eating bread at night can cause indigestion. This can make you acidic and aggravate your digestive problems. Not only this, it can also affect your sleep and you can become a victim of sleep apnea. Apart from this, there are many disadvantages of eating bread at night. - Eating bread at night can cause diabetes - Eating bread at night can make you gain weight - Sleeping after eating bread at

If you go to bath after eating then stop, this damage can happen

Image Frrepic Dt. 16 July 2023, Sunday Some people get up early in the morning and take a bath, while some people take a bath after eating. So some take a bath around 10 to 12 noon after having a light breakfast. And after that they take bath in the afternoon. In this case, it is necessary to know whether one should take a bath after eating or not. Activation of fire element According to Ayurveda, after eating, the fire element is activated in the body, due to which the food is digested quickly. But taking a bath immediately after a meal cools down the fire in the body, so the food is not digested quickly. Bathing after eating causes some problems in the body. But people who are unwell and have blood circulation problems should avoid it. Due to this, diseases like dizziness are likely to occur. This is the science behind taking a bath before meals According to science, pepsin enzyme is released in the stomach after eating, which works to digest the food. Taking a bath immediatel

Consuming these 4 vegetables is very beneficial for patients suffering from stomach and intestinal related problems

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 17 July 2023 Monday Fiber is very important for stomach health. Fiber not only increases your metabolic rate but also speeds up bowel movement. The job of fiber is to create a pressure on the stomach and intestines to optimize their function. Apart from this, it does not allow the condition of constipation to arise. Apart from this, lack of fiber in the body can cause problems like obesity, high fat and blockages but for this it is necessary that you consume high fiber vegetables. Find out which vegetables have the most fiber 1. Broccoli Broccoli has the highest fiber content. Its consumption is beneficial for health in many ways. This optimizes your bowel and stomach function and then speeds up fat metabolism in the body. Apart from this, consumption of broccoli is good for hypertensive patients. It is rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium which keeps blood vessels healthy and helps control BP. 2. Carrots Carrots are beneficial for your stom

Weight Loss: This combination of food will prove effective for weight loss

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 17 July 2023 Monday Weight can be easily reduced by choosing the right food items in the diet. This weight loss food directly affects your useless fat and starts melting it. You can also mix certain foods and eat them, which will burn fat faster. This tip will reduce your effort a lot. Combining two weight loss foods can speed up weight loss. You can also include foods in the combination that work to build muscle while reducing fat. Egg-Shimla Pepper Eggs are low calorie and high protein food, which keeps the stomach full till late. Along with this, eating shimla pepper reduces fat quickly. According to a research, Shimla pepper contains capsaicin, which helps in weight loss by curbing appetite. Dal-tomato Lentils contain protein, fiber and other nutrients, which fill the stomach and strengthen the muscles. A tomato should be obtained and eaten along with this. Tomato's bioactive phytochemicals help control BMI. Figs-Brazil nuts A mixture o

Do you get a headache after eating ice cream? Know the reason behind it

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 17 July 2023 Monday Eating ice cream in hot season is a different kind of fun. It is the best way to keep the mind and brain cool but for some people ice cream becomes a problem. After eating ice cream, some people get severe headache. If this happens to you too, then find out what is the reason behind this. Why do you get a headache after eating ice cream? When you consume something that is too cold, its impact causes a pain in the nerve that sends the sensation to the human brain. This is known as brain freeze. An ice cream headache usually feels sudden and intense. Which can last from a few seconds to 1 minute. You may experience excruciating pain in the head or ears. However, cold sores are common as they occur in 30 to 40 percent of people. This symptom is considered harmless and does not pose any disease risk. What do the experts say? According to the research on brain freeze, this happens when the blood flow in the cerebral arteries of the

Healthy Dry Fruit: Consume pistachios to get rid of these problems including skin, hair, stomach

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 20 July 2023 Thursday For good health, our elders and elders often advise to eat dry fruits as they are rich in nutrients. It should be consumed especially in the cold season as the dry fruit has a warming effect and can prevent many diseases. One such dry fruit is pistachio which is very tasty. It contains vitamins and minerals, and also does not harm us due to its low calorie content. Benefits of eating pistachios 1. Keeps skin and hair healthy Our overall beauty is determined by skin and hair, so pistachios should be consumed. It is high in vitamin E which is an important nutrient for hair and skin. This makes the skin soft and shiny, as well as strengthens the hair. 2. Strengthens the digestive system People who have stomach related problems should eat pistachios as it strengthens the digestion, which does not cause gas, indigestion, constipation or acidity problems. 3. Controls weight Nowadays many people are troubled by weight gain, for

