

How much protein should women take in a day according to age, know complete information

Image Envato Dt. June 4, 2023, Sunday It is necessary to take all kinds of food to keep the body healthy, because if the balance of any element in the body deteriorates, understand that the body will start developing various diseases. So you have to be constantly aware about health. Protein is an essential nutrient in our body. And adequate amount of protein should be taken so that it helps in building strong bones, and also helps in repairing the deficiency in the cells of the body. We have a growing gym craze among young men and women these days, since they think that protein is all they need. But this idea of ​​yours is wrong. Just as a man needs protein, a woman also needs protein to keep her body healthy. But now the question arises that how much protein should women take in a day? How much protein should women consume in a day? According to a report released by the WHO (World Health Organization), women aged 15 years and above need 40 to 46 grams of protein per day. However

Green Apple Benefits: Consumption of green apple is very beneficial including healthy skin, eyesight.

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 09 June 2023 Friday Green apples are rich in antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber and minerals. Which is beneficial for your health. Including it in your diet can provide you with many benefits. Green apples contain many types of phytochemicals. One of which is Quercetin. It is one of the best antioxidants that helps keep the liver healthy by protecting it from oxidative stress. The antioxidant properties found in its bark can help protect the liver from the risk of cancer. Green apple has properties like calcium, protein, magnesium, phosphorus. Apart from this, it also contains vitamin A and vitamin K, which promote bone health. It helps in increasing bone mass density as well as keeping bones strong. Green apples contain polyphenols with anti-obesity properties that reduce fat and keep weight under control. Green apples are also very good for the stomach. It contains a substance called pectin, which acts as a probiotic. Helps maintain prope

Follow these 11 tips to reduce screen time, know its benefits

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 16 June 2023 Friday Most people who work from home are feeling that their entire day is spent in front of a screen. First he works on the computer all day and then meets on Zoom or watches TV for entertainment. They are always in front of the screen. During the epidemic, people did not go out of the house and even in winter, going out of the house has become less. Meanwhile, with devices and screen time is increasing. So controlling screen time is very important as too much screen time can lead to eye problems and headaches. Insomnia, depression and anxiety are also feared. 1. Be kind to yourself If you are working from home, you can't completely stay away from the screen as it helps with meeting and talking with colleagues along with work. But you should try to minimize screen time, such as staying away from screens during breaks. 2. Where-how much time you use If you want to change your habits, first take a week to notice where you spend yo

5 yoga poses to do daily during office breaks!

Stressed and sleepy at work? Long office hours and workplace stress play a huge role. Modern day problems need 5000-year-old solutions. The world is observing the ninth International Day of Yoga today, and it is important to integrate yoga whenever it is needed. Here are the five yoga poses that will save you from neck pain, muscle strains, or any cervical spine problems. 1. Shoulder rolls Be seated in your office chair and straighten your spine. Inhale and draw the shoulders up towards your ears and back, then down and forward on the exhale. Repeat it twice, in an anti-clockwise direction. This increases mobility in the shoulder joints and opens the chest. This can relieve the tensed muscles from continuously sitting and working on the computer in a still position. 2. Leg cradle Sitting on a chair, place your outer left ankle on your right thigh. With your right hand resting on your left ankle and your left hand on your left knee, exhale and bend forward from the hip joints. Keep

Have you ever had date tea? Know its benefits

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 21 June 2023 Wednesday Tea is a very important part of our Indian lifestyle. You must have drunk many types of tea by now. Like green tea, black tea, jasood tea, milk tea, besides this there is a long list of teas but have you ever had date tea. There are many benefits of drinking this tea. Benefits of drinking date tea 1. One particular purpose of drinking date tea is to reduce sugar intake. Some people avoid eating sugar. Use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar but artificial sweeteners are also very harmful for overall health. Meanwhile, when you drink date tea, you don't need sugar. It also gives you sweetness and gives you many benefits. 2. Dates contain antioxidants that lower bad cholesterol. Keeps BP under control and thus is very beneficial for overall heart health. 3. Dates are also rich in magnesium. This can strengthen your immunity. This reduces your risk of seasonal illnesses. 4. Studies have found that dates contain a compo

