

These myths associated with kidney stones that we take for granted are true, know the facts

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 31 January 2024 Wednesday North India has the highest number of kidney stone cases in India. Some doctors and health experts have estimated that people from North India have a 10 to 15 percent higher risk of developing kidney stones. There are many types of information on the internet regarding kidney stone but the question arises that one cannot blindly trust every information. Especially health related information cannot be trusted blindly at all. Many people believe this myth regarding kidney stones to be true A stone patient should not eat tomato Whenever the level of potassium in a person's blood starts to increase, then they are not allowed to eat tomato. Tomatoes are also forbidden to eat in other diseases. Kidney patients should not drink milk Milk is rich in calcium. So kidney patient should not drink milk. It can increase the disease. According to health experts, kidney patients should drink milk. This prevents the stone from growi

There are three types of heart attack, recognizing these symptoms at the beginning will save your life

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 31 January 2024 Wednesday A heart attack can happen to anyone these days...anytime. A heart attack causes sudden, severe pain in the chest. If a person gets treatment at the right time, life can be saved or life can be lost. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) There are many types of heart attack but STEMI is the most serious and fatal. In this heart attack, the coronary artery is completely blocked and the artery becomes blocked and blood clots. The latter requires angioplasty or clot dissolving drugs. After which the blood starts to flow again inside the heart and then the risk of heart failure can be reduced. This signal is seen in the body before a heart attack Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) Anasthemia is also a type of serious heart attack. More than one of which leads to blockage in half of the coronary arteries. Blood cannot reach this blockage properly. Due to which the heart gets damaged a lot. Tr

ICMR releases study, Cancer risk among employed youth

Higher isk of cancer in job emplotees: In today's time mental stress is common among youth. Even so, stress is more common among young people who are engaged. But it will be surprising to know that the risk of cancer is also increasing among working people. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Delhi has stated in its study that one-third of employees are suffering from metabolic syndrome. First of all, what is metabolic syndrome? What is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is not a disease. But it's a condition found in people under the age of 5 that doubles the risk of cancer by the time they reach age 65, meaning it's the kind of condition that increases the risk of obesity in the body. The condition of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and uncontrolled cholesterol is called metabolic syndrome. Besides heart diseases, it also increases the risk of diseases like cancer and stroke. ICMR-NIN study on Hyderabad's IT employees reveals 44% are overweight,

Consume these 5 natural drinks, the dirt in the stomach will be cleaned and the problem of constipation will be removed.

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 12 February 2024 Monday Most of the people nowadays do not have a clean stomach due to wrong food and drink. It complains of constipation. It has been shown in many researches that if the stomach is not clean, it increases the pressure on the lining of the intestine and the lining of the intestine is directly connected with the nerves of the brain, that is, if your intestines are not healthy, your mind is restless because of this. Your intellectual function may be affected by it. So colon hygiene is very important but for that some natural drinks will work better than medicine. Natural Drinks for Colon Cleanse 1. Adequate water In order to keep the stomach always clean, it is necessary to consume enough water regularly every day. If you can't drink much water, increase your intake of foods that are high in water content. For this increase the intake of tomato, watermelon, salad leaves, lettuce etc. 2. Saltwater flush If the stomach is upset

People who eat fruit after meals, beware! Such a habit can make you sick

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 30 January 2024 Tuesday Do you eat citrus fruits after meals? Oranges, lemons, grapes and quinoa are all citrus fruits known for their great taste. Which contains more vitamin C. It is a powerful anti-oxidant that supports the immune system and also helps increase collagen. It also helps in the absorption of iron in the body. Although sour fruits are very beneficial but sour fruits should not be eaten after meals. What are the benefits of citrus fruits? Sour fruits contain dietary fiber so it relieves constipation and keeps the stomach healthy and proper digestion. The vitamins and antioxidants present in it are very helpful in keeping the body healthy but it is not considered appropriate to consume it after a meal. 1. Acid reflux Citrus fruits are acidic and consuming them immediately after lunch can upset digestion for some individuals. Acidity can cause restlessness, indigestion or heartburn. Especially people suffering from acid reflux should

Do you stay up late at night? So be careful, serious illnesses can happen!