Should diabetics eat mangoes? Reading this information will disillusion away

Image Envato Dt. 14 July 2023, Friday Who doesn't love mango...! Most people love to eat mangoes, they look forward to the season of mangoes. But there are many people who love to eat mango, but avoid eating mango. Camo or mango contain natural sugar. So diabetics are a bit confused about whether you should eat mango or not? So let's know if diabetic patients can include mango in their diet or not? Less impact on blood sugar This fruit contains fiber and many other antioxidants. Which helps in reducing the effect of blood sugar. And fiber helps lower blood sugar. This causes sugar to be absorbed into your bloodstream. Along with this, the antioxidants present in it help in reducing all the traces associated with rising blood sugar levels. Manages the flow of carbohydrates to your body and controls diabetes. Mango contains these nutrients Mangoes are rich in vitamins and fiber. Also, it contains many types of nutrients. One cup or 165 grams of mango contains 99 calories,

Eating cucumber at night good or bad for health? Stomach related problems may occur

Image: Freepik New delhi date. 14 July 2023, Friday There are many fruits and vegetables that are very good for your health, whether green vegetables or fruits that provide the body with vitamins. Likewise, eating cucumber is very important to keep the body hydrated. Cucumbers are rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and copper so you will stay hydrated for the whole time after eating it. Get rid of diseases too Along with deficiency of nutrients in the body, it also gets rid of diseases. But do you know that there are many disadvantages of eating it as well. Is it okay to eat cucumber at night or not? Cucumber is eaten mixed with other vegetables in salads. Cucumber is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. That is why it is very cold to eat. It contains many types of nutrients, which keep the body and mind cool. The biggest question in such a situation is whether it is right to eat cucumber at night? Do not eat cucumber at night There are many people who eat cucumb

Have you ever wondered why joint pain increases during the monsoon season? Know the real reason

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 19 July 2023 Wednesday Monsoon brings relief from scorching heat, sun and extreme heat. During this season, Hariani spreads everywhere, but the monsoon season brings with it serious diseases. People are also excited about this season. During this, street food is enjoyed abundantly along with enjoying tea. However, there is also a risk of infection during the rainy season. People get sick more during this season. During this season, people also have problems with joint pain, rheumatism, bone disease and old injuries. This pain is more bothersome in monsoon. Finally, what could be the reason behind why the joint pain increases in the monsoon season itself. Why joint pain increases in monsoon Monsoon is a refreshing season, but along with the rain comes many troubles. In which people suffer from joint pain, arthritis, bone disease and old injuries. Rain is not the cause of this pain. This is caused by low barometric pressure. The air pressure in the a

Shoes and slippers in rain can cause fungal infection, these 3 things need to be taken care of

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 19 July 2023 Wednesday Shoes in the rain can cause fungus. Skin problems increase in rain, one of which is fungal infection. This can be caused by many reasons such as wet clothes, moisture and dirt and even shoes. Rain keeps moisture everywhere. Apart from this, this season is also the breeding season for small insects. Meanwhile, dampness of shoes and not drying due to lack of sun causes fungal infection. This leads to fungal growth in the shoes and this causes infection which leads to problems like itchiness between your toes and feet. This can spread not only to your feet but also to other parts of the skin. It is necessary to take care of these things 1. Keep the slippers clean It is very important to keep the slippers clean in the rain. Wash the slippers clean with water and keep them in the sun. After which wear this only when it dries completely. Apart from this, always try to keep the slippers used at home dry so that you do not get an in

Do you also feel the problem of lack of interest in work, brain fatigue? So change these 4 habits today

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 July 2023 Tuesday The brain is in complete control of our body. Because of the brain we can do even the most difficult tasks easily. However, sometimes our ability to understand and think is completely lost somewhere. It must have happened to you often that the brain is not working or you are not thinking about something. Do you know why this happens? The brain is often unable to function properly due to all the difficulties associated with life. Break these habits today 1. Skip breakfast Some people are in a hurry in the morning. Due to this haste, they skip breakfast. Breaking fast is considered the most essential part of the day but despite knowing it, many people make the big mistake of skipping it. This is the reason why the brain starts to feel weak and you cannot think of anything. 2. Eating more sweets Craving for sweet food items is normal but it is a concern if you consume a lot of sweet items. Many researches have revealed that eat