Why is rice washed before cooking? Know its scientific reason

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 21 June 2023 Wednesday When making rice, you may have noticed that the rice is washed first. People believe different reasons for washing rice before cooking but even today people do not know the scientific reason behind it. From chefs to housewives, it is believed that washing rice before cooking reduces the starch content of rice, as starch is not considered good for health. Most people avoid cooking rice in a cooker and steaming it in an open pot is advised because when rice is prepared from rice in flour, the starch rises on top of the rice. Rice is not washed to prepare recipes such as risottos, paella, rice pudding, as these recipes require a sticky effect, although this may also reduce the type of rice, health benefits or warning, and cooking time. According to one study, glutinous rice, medium grain rice and jasmine rice varieties are not due to starch but amylopectin which is released during cooking. So this has nothing to do with washing r

Bones can get weak in youth, change 5 habits otherwise there will be huge damage

Image Envato Dt. 21 June 2023, Wednesday Bones need to be strong to keep the body healthy. If the muscles and bones are strong then the body will be healthy and because of that the health will be good. If there is any problem in any part of the body, one has to face many difficulties. Keeping the bones strong is essential to keep the body fit, healthy and energetic. After weakening of bones, a person has to face many difficulties in walking, sitting, standing up. That is why it is necessary to take care of health. And for that, the diet should include foods that strengthen the bones. Let's find out what to do to strengthen bones. 1. Avoid excessive intake of salt According to experts, consuming too much salt can weaken bones. Many people consume too much salt, but this habit can weaken bones. Excessive salt intake causes calcium to be excreted in the urine, which weakens the bones. 2. Soft drinks should not be consumed excessively Excessive consumption of soft drinks weakens

World Bicycle Day: Daily cycling has many benefits including weight loss

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 03 June 2023 Saturday Physical activity is very important to keep oneself healthy. However, in today's busy lifestyle, people's physical activity has become very less. Due to this, people are suffering from many types of serious diseases. Obesity is a concern of everyone but do you know how much you can benefit if you take some time to cycle every day? Cycling is the best way to stay healthy. According to the World Health Organization, cycling can also keep you healthy. Helpful in weight loss Cycling is an excellent exercise. If you don't want to lose weight by going to the gym, you can also lose weight by cycling. If you cycle for 30 minutes or more every day, the excess fat deposited on your body starts to decrease. This usually affects the stomach and thighs the most. Because this part of the body has the most movement. Cycling for half an hour can burn around 300 kilos of calories. 1 hour of cycling can burn up to 500 kg of calories

The government has banned 14 types of drugs, including paracetamol combination, which are dangerous for humans

image : Pixabay The government has banned 14 fixed dose combination (FDCs) drugs. They include nimesulide and paracetamol dispersible tablets, clopheniramine maleate and codeine syrup. The government says that the use of these drugs can be harmful to human health. The distribution, manufacture and sale of these drugs has been banned. These drugs were inviting serious illnesses This was stated in a notification issued by the government. The government has taken this step based on the recommendations of the expert committee. Medicines with the composition of nimesulide and paracetamol are commonly used for fever, headache, migraine, muscle pain, toothache, arthritis pain, spondylitis, osteoarthritis, period pain etc. Overuse of these drugs can cause liver, kidney and heart problems. Which drugs are included in the list? This list includes Nimesulide + Paracetamol Dispersible Tablets, Chlopheniramine Maleate + Codeine Syrup, Pholcodine + Promethazine, Amoxicillin + Bromhexine and Br

Is your child excessively naughty? So may be this disease, know the symptoms and remedies

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 09 June 2023 Friday Everyone knows that children are mischievous. If children don't misbehave in childhood, when will they but if your child misbehaves too much, this is not something to ignore. Your child may be struggling with a mental health disorder. This disease is known as ADHD. That is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is a neurological disorder. Symptoms begin to appear at an early age, usually around the age of 7. What is ADHD? ADHD children have problems with concentration, memory, sitting still, walking properly, and making friends with others. According to the doctor, this problem is more common in families where there is a stressful atmosphere in the house or children are more stressed on studies. This problem is more common in boys as compared to girls. Sometimes this problem is so much that it becomes difficult for both the teacher and the parents to teach the children something. Such children do not mix with other c