Sleep Patterns And Health: In the age of modern lifestyle and social media, most people stay up late at night. Busy on mobile phone for hours even after going to bed at night. These habits of today's youth are causing serious diseases and health damage. Let's know in detail how unnecessary exposure can harm health... What do health experts say? In a special conversation with the media, the senior consultant physician of Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad. Dilip Gude said, 'Staying up late at night can increase stress, most people know this, but these habits can cause serious damage to health. Waking up late at night affects the natural cycle. If this cycle lasts for a long time, the hormonal system stops working properly and the metabolism is also affected. Body temperature also starts to change and life expectancy may also decrease.' Memory loss may occur People who have a habit of sleeping late can have problems concentrating on things after a long period of time. It c

Exercising for hours but not losing weight? 6 big reasons behind it

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 05 February 2024 Monday A large number of young people work out for hours in the gym every day to lose weight and keep diseases like heart disease, diabetes and blood pressure at bay but still some people do not lose weight. Exercising for hours but not losing weight? Inadequate protein intake Inadequate protein can hinder weight loss by affecting muscle maintenance and appetite, leading to increased snacking and increased food intake. A sign of some illness Certain health problems like hypothyroidism, vitamin D or B-12 deficiency can hinder weight loss efforts so periodic medical checkups are necessary. Processed food habits High-calorie, low-nutrient processed foods can be a hindrance to weight loss because they are often deficient in essential nutrients. It also does not fill the stomach well. Insufficient sleep Inadequate sleep affects hormones related to appetite, which can potentially increase the desire to eat more. So good sleep is a

The disease of forgetting is spreading from each other like Corona, a shocking explanation in the new research!

Image Freepic A study is revealing shocking facts about Alzheimer's disease. According to a report published in the journal Nature, Alzheimer's disease can spread from person to person due to accidents. However, none are airborne like viruses or bacteria, but can become contagious in some situations. According to the study, between 1958 and 1985, human growth hormone (Human Growth Hormone) extracted from the pituitary gland of organ donors in the UK was given, that hormone was contaminated, due to which some patients developed Alzheimer's disease. What the study says "We are not saying that Alzheimer's disease is not airborne, nor is it spread like a viral or bacterial infection," said John Calling, a professor at University College London in the study. This only happens when people are inadvertently vaccinated with human tissue that contains these seeds. What is Alzheimer's disease? The most common cause of this disease is abnormal protein deposits

Sunflower seeds are a treasure of health, this is effective for serious diseases, know how to use

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 30 January 2024 Tuesday Sunflower flowers are very beautiful to look at but did you know that their seeds are also very beneficial for your health. Its seeds have properties that can save you from many serious diseases. Sunflower seeds are very beneficial for health due to their nutritional properties. Its seeds contain healthy fats, acids, vitamins and minerals. Which is very important for our body. Sunflower seeds are rich in nutrients Sunflower seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients. It is rich in protein, healthy fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Along with this, it is also rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, magnesium, selenium and copper. This nutrient plays an important role in overall health, from boosting immunity to maintaining heart health. It is effective in these diseases Controls cholesterol   Sunflower seeds contain healthy fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. This healthy fat is very effective in reducing b

Kissing a newborn baby too often is dangerous, know why

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 15 February 2024 Thursday Every time you see a newborn baby, you feel the urge to kiss. Especially when a newborn baby comes in the house, there is a distinct happiness in the whole family from the moment of birth to the parents. Every newborn baby's tiny hands touch and caress the soft skin. Hugging babies on their laps, kissing their heads or cheeks and hands are all natural in any home and this touch gradually builds a good connection with other people. But do you know whether kissing babies is healthy or not? Children receiving love from all helps to strengthen them emotionally and is considered essential for their development. Kissing babies is a natural way to love them. It creates an emotional bond between parents and children but it is very important to be careful while kissing children. Chances of infection remain high Fear of spreading respiratory diseases An infection can occur in the lips Keep away from children from 5 years to t

Why Organ Donation Necessary? How to apply for a donor card? Know all the answers

