

Having a dry cough after a viral fever? Don't be careless, know what could be the cause and treatment

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 13 October 2023 Friday Viral fever is common with changing weather. In which most people get upper respiratory tract infection. Post-viral cough after the fever is over is very bothersome to many people. In which the patient has a dry cough. Heaviness and pain in the chest. Coughing time may vary. In severe cases the cough subsides in the morning and increases in the afternoon. Along with this, symptoms like headache, tears in the eyes, burning or feeling hot in the body are also seen. If you or any household member is facing such problem then these tips may come in handy. It can take so long Don't panic if your fever is gone after a viral infection but you have a dry cough. This is normal but carelessness can make you cough for a long time. Post viral cough can last from 3 to 8 weeks. So if your cough is not getting better for a long time, don't panic, don't think negative. If there is any doubt in your mind, get it checked by a doctor

This vegetable is a panacea for asthma patients, include it in your diet

Image wikipedia Dt. 13 October 2023, Friday Effective for Asthma Patients Sargvao: Considered as a panacea in various diseases, Sargvao is known worldwide for its many medicinal properties. Sargava can be used in every way for health. Saragwa is well known for its many names and medicinal properties. Rich in vitamins and minerals, this pod is useful in the treatment of 300 diseases. Cholesterol is kept under control by consuming Sargava Sargava pods are considered very effective for diabetes, obesity and asthma patients. Apart from this, Sargava is considered beneficial in eye diseases. Antioxidants in sorghum are beneficial for eyesight and retina related problems. Consuming Sargava reduces bad cholesterol. Its consumption keeps cholesterol under control. The calcium and phosphorus in it strengthens the bones. Sargavo also protects against the risk of cancer Niazimicin substance is found in sorghum, due to which cancer cells do not form. So it is also said that Sargavo also pro

Are you not eating fake soap somewhere? Identify its purity by doing these three ways

Image Source: Twitter Ahmedabad. 19 October 2023 Wednesday Navratri festival is going on and during this time people prepare and eat many things in Vrat. such as soap. During Vrat, people prepare and eat sabudana pudding, khichdi and tikki. Apart from this, it is used in making many things, but it is important that the soap you are making so many things with is not fake. Eating fake soap can harm health and cause stomach infections. How to identify fake soap 1. Check with soapy water If you eat real sabudana, it may taste like rice that sticks to your teeth. Because chewing sabudana releases starch which is sticky in nature but chewing fake sabudana may give you lumps. 2. Look at burning soap Real soap beans become bigger and bigger only when they are cooked. Meanwhile, when you burn it in the fire, it will get bigger. But this will not happen in fake soap. If you burn fake soap, it will emit smoke and this may take the form of ash, while the real one will not have this problem

Sleep Disorder: 10 crore people in India suffer from insomnia, these are the symptoms

Image: Freepik New delhi date. 12 October 2023, Thursday Lack of sleep can lead to many health related problems. 10 crore people in India have a sleep disorder. This has been revealed in a research of AIIMS New Delhi. According to a research, 10 crore people in the country are suffering from Sleep Apnea disorder. About 11 percent of the adult population in the country has this problem. In this data compiled from six studies over the past two decades, AIIMS found that obstructive sleep apnea disease is more common in men than women. It also affects their work. Due to which the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease is also increasing. AIIMS has compiled this data by carrying out 6 researches over the last two decades. Research shows that cases of obstructive sleep apnea are more common in men. Due to this I do not sleep well at night. Due to which the day-to-day operations are also affected. OCA also increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The research is p

The Best Time to Get Vitamin D from the Sun and Its Amazing Benefits

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 October 2023 Wednesday Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that benefits the body in many ways. It helps keep bones strong, boosts immunity and reduces the risk of certain types of cancer and other diseases. The best source of vitamin D is sunlight, but it is also found in certain foods such as dairy products. The best time to get vitamin D from the sun is in the morning and evening, when the sun's rays are weak. In the afternoon, the sun's rays are very strong and can damage the skin. So avoid sitting in the sun at this time. Benefits of Vitamin D Keeps bones strong Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Which is an essential nutrient for bones. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Increases immunity Vitamin D strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight infections. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of diseases like cold, cough and flu. Reduces the risk

Morning and evening walking is not getting the benefit, are you also not doing these 5 mistakes?