5 Fiber-rich Vegetables That Lower Blood Sugar, Great for Diabetics

Image Envato Dt. 20 June 2023, Tuesday Diabetic patients have to be more careful in eating and drinking. We should improve our diet plan to reduce blood sugar and if blood sugar is too high. After diabetes it is advised to take fiber rich food. It is said that fiber acts as a friend for diabetes. and manages blood sugar. Foods rich in fiber prevent blood glucose from rising suddenly. And slows down the process of absorption of sugar. Here are some of the fiber-rich vegetables that prove to be helpful in diabetes. Beans Vegetables that are high in fiber include beans. Green beans are a good source of fiber as well as protein, fiber, vitamins and many minerals. It also contains iron and calcium. Legumes help lower blood sugar. Along with this it also helps in weight loss. Broccoli Green broccoli is considered to be a good vegetable for health. Broccoli is rich in vitamin C. And also contains fiber. Vitamins A, C, E, K and B12 are found in broccoli. Phytochemicals in these vegetabl

World Blood Donor Day: Blood donation is very beneficial for health, know its 5 benefits

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 14 June 2023 Wednesday Millions of people die every year due to lack of blood during treatment all over the world but when a person donates blood or plasma it becomes a life-saving gift like a life-saving gift. Donating blood is not only beneficial for others but also beneficial for the health of the blood donor in many ways. Relieves stress When you donate blood regularly it not only affects your physical but also your mental health and it reduces your stress level. Donating blood reduces your stress level, you feel better emotionally. You can keep yourself away from negative emotions and save yourself from loneliness. Best for the heart Donating blood reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. This also reduces the risk of lower blood pressure. If your blood pressure is too high and there is a problem of blood clotting in the vascular system, this increases the risk of heart stroke or heart attack, while donating blood reduces this risk. Hem

These 5 fruits remove the lack of water in the body, will keep you healthy and hydrated, consume plenty in the heat.

Image Envato Dated 14 June 2023, Wednesday Everyone should drink more water in the heat because water is lost from the body in many ways due to the heat. Green vegetables and fruits are eaten along with this. Which keeps the body hydrated and also cures many diseases. It is very important to keep the body hydrated and healthy during the summer season. During the hot season, there are many foods that are rich in water, by consuming which you can overcome the water deficiency. At such times it is very important for us to know that there are foods that contain a lot of water. In summer season it is advisable to consume foods that are rich in water. Taking these five types of fruits will be beneficial 1. Watermelon: According to a medical news paper, watermelon contains a lot of water. And because of this, it is said to consume a lot of watermelon in summer. Watermelon contains about 90% water which keeps the body hydrated. Apart from this, it also contains many other nutrients that

Sickle Cell Anemia: Serious Blood Disease, Know Symptoms & Treatment

Image Source: Freepik New delhi date. 19 June 2023, Monday Sickle cell anemia is a disease in which the body stops making blood. This is a type of blood disorder in which red blood cells are affected. World Sickle Cell Awareness Day is celebrated on 19th June every year to make people aware about this. What is sickle cell anemia? (Sickle Cell Anemia) Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease. This disease affects the formation of red blood cells present in the body, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Red blood cells are usually round in shape and flexible so they can easily pass through the blood vessels. But in sickle cell anemia, some of the red blood cells are moon-shaped. It becomes sticky and hard, which slows down the blood flow, causing the body to lose blood and gradually destroy sickle cells, which causes a decrease in red blood cells. It affects the oxygen available to the body, without proper treatment the chances of death also increase. According to experts, this

How dangerous is it to keep cooked food in plastic containers? Know the real truth

Image Envato Dt. 7 June 2023, Wednesday In the changing life style we don't even see how much we are compromising our health. Not really thinking about whether it is right or not. If the food left at home increases, we put it in a plastic container and keep it in the fridge. And in addition, people working in the office spend both the time simultaneously, so that time is saved. But the question is, how appropriate is it to store the grown food in the fridge? And how appropriate is it to keep food in plastic containers? Some of us use plastic containers to keep food in the fridge, while others keep it in glass containers. But today we will tell you how to store leftover food after it is left over. How safe is it to keep a plastic container in the fridge? To keep food in the fridge we use plastic containers which are not prone to breakage and can be used well. But has the health department assured the safety of plastic? Plastic is considered by most of the people that it is not