Organ donation importance: Organ donation is being promoted by many organizations, hospitals and even doctors personally. A person's life can also be saved through organ donation. There are two types of organ donation. One is done by the living person and the other is done after the death of the person. In living organ donation, a kidney or organ is donated while the person is alive so that the donor survives and the recipient survives. When organs are donated from a person's body after death, the permission of the family is mandatory. Awareness Program for Organ Donation by Govt People are being made aware about organ donation by the government through many media. In which NOTO i.e. National Organ Tissue and Transplant Organization works at the national level. While at the regional level ROTO means Regional Organ Tissue and Transplant Organization and at the state level SOTO means State Organ Tissue and Transplant Organization is functioning. Why Organ Donation Necessary?

Betel leaf used in cooking is also beneficial for skin, know its use

Most of the things commonly used in cooking are used elsewhere. Used to enhance flavor in cooking, betel leaves contain several nutrients. Which is also beneficial for our skin. Today let's talk about its various uses. Very beneficial in boosting immunity Bay leaf has been proven to be very beneficial in boosting our immune system. It is rich in elements like vitamin C, antioxidants, zinc and bioflavonoids. Vitamin C creates antibodies in the body which help in boosting our immunity. Useful for acne Due to the antibody properties of bay leaf, it relieves acne. It also reduces swelling and helps prevent bacteria from growing on the skin. Helps detox the skin Tamarind leaves have antioxidant properties, which help detox the skin by removing toxins and impurities. Due to which many skin related problems are eliminated Inflammation will be relieved Tamarind helps in soothing skin problems like inflammation, along with skin redness, inflammation etc. Bay leaf mask Make a past

If you sleep less than 6 hours, be careful, the damage will be big

Less than 6 hours of sleep damages memory: American scientists and doctors have claimed about sleep. According to a sleep specialist at the University of Southern California's Department of Medicine, getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night reduces a person's ability to form memories and recall these things in the future. Also, lack of sleep does not affect everyone equally. But it definitely affects the brain. Due to which we can forget small things like where the keys are kept, what is the name of a particular acquaintance etc. Dangerous for rapid sleep After getting proper sleep, our brain works to remember the events that happened during the past day. This is called rapid eye movement (REM). This REM sleep happens after the sleep process is over. According to doctors, this REM sleep plays an important role in preserving memories in our brain forever. I will not remember things happening in front of me If you don't sleep well, you'll struggle to pay attention

Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of cancer by 17%, it also protects against these diseases

Quitting smoking may reduce cancer risk: Smoking has become part of the lifestyle of many people around us. A study has come out which states that quitting smoking can reduce the risk of cancer by 17 percent. Know its other benefits... Immediate health improvement Good effects on your health start immediately after quitting smoking. This lowers the level of carbon monoxide in your blood, which helps regulate your heart rate and blood pressure. Recovery of the respiratory system Your respiratory system starts to improve within the first few weeks of quitting smoking. This improves lung function, which reduces symptoms like shortness of breath and cough. In addition, the risk of infection is also greatly reduced. Boost immunity Smoking worsens your immune system, so quitting smoking can strengthen your immune system. This improves your overall health. Improve taste and smell Smoking impairs the sense of smell and taste, but these senses can regain their intensity after quitting

Beware of excessive ginger consumption in winter, know its side effects

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 09 February 2024 Friday Ginger is used in almost every Indian household. No dish or tea tastes incomplete without ginger. This is the reason why ginger is needed in Indian kitchens. Apart from enhancing the taste, it is also very beneficial for health. Ginger not only boosts our immunity but also helps in relieving many health problems but it is said that some things can be very harmful. Same with ginger. Consuming it in excess can cause many health problems. If you are one of those people who often like to drink more ginger tea or eat more ginger, then know its disadvantages. Lowers blood sugar levels According to some studies, ginger can help lower blood sugar levels, which can be beneficial for diabetics. However, if you eat ginger with diabetes medications, there may be excessive hypoglycemia in which blood sugar levels drop abnormally. Digestive problems Excessive use of ginger can cause digestive problems. Symptoms may include heartburn, g

Consuming these 5 fruits will purify the blood, kidney and liver will also be healthy