Dt. 18 October 2023, Wednesday Walking Mistakes: Nowadays, a large number of people are exercising and working out to stay fit (health) and healthy. In which most of the people go for morning-evening walk instead of heavy exercise. Walking is also considered beneficial for fitness. However, walking benefits only when done correctly. That is why some things should be taken care of before going for a walk. It improves health. Today, mainly people make some mistakes (Walking Mistakes) while walking. Walking should be done with proper posture If you want to reap the full benefits of walking, you should first improve your body posture. Proper breathing can be done if the body posture is correct. The body should never lean downward while walking. This puts stress on the back, and impairs balance. Do not swing arms while walking Many people have a habit of not moving their hands while walking, and walking stiffly, walking in this way does not benefit the body. It is actually considered g

These special 5 tips for women to always stay fit, stay healthy and healthy

Image Envato Dt. 18 October 2023, Wednesday always fit and healthy women: Nowadays, women are contributing in every field and along with that, women have also made a prominent identity in various fields. It is also worth noting that the life of women is very stressful. Sometimes she takes on all kinds of responsibilities like daughter, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, grandmother. A woman who is constantly active sometimes cannot maintain her health. In which she sometimes predicts minor and major illnesses. 1. Be free from worries According to experts, women should not worry wrongly. Due to this it affects his body and mind. It is not good to worry about small things at home. Excessive stress can increase the risk of infertility, depression, anxiety and heart disease. You can maintain good health by doing meditation and yoga to reduce stress. 2. Keep walking for at least 20-30 minutes daily You don't need to spend hours in the gym regularly to keep your body healthy. Instead

Get this necessary health checkup done before the age of 40, the doctor advised

Image Envato Dt. 11 October 2023, Wednesday Health checkup: Our health is most important in today's busy life. People are adopting all methods to maintain their health which we are not saying experts are saying. In today's time health deteriorates due to some common diseases. So in some cases it is necessary to do some tests to check about the diseases. According to the National Health Service UK's digital medical experts, proper screening should be done before the risk of diseases increases, due to which the seriousness of the disease can be understood. According to experts, every man of the age of 40 should undergo some tests, due to which major diseases can be avoided. Let's know which tests should be done at the age of 40. This test is required 1. Cancer 2. Iron blood test 3. Cholesterol 4. Nutrition blood test 5. Blood pressure According to the doctor, skin cancer is normal now. The number of its cases is constantly increasing. You should pay particular

World Sight Day: Do this simple exercise to improve eyesight and reduce stress

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 12 October 2023 Thursday World Sight Day is celebrated every year on the second Thursday of October. This time it will be celebrated all over the world on October 12. The reason behind this celebration is to spread awareness among people about eye related diseases. The theme this time is Love Your Eyes at Work. The real purpose of which is to promote eye care. The reason behind celebrating this day is to prevent blindness and get early diagnosis of eye related diseases. About 285 million people in the world suffer from low vision and blindness, of which 39 million are facing total blindness. World Sight Day serves as a powerful reminder that healthy vision is a priceless gift that should never be taken for granted. In our increasingly digital world, screens and devices dominate our daily lives. It seeks to highlight the urgent need for accessible and quality eye health care. There are many simple exercises to improve eyesight and can be done anytime

Want to quit smoking but can't quit? So these 6 tips will help

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 17 October 2023 Tuesday Smoking addiction can prove to be a very dangerous addiction. Once this takes hold, it becomes very difficult to let go. Many people fail to quit smoking even after all efforts but if done properly you can say goodbye to smoking habit comfortably. There are only a few important things you need to keep in mind when experiencing tobacco and nicotine cravings to quit. Know some important tips to quit smoking 1. Make up your mind to quit smoking It is very important to always motivate yourself from within to quit smoking. You must have a powerful reason to leave it. As your health is being affected you want to avoid second hand smoke from your family and surrounding people. Want to protect yourself from lung cancer or heart related diseases, keep all these things in mind before lighting up a cigarette. 2. An alkaline diet can reduce nicotine cravings Eating an alkaline diet and eating foods rich in fiber can help you reduce s