There is a pain in the lower back, you will get benefit from this yogasana, practice like this

Image Envato Dt. 12 June 2023, Monday Nowadays, most of the people have to work sitting at one place for hours. So that the muscles around the waist and neck become weak and the problem of pain starts. Not only this, the problem of stiffness in the cervical area increases. To get rid of this problem, relaxation can be obtained through yoga. A well-known Yogacharya has given information about some important yoga and subtle exercises. With the help of which you can strengthen your neck, shoulders and get rid of back pain problems. take care Sit in the padmasana posture on the mat and close your eyes and now concentrate on your in-breath process. Take a deep breath and chant the word Om. Pray with both hands together. The first study - Stand up straight on your mat. Keep a little distance between the two feet, making the distance more than shoulder level. - Now while inhaling keep one hand behind the waist and raise the other hand above the head. - Now while inhaling slide the o

Some benefits and rules of donating blood, know who cannot donate blood

Image Envato Dt. 12 June 2023, Monday Donating blood is a great donation... Every one of us must have heard this phrase sometime in life. Because in an emergency, donating blood to a needy person can save his life when he is dying between life and death due to lack of blood. While many of us may have donated blood, some may not know when to donate blood. But not everyone can donate blood, there are many reasons behind it. If you too are thinking of donating blood, let's know who can donate blood and who can't? According to information, only one person in thirty people is suitable to donate blood. If the ears are pierced or tattooed People who have recently pierced the nose, ears or any part of the body. Or tattooed people can't donate blood? If you have also had a permanent makeup treatment, you must wait at least four months before donating blood. In this regard, experts say that donating blood immediately after tattoo or makeup treatment carries the risk of hepatiti

If you are over 40 then this test is a must, stay safe from many diseases like heart attack to cancer.

Image Envato Dt. 18 June 2023, Sunday So today is celebrated as Father's Day . And on this day many people give some gift to father while some people give something related to their life. But according to one idea, from birth to growing up, father is alert about our health every moment. Whenever we have any small or big ailment, father immediately rushes to the doctor for treatment. But have you ever wondered if their health is fine or not? So today let's give him the gift of good health. If you have reached 35-40 years, this time you need to undergo some special tests so that the rest of your life can be spent in a healthy way. And nowadays you can get protection against diseases like heart attack and cancer at a young age. So let's know which are the medical tests which can avoid or eliminate the risk of many diseases after 40 years. Some Special Medical Tests After 40 Years 1. Mottapa test According to the doctor of the famous hospital Mound Elizabeth in Singapor

Does your mood often turn bad? So follow these tips

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 12 June 2023 Monday Sometimes things that we don't like or hearing some negative things make our mood bad but it doesn't mean to be sad all day. You can change your mood instantly by adopting some remedies. If you are in a bad mood, you can spend some time in the sun. This increases serotonin in the body which helps a lot in improving your mood. Often you live in such a negative environment that you spoil your mood by listening to negative people. Meanwhile you sit with those people who are laughing and joking all the time. Whose sense of humor is very good. Sitting with positive people makes you think better and in turn improves your mood. You can listen to your favorite song if you are in a bad mood due to something in the office or at home. However, this should include positive music. This can help you get out of a bad mood. Listening to music can increase the brain's production of the hormone dopamine. It is known to uplift the moo

Do you suffer from sweating more than usual in summer? So try these tips

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 05 June 2023 Monday Sweating is very common in summer but some people sweat more than usual. Due to sweating, the body smells bad. Every time the chika is felt. Apart from this, dehydration also becomes a problem. Spicy food If you sweat profusely then you should not eat too much hot and spicy food in summer because when you eat spicy food your body starts sweating to cool down the body by releasing this heat. Eating too much spicy food accelerates the process of sweating in the body. Caffeine In summer, if you are consuming too much tea or coffee, it should be avoided as the consumption of caffeinated food causes excessive sweating in the body. Meanwhile, you should consume coffee or tea in moderation or not at all. Cotton cloth Don't wear breathable clothes in summer. Always wear cotton clothes that allow sweat to dry easily. This absorbs sweat from the body and also helps in drying it quickly. Yoga If you include yoga in your daily rou