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 03 February 2024 Saturday Deficient or toxic blood in the body is very harmful. The work of blood is to deliver nutrients, oxygen etc. to the tissue in the body. Often, if the toxic substance is not filtered, all these harmful substances are mixed in the blood. It can cause many types of diseases. Many times skin problems like acne, rashes are caused due to mixing of impurities with blood. The kidney does the job of cleaning the blood, but due to excessive consumption of toxic substances, the kidneys and liver are also gradually damaged. Meanwhile, it is very important that the blood of the body remains pure. It is not necessary for you to take medicines only. You can also remove the toxic substances present in the blood by consuming some natural products. Blood purifier 5 fruit 1. Beat Beets are rich in antioxidants. Which improves liver functions. Detoxifies the blood. Eating beets reduces inflammation. Keeps the liver healthy. Meanwhile, eating

After the cold, now the heat has started, there is more chance of getting sick in the off-season, take care in this way

Image Source: Freepik New delhi date. 06 February 2024, Tuesday Seasons change throughout the year. Sometimes rain, sometimes cold and then this intense heat. All these changes can make you sick. In such a situation, it is necessary to take care of your health in this changing season because you can become a victim of the double season of cold and heat. Cold-heat means flu and cold-fever. In such a situation you should adopt some home remedies for cold-fever keeping these symptoms in mind. So let's find out what are the symptoms you may experience in heat-cold problem and what are the home remedies for it. Hot-cold symptoms You may experience fever and flu symptoms as soon as the cold starts. Also your throat may become dry. Feeling very tired and may have headaches and body aches. These two seasons can cause cough with phlegm in winter. Home Remedies for Cold-Hot Double Seasons If you are a victim of this double season, mix honey in milk and drink it. Then you can make a de

do you go to the gym So get some tests done by doctor to avoid heart attack

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 01 February 2024 Thursday People are scared by the news of heart attack while doing gym or some brisk activity. Many desperate cases of heart attacks have come to light after Corona. These incidents are scaring even young people. Doctors believe bad lifestyle is the cause of heart disease in young people. There are some doctor prescribed tests that should be done by people who work out. Make screening a habit Health screening or routine checkup should be done to avoid diseases. According to the doctor, if you feel fear while working out in the gym or fear of a heart attack, then some basic tests should be done. The results of this test should be especially good if you are running long distances or doing a fast workout or activity. Basit test 1. Heart rate, BP, weight, body mass index and waist circumference 2. Hemoglobin 3. Falling blood sugar 4. Lipid profile 5. Homocysteine 6. Vitamin B 7. Vitamin D 8. Liver function test 9. Creatine 1

Consume these 5 natural drinks, the dirt in the stomach will be cleaned and the problem of constipation will be removed.

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 12 February 2024 Monday Most of the people nowadays do not have a clean stomach due to wrong food and drink. It complains of constipation. It has been shown in many researches that if the stomach is not clean, it increases the pressure on the lining of the intestine and the lining of the intestine is directly connected with the nerves of the brain, that is, if your intestines are not healthy, your mind is restless because of this. Your intellectual function may be affected by it. So colon hygiene is very important but for that some natural drinks will work better than medicine. Natural Drinks for Colon Cleanse 1. Adequate water In order to keep the stomach always clean, it is necessary to consume enough water regularly every day. If you can't drink much water, increase your intake of foods that are high in water content. For this increase the intake of tomato, watermelon, salad leaves, lettuce etc. 2. Saltwater flush If the stomach is upset

What will happen if you take expired medicine by mistake? Know how much damage can be done to the body

Image Envato Expired Medicine Side Effects: Whenever we go to buy medicine in medical, we always check its expiry date. We do not buy expired medicine, but sometimes we do not know if the medicine left at home is expired. As you know, expired medicine becomes poison and that medicine has no effect on the disease. But you will be surprised to know that, if the medicine is consumed after the expired date written on the packaging, it can sometimes cause problems. Today let's know what happens if expired medicine is consumed by mistake... Expired Debt means Whenever you go to buy medicine, there are two dates written on its packet. In which the manufacturing date of a medicine is the date the medicine is made, while the expiry date means that after this date the company has no guarantee about the safety and efficacy of the medicine. This is what the expired date written on the medicine means. Why should not eat expired medicine Expired medicine should never be consumed as per do