Migraine problem can increase in winter, know the remedies to get relief

Navi Mumbai, dt. 17 October 2023, Tuesday People suffer from migraines during their lifetime. However, this condition is more common in women than men. Headaches are common due to overwork, stress or some other conditions but not every headache should be considered normal. Migraine is a special type of problem in which people experience severe headache along with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine sufferers complain of severe headache for 10 to 15 days in a month. As winter progresses, migraines can become dangerous. According to health experts, the problem of headache becomes common in winter season. Migraine problems may increase during this period. Why do migraines get worse when it gets cold? According to health experts, there are several conditions that can increase the risk of migraines during this season. According to a Mayo Clinic report, a change in weather can trigger migraines. Apart from this, dryness in the air and exces

Can Pedicure Be Harmful For Diabetics? Know the facts

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 11 October 2023 Wednesday Diabetes is a disease that has absolutely no cure. There are certain precautions that help keep it under control, but one of the problems associated with diabetes is that it carries a high risk of certain diseases. That is, even a small mistake can cause many diseases in this. Meanwhile, whatever you do in this, do it carefully. One such work is pedicure in which the feet are cleaned. In this, the dead cells of the fingers are removed and the nails are scrubbed clean. Apart from this scrubbing cleans the entire feet including the heels but this can be harmful for diabetics. Diabetics, especially those with uncontrolled blood sugar, are at increased risk of foot-related problems such as decreased blood circulation and tissue damage, and pedicures increase this risk. Why Diabetics Should Avoid Pedicure 1. Risk of leg ulcers Diabetes reduces blood circulation, causing poor blood circulation. An injury with a sharp instrumen

Daily Exercises: Do these 5 simple exercises every day, stay fit and fine

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 11 October 2023 Wednesday Staying healthy is a long-term project that requires you to work a little at a time every day. A necessary part of this project is to exercise daily. Exercise strengthens the heart and lungs along with speeding up blood circulation. Apart from this it works for your brain and mental health. Also, when you exercise every day, many parts of your body remain healthy, with which you can avoid diseases like diabetes, liver disease and obesity, but the question is what exercise you can do every day. Do this exercise every day 1. Breathing Exercise Daily breathing exercises are beneficial for your lungs in many ways. You should do this exercise first thing in the morning after waking up. This optimizes your lung function and helps make the lungs strong. Apart from this, doing breathing exercise speeds up your blood circulation and helps to refresh the brain as well. 2. Brisk Walk Brisk walking is good for your heart. For examp

Walking Mistakes: Do you make these 5 mistakes while walking? So fix it today or else...

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 16 October 2023 Monday People take many measures to stay healthy. From healthy diet to exercise, people do a lot to stay fit. However, after the daily run and being busy all day, exercising with great difficulty saves time. Meanwhile, most people prefer walking to keep themselves fit. This is one type of exercise, which is very easy to do. There is no need to go to the gym or lift heavy weights to do this. However, even after a very simple exercise, people often make some mistakes while walking, which has a negative impact on your health. Meanwhile, it is important to know what is the mistake, which you should not do at all during the walk. Bad posture Always pay attention to your posture if you want to get the most out of walking. Maintain a straight posture while walking and do not slouch. Doing this improves breathing, reduces back stress and generally improves balance. Do not swing the arms Swinging your arms while walking is a good way to w

Adopt this Ayurvedic recipe to stay healthy in winter season, immunity will be strong

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 16 October 2023 Monday Winter is slowly starting. Diseases increase in such a season. Cold-cough problem is very common. Problems like influenza, sinusitis, tonsillitis also occur in this season due to weakening of immunity. Meanwhile if you don't want to get sick in winter then Ayurveda helps you. There are some recipes that can protect you from diseases by strengthening your immunity. Dhyana-yoga Ayurveda advises meditation and yoga in life to keep the body stress-free and the mind calm. Doing yoga regularly gives physical strength. It also relieves mental stress. There are even many yoga poses that work to boost your immunity tremendously. Doing Pranayama daily also increases immunity. Ayurvedic actions There are also some Ayurvedic procedures that can boost immunity. Applying oil or coconut oil or ghee in the nostrils in the morning and evening is considered beneficial. Apart from this oil pulling therapy is also considered very good. Put

If a child has frequent fevers, don't be careless, this virus can be fatal, know what experts say