Somewhere you are also eating frozen dessert mistaking it for ice cream, right? Know the difference between the two

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 05 June 2023 Monday As soon as summer starts, people eat a lot of ice cream but do you know that what you are eating thinking it is ice cream is actually not ice cream at all. Most of the products sold in the market in the name of ice cream are frozen desserts. However, to identify this, you should read the packet carefully when buying an ice cream. You will realize that what you thought was ice cream is actually a frozen dessert written on the packet. What is a frozen dessert? Most of the ice cream you eat is a frozen dessert. Eating this frozen dessert can lead to health related problems. Just as pure milk is used to make ice cream, frozen desserts use no milk at all, but contain a lot of palm oil. This palm oil increases your bad cholesterol. Whenever you buy an ice cream that is actually a frozen dessert, you can tell by the label on the packet that it contains 10.2 percent vegetable oil or vegetable protein products. Also, frozen desserts cont

Do you also feel restless while sleeping at night? This is a symptom of the disease, know the remedies

PC: Twitter Ahmedabad. 16 June 2023, Friday Over the past few years, people have been suffering from insomnia related diseases. People cannot sleep properly at night due to this type of problem. If they do not get proper sleep at night, they feel sleepy throughout the day and also affect their daily work in many ways. Some people feel restless while sleeping at night. Some people also experience sudden shortness of breath and suffocation. If you also experience these symptoms, it may be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. This disease is very dangerous. It can even cause death if not treated in time. Every year the cases of this disease are increasing all over the world. Its cases are more common in people after the age of 50. Why is suffocation felt? Obstructive sleep apnea, according to physicians, causes the airway muscles to weaken and stop. This blocks the airways and causes difficulty in breathing. Restlessness while sleeping at night is the initial symptom of this disease.

Follow these 11 tips to reduce screen time, know its benefits

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 16 June 2023 Friday Most people who work from home are feeling that their entire day is spent in front of a screen. First he works on the computer all day and then meets on Zoom or watches TV for entertainment. They are always in front of the screen. During the epidemic, people did not go out of the house and even in winter, going out of the house has become less. Meanwhile, with devices and screen time is increasing. So controlling screen time is very important as too much screen time can lead to eye problems and headaches. Insomnia, depression and anxiety are also feared. 1. Be kind to yourself If you are working from home, you can't completely stay away from the screen as it helps with meeting and talking with colleagues along with work. But you should try to minimize screen time, such as staying away from screens during breaks. 2. Where-how much time you use If you want to change your habits, first take a week to notice where you spend yo

Do you get pain in the veins of your hands from working on a laptop for hours? So try this solution

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 04 June 2023 Sunday In today's modern lifestyle, most people sit and work on laptops for hours. Due to which they start to suffer a lot of pain and discomfort in the veins and wrists. However, wrist and vein pain can have other causes. Keeping the hands in one position for hours puts stress on the wrists. Carrying heavy loads also puts a lot of stress on the wrists. In such situation you can try this recipe. This will give you much more comfort. Do breathing exercises Many times due to lack of proper blood flow in the body, veins start to ache in many parts. When this happens to you too, you need to do breathing exercises. This will give you much more comfort. According to the report, if you do deep breathing exercises every day, this will help you get rid of the pain caused by the veins. Also you will get immediate relief. Eucalyptus oil massage Massage with eucalyptus oil to relieve pain in veins. Eucalyptus oil has many nutritional propert

Control blood sugar without drugs through these 6 fruits, learn how

Image Envato Dt. 4 June 2023, Sunday In today's time, most of the people's life has become sedentary and due to this, many stomach diseases become home. And in that too, the risk of diseases like diabetes increases due to sedentary life and eating market food. Due to the increase in the amount of insulin in the body, the blood sugar level increases. And thus staying diabetic for a long time starts affecting different parts of the body as well. According to doctors, first of all you need to pay attention to your diet According to doctors regarding diabetes, it is necessary to keep the blood sugar level under control. So first of all you should pay attention to your diet. People who have diabetes should include some fruits in their diet that help control blood sugar levels. If these six types of fruits are included in your daily diet, blood sugar levels can come under control. purple Jambu or black plum is considered to be the best fruit for diabetic patients. Jambu contai