Do you also drink a lot of water as soon as you wake up in the morning? Know whether it is right or wrong to do this according to Ayurveda

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 July 2023 Tuesday Most people drink warm water or normal water from 2 glasses to half a liter in the morning. Some people drink up to 1 liter of water in the morning. Elderly or people around the house often say that drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning is very good for health. This has many benefits as it improves our metabolism and also strengthens our digestion. Is drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning actually beneficial for the stomach? According to Ayurveda, drinking too much water at one time is not good. According to Ayurveda doing this especially in the morning is not good for human stomach. Drinking water on an empty stomach is good or bad According to a report, drinking more water on an empty stomach in the morning does more harm than good. Let's know more about whether drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning is right or wrong according to Ayurveda. When you drink more water in the morning, it af

Tea Benefits: By adding this one thing to tea and drinking it, tension will disappear, diabetes will also be controlled

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 July 2023 Tuesday Millions of people in India are crazy about tea. In some people, this madness is seen at a different level. Thus, tea has benefits and harms as well. The amazing thing is that some scientists have done research to know the benefits of drinking tea. After which its popularity has increased a lot. Many ingredients added to tea can help reduce the effects and symptoms of physical problems. One of them is cardamom. There are many benefits of drinking cardamom tea. Drinking this especially in the morning can give you good results. Improves the digestive system The antioxidant properties present in cardamom strengthens the digestive system and relieves indigestion. Full of healthy properties Cardamom contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, iron, fiber and other nutrients that are beneficial for health. Reduces stress The aromatic substance present in cardamom calms your mind and relieves stress. Activates the brain A substan

Do you know about ADHD disease especially seen in children?

Image : FreePik New delhi date. 18 July 2023, Tuesday You must have seen many people, who are confused throughout the day. They take a lot of time to make decisions. Such people may be in the grip of a major problem called Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). According to several studies, around 1.6 percent to 12.2 percent of children in India have ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a type of mental disorder. Due to this disease, many problems are seen continuously. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the development of the brain and nervous system. Due to this, different parts of the brain cannot come in contact with each other and their brain cannot communicate, due to which the functioning of the brain is affected. Why is it called adult deficit hyperactivity disorder? People with this disorder are unable to concentrate on one place, nor can they sit still. Mostly this problem is seen in children. However, sometimes this problem i

Worrying! 300 types of worms in humans, causing brain-lung and bone damage

Image Envato Dt. 12 July 2023, Wednesday About 350 crore people in the world have worms (insects) living in their stomachs. Due to which lakhs of people die every year. According to the American Health Agency Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are about 300 types of worms in the human body. 70 percent of these species are only protozoan insects. Because of this, some worms (worms) cannot be seen with the naked eye According to one doctor in Mumbai, these parasitic worms make people suffer from serious diseases. The risk of infection with these worms increases especially during the rainy season. In which some worms cannot be seen with the naked eye. So some can grow up to 80 feet long inside the human body. The eggs of this worm were extracted from the stomach of a 3200-year-old mummy These worms have been sucking human blood for 15 thousand years. This attacks the brain and damages the bones and joints. In one report, the eggs of this worm were extracted from the s

The leaves of this tree are very effective in the monsoon season, regular consumption has great benefits

Image Envato Dt. 17 July 2023, Monday Many types of herbs are mentioned in our Ayurveda. Which has been proved to be very beneficial for health. One such plant is Sargova. Not only the pods but also the leaves of this plant have been used for making medicine in Ayurveda for years. Sargava leaves are a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, chlorophyll and complete amino acids. However, instead of its green leaves, the dried leaves are considered more effective for health. Regular consumption of these leaves during rainy season increases immunity and also removes boils. Apart from this, problems like stomach pain and constipation are relieved. Let us know about it in detail. Protects against bacterial threats In this regard, according to experts, more than 40 types of antioxidants are found in Sargava leaves. Apart from this, these leaves also have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce the risk of bacterial growth and infection in monsoons. That is