Image Envato Dt. 10 October 2023, Tuesday Health: Due to the change in the environment, various diseases are being seen across the country. From children to adults, everyone is suffering from fever. Every day government hospitals as well as private hospitals are crowded with patients. Even so, this month of Bhadrava is called the month of illnesses. One should be very careful about food and drink in this month. Otherwise, once caught in the grip of viral fever, it is difficult to escape. Mostly young children are becoming victims of viral According to doctors, due to the change in the environment, the number of people suffering from viral fever is increasing across the country. According to him, three types of viral are currently running. In which this virus affects young children quickly. So every parent should take proper care of children. Currently afternoons are hot and early mornings are cool. Special care should be taken to ensure that children do not become victims of viral

World Food Day: Learn the rules of eating to stay healthy

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 16 October 2023 Monday Our body may be made up mostly of water, but what we eat affects our energy levels and the body's ability to function. Meanwhile we should always eat and drink and keep our diet healthy. Most of us are not familiar with mealtime or its rules. Due to this, even healthy food becomes harmful for the body. Food rules 1. How much should be in the plate of food? You should take care of some things in the food plate like first of all you should have a balanced diet in your plate. - Keep most of the vegetables in the plate. These are sources of fiber, vitamins and multi-nutrients. - Then take dal. It is rich in protein. - Rice and roti which are full of calories and provide energy. - Salads are a source of fiber and roughage. - 1 piece jaggery which helps in digestion along with eliminating salt cravings. 2. Proper timing of meals You should know about the right time to eat food - Like having breakfast first thing in the

Do not ignore these symptoms that appear in the body when the level of magnesium is low

Navi Mumbai, dt. 16 October, Monday We need many types of nutrients to keep the body healthy. Magnesium is also one of them. Magnesium is a mineral that is very important to the body, hence it is called the 'master mineral'. It is considered essential for strengthening muscles and bones. An adult should consume 360-410 mg of magnesium per day. Decreasing magnesium intake leads to nutrient deficiency in the body. Today we are going to tell you about some of the same signs that indicate magnesium deficiency in the body. Leg cramps at night - one of the most common symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Muscles begin to cramp. Magnesium is considered very important for muscle function. When the level of magnesium in the body decreases, the muscles start to cramp and itch. This can often happen at night. Excessive tiredness after work – You may also face tiredness and weakness due to magnesium deficiency. Due to magnesium deficiency, the body has difficulty generating enough ene

Head cold oil massage? A BHU doctor's startling claim will make the veins of the brain sick

New delhi date. October 2023, Monday We take care of our hair like our skin, from shampoo to oil massage for hair care. But there are many people who do cold oil massage to relieve their headache or fatigue. According to the information, massaging the head with cold oil is now making the nerves of the brain sick? BHU hospital is seeing such patients every day. These patients are facing problems like headache, poor vision, brain hemorrhage and brain stroke. Surprisingly, the largest number of these are women. About 50 such cases have come to light in the last one month. Dr. V. N. Mishra, Head of Department of Neurology, BHU, said that many brands of cold oil are sold in the market, but due to the high content of camphor in them, the eyesight is decreasing and many types of diseases related to the nerves of the brain are occurring. The camphor content of the oil should be 11 MEQ, but many brands of oil contain 20 to 25 MEQ. Due to which the cold oil is damaging. The side effects of c

Morning walk is necessary to keep the body healthy and strong, know the various benefits

Image Envato Dt. 10 October 2023, Tuesday Health Morning walk: It becomes our own duty to keep the body healthy against increasing diseases. Walking for 30 minutes every morning can keep our body healthy and disease free. According to experts, walking should be done every morning and evening and after that some protein food should also be taken. According to experts, muscles become weak due to lack of protein in the body. That is why light exercises should be done every morning, but along with that, it is very important to be careful about eating. Consuming milk after walking in the morning keeps the health good and strengthens the muscles. Besides, walking in the morning makes the body energetic, so the responsibility of our health becomes our own. There are many benefits of daily morning walk, let us know about the main benefits 1 can prevent arthritis and osteoporosis Irregular lifestyle leads to various diseases in old age. In which diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosi

Is uric acid elevated? So try and make this special drink with black salt, you will get immediate relief