These myths associated with kidney stones that we take for granted are true, know the facts

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 31 January 2024 Wednesday North India has the highest number of kidney stone cases in India. Some doctors and health experts have estimated that people from North India have a 10 to 15 percent higher risk of developing kidney stones. There are many types of information on the internet regarding kidney stone but the question arises that one cannot blindly trust every information. Especially health related information cannot be trusted blindly at all. Many people believe this myth regarding kidney stones to be true A stone patient should not eat tomato Whenever the level of potassium in a person's blood starts to increase, then they are not allowed to eat tomato. Tomatoes are also forbidden to eat in other diseases. Kidney patients should not drink milk Milk is rich in calcium. So kidney patient should not drink milk. It can increase the disease. According to health experts, kidney patients should drink milk. This prevents the stone from growi

There are three types of heart attack, recognizing these symptoms at the beginning will save your life

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 31 January 2024 Wednesday A heart attack can happen to anyone these days...anytime. A heart attack causes sudden, severe pain in the chest. If a person gets treatment at the right time, life can be saved or life can be lost. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) There are many types of heart attack but STEMI is the most serious and fatal. In this heart attack, the coronary artery is completely blocked and the artery becomes blocked and blood clots. The latter requires angioplasty or clot dissolving drugs. After which the blood starts to flow again inside the heart and then the risk of heart failure can be reduced. This signal is seen in the body before a heart attack Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) Anasthemia is also a type of serious heart attack. More than one of which leads to blockage in half of the coronary arteries. Blood cannot reach this blockage properly. Due to which the heart gets damaged a lot. Tr

Do you stay up late at night? So be careful, serious illnesses can happen!

Sleep Patterns And Health: In the age of modern lifestyle and social media, most people stay up late at night. Busy on mobile phone for hours even after going to bed at night. These habits of today's youth are causing serious diseases and health damage. Let's know in detail how unnecessary exposure can harm health... What do health experts say? In a special conversation with the media, the senior consultant physician of Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad. Dilip Gude said, 'Staying up late at night can increase stress, most people know this, but these habits can cause serious damage to health. Waking up late at night affects the natural cycle. If this cycle lasts for a long time, the hormonal system stops working properly and the metabolism is also affected. Body temperature also starts to change and life expectancy may also decrease.' Memory loss may occur People who have a habit of sleeping late can have problems concentrating on things after a long period of time. It c

Sunflower seeds are a treasure of health, this is effective for serious diseases, know how to use

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 30 January 2024 Tuesday Sunflower flowers are very beautiful to look at but did you know that their seeds are also very beneficial for your health. Its seeds have properties that can save you from many serious diseases. Sunflower seeds are very beneficial for health due to their nutritional properties. Its seeds contain healthy fats, acids, vitamins and minerals. Which is very important for our body. Sunflower seeds are rich in nutrients Sunflower seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients. It is rich in protein, healthy fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Along with this, it is also rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, magnesium, selenium and copper. This nutrient plays an important role in overall health, from boosting immunity to maintaining heart health. It is effective in these diseases Controls cholesterol   Sunflower seeds contain healthy fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. This healthy fat is very effective in reducing b

People who eat fruit after meals, beware! Such a habit can make you sick

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 30 January 2024 Tuesday Do you eat citrus fruits after meals? Oranges, lemons, grapes and quinoa are all citrus fruits known for their great taste. Which contains more vitamin C. It is a powerful anti-oxidant that supports the immune system and also helps increase collagen. It also helps in the absorption of iron in the body. Although sour fruits are very beneficial but sour fruits should not be eaten after meals. What are the benefits of citrus fruits? Sour fruits contain dietary fiber so it relieves constipation and keeps the stomach healthy and proper digestion. The vitamins and antioxidants present in it are very helpful in keeping the body healthy but it is not considered appropriate to consume it after a meal. 1. Acid reflux Citrus fruits are acidic and consuming them immediately after lunch can upset digestion for some individuals. Acidity can cause restlessness, indigestion or heartburn. Especially people suffering from acid reflux should