- Eating ajamo and black salt increases the metabolic rate and accelerates the digestion of purines New delhi date. 15 October 2023, Sunday If uric acid is increasing in the body, you should understand that this is the beginning of metabolism. Increasing metabolism means that you are eating protein-rich foods or food items. Purines from these items are being deposited in your body instead of being flushed out of your toilet. When these purines start accumulating in excess, they form stones in the stomach. Which begins to accumulate between the bones due to which a gap appears between the two bones and the bone starts to feel painful. If you are also troubled by rising uric acid, try mixing black salt with Ajma and make a drink and include it in your lifestyle. Benefits of Ajmo and Black Salt in Uric Acid Ajamo and black salt have anti-inflammatory properties that are rich. It reduces the swelling of the feet and also relieves the pain. When uric acid increases, the bones become sw

This red juice is a panacea for blood pressure patients, know other benefits

Image Freepic Dt. 8 October 2023, Sunday Health Benefits of Beet Juice: Beet juice is very beneficial for health. Beet juice contains many nutrients including potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and minerals. Consuming it keeps blood pressure under control and helps increase muscle power. Today let us know about the various benefits of beetroot juice. Beetroot juice helps lower blood pressure According to experts, beetroot juice helps in lowering blood pressure. In one report, researchers found that people who drank 250 milliliters of beet juice daily had lower blood pressure, both systolic and diastolic. Helps to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides in the body Beet juice contains many nutrients including potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and minerals. Consuming it keeps blood pressure under control and helps increase muscle power. It also helps in reducing cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. Also, the level of good cholesterol i.e. HDL in the blood is high.

Navratri 2023: Why Consume Sattvic Food on Navratri, Know Its Benefits

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 14 October 2023 Saturday The festival of Autumn Navratri is about to begin. During these auspicious 9 days devotees fast to Mother Durga. Some people fast only for 2 days while some people fast for 9 days. During these 9 days some people do not fast but eat sattvic food. Some people also avoid onion, garlic, root vegetables, tea, coffee. Fasting people avoid eating grains, salt, vegetables. During Navratri, people prefer to consume rice, ragi, sabudana, shingoda flour etc. This food item is sattvic as well as beneficial for health. Rich in fiber, protein, essential vitamins and minerals, this sattvic meal can flush out toxins and nourish the body well. Benefits of sattvic food during Navratri 1. Necessary to detoxify the body Sattvic food is generally bland, easy to digest, free of excess spices and fat. This helps in detoxifying the body and relaxing the digestive system. 2. Keeps the body energetic throughout the day Sattvic food is rich in na

Women's weakness increases after 30 years! If you eat this food, your body will be healthy

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 07 October 2023 Saturday As we age, many internal and external changes occur in the body. If a healthy diet is not consumed as we age, the body starts to weaken and the body becomes a home for diseases. After the age of 30 in women, hormonal changes occur in the body and weakness also starts to increase in the body. Meanwhile, if some special healthy drinks are consumed, the weakness in the body can be removed and the body can be kept healthy. Consuming saffron and raisins has an elixir-like effect on women's health. After 30, if women consume saffron and raisin drink, body weakness can be removed and body can be kept healthy. Know the health benefits of drinking saffron and raisin drink for women. A treasure trove of nutrients Saffron-raisin drink is a storehouse of essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin B-complex, iron and potassium. The natural sugar present in raisins instantly energizes the body and improves energy. You c

Having a dry cough after a viral fever? Don't be careless, know what can be the cause and treatment

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 13 October 2023 Friday Viral fever is common with changing weather. In which most people get upper respiratory tract infection. Post-viral cough after the fever is over is very bothersome to many people. In which the patient has a dry cough. Heaviness and pain in the chest. Coughing time may vary. In severe cases the cough subsides in the morning and increases in the afternoon. Along with this, symptoms like headache, tears in the eyes, burning or feeling hot in the body are also seen. If you or any household member is facing such problem then these tips may come in handy. It can take so long Don't panic if your fever is gone after a viral infection but you have a dry cough. This is normal but carelessness can make you cough for a long time. Post viral cough can last from 3 to 8 weeks. So if your cough is not getting better for a long time, don't panic, don't think negative. If there is any doubt in your mind, get it checked by a doctor