

Fasting on Chaitra Navratri will keep you energized throughout the day: follow these tips

New delhi date. 22 March 2023, Wednesday Chaitra Navratri has started. Navratri is one of the major Hindu festivals and is celebrated for nine days. A large number of people worship Mother Durga by fasting for 9 days during Navratri. Fasting is considered to be beneficial for health in many ways but some precautions must be taken during it. Not eating anything while fasting can be harmful to health. Today we will tell you what is the correct way of fasting for 9 days and what kind of diet people should eat during fasting. It is important to know these things. Kamini Sinha, founder of Diet Mantra, Noida, UP, says fasting properly during Navratri can be beneficial for health. Fasting properly detoxifies the body and relaxes the intestines. Weight can also be controlled to a great extent by fasting. However, prolonged starvation during fasting is very harmful to health. Doing so can cause acidity, weakness and headaches. Not only that, prolonged starvation can lead to migraines. In suc

Silent Heart Attack: Know what is a silent heart attack, without any signs or pain...

Ahmedabad. 16 March 2023, Thursday These days, be it common people or celebrities... many people have died suddenly. The cause was revealed to be a heart attack. Worryingly, such people who had no symptoms of heart attack until recently have also become its victims. Even young people are getting affected by this disease. This is called a silent heart attack. According to health experts, most of the heart attack cases these days are silent heart attacks. There is a risk of silent heart attack even without heart disease. So let's finally know what is this silent heart attack. What is a silent heart attack? Silent heart attack is called silent myocardial infarction in medical language. In this, there is no chest pain like a heart attack and the attack goes unnoticed. However, some symptoms are definitely felt. Why there is no pain in a silent heart attack According to health experts, often there is a problem with the nerve or spinal cord that transmits the sensation of pain to t

These fruits are very beneficial for the skin: including them in the diet will make your face glow

Ahmedabad. 16 March 2023, Thursday Keeping the skin hydrated is very important in summer. At such times we can use all the fruits to keep the skin glowing and hydrated. Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that can help keep your skin nourished and glowing in many ways. Fruits like oranges, papayas and kiwis are rich in vitamin C which is great for the skin. Collagen is a protein that helps keep your skin supple and vitamin C helps repair the skin. Consume vitamin rich fruits for glowing skin Fruits like berries, grapes, and pomegranates contain antioxidants that can help neutralize free radicals in your body. These fruits are very beneficial in premature aging and skin problems. To hydrate the skin Fruits like watermelon, cucumber and strawberries are high in water content which can help hydrate and rejuvenate your skin. Fruits like papaya and pineapple contain enzymes that can help exfoliate dead skin cells, unclog pores and improve skin texture

Caution! Colon cancer risk is increasing among young people, know its early symptoms

New delhi date. 21 March 2023 Tuesday Colon cancer gradually spreads to the stomach. Mostly this cancer is seen in the elderly but now this cancer is also increasing in the youth. Colorectal cancer is often thought to affect older people. However, according to a recently published study by the American Cancer Society, one in five people under the age of 55 are at increased risk of colon cancer. It is not entirely clear what causes this cancer. Who is most at risk? About one-third of colorectal cancers are caused by genetic problems. While overweight increases the risk of colorectal cancer, only 5 percent of colorectal cancers are caused by excess body weight. Apart from this, overweight is also mainly associated with tumors on the right side of the colon. How to influence All of these factors affect the microbiome. Colorectal cancer begins when healthy cells in the lining of the colon change and grow out of control, forming tumors. If cancer is detected early, the survival rate i

Walnuts are beneficial not only for health but also for skin: know its benefits

Ahmedabad. 21 March 2023, Tuesday Dry fruits are beneficial for our health in many ways. This is the reason why even doctors advise to eat it. Dry fruits also include walnuts. Walnuts can greatly help in nourishing your health. This is a superfood, which can prove helpful in weight loss. Health experts recommend eating walnuts daily. Because it is a good source of protein. Not only this, walnuts contain unsaturated fats, which are considered to be very beneficial for heart health. Thus, walnuts are beneficial for health in many ways. But do you know how beneficial this nutrient-rich dry fruit is for the skin as well? Let's find out how? According to a study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids. Both fatty acids, when consumed in the right amount, help a lot in preventing skin inflammation and other problems. The study further revealed that approximately 95 to 99 percent of the popu

Know these special things before taking vitamin supplements: Know their pros and cons

Ahmedabad. 21 March 2023, Tuesday Millions of people around the world take vitamin pills because of weakness or to get stronger. If you are one of them then this information is only for you. Indiscriminate use of nutrients is not good for health. Many people take multivitamin, vitamin B, K, D, B12, biotin, zinc, magnesium, iron supplements believing that it will make up for any nutrient deficiency in their body and also cure their health problems. But isn't taking an overdose of supplements harmful to health? Let us know today how taking vitamin supplements are beneficial and harmful for you. How many vitamin supplements are appropriate to take? An overdose can lead to toxicity if the nutritional content of a multivitamin is not monitored. Too much vitamin D is harmful to the kidneys because of the high calcium content. Any supplement taken arbitrarily will only do harm. Supplements should be taken only after consulting a dietitian or doctor. For example it can cause loss of ap

Follow these 5 remedies to get rid of itchy hair due to dandruff

Ahmedabad. 21 March 2023, Tuesday Dandruff causes white dirt to appear in the hair. This dirt is actually the skin left over from the surface of the head, also called flakes. Dandruff in general can be caused by many reasons. Sometimes the scalp becomes dry due to necessity, sometimes due to lack of nutrition and sometimes due to not cleaning the hair properly. In such a condition, the head also begins to itch which becomes a source of embarrassment when ever it happens in front of another person. There are some effective home remedies that can be tried. Home Remedies to Remove Dandruff Yogurt- Yogurt contains good amount of lactic acid. It is also a good source of protein. Curd can be applied to the hair in various ways. The first way to use curd to get rid of dandruff is to take it in your hand and apply it on your head for half an hour and then wash your head. Apart from this, hair mask can be applied by adding lemon juice to curd. Washing your head with lassi is also a good w

Don't you like vegetables too? Do you also avoid food? Watch out! The body will experience serious ailments

Our body is made up of countless things. A person needs nutrients to survive. For a healthy life, a person needs different types of food every day. If we do not get many types of nutrients daily, the body starts to change. People love to eat different types of spices in food. Some people are in the habit of eating green vegetables and some people are not. Also, many people avoid eating vegetables. So if a person does not eat vegetables for 15 days, the body can become deficient in nutrients. Along with this, a person may also suffer from a major illness. Severe deficiency of vitamins and minerals due to lack of vegetables in the diet According to health experts and dieticians, not eating vegetables for 15 days means that only carbohydrates and fats will accumulate in the body. That means there will be severe deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. Due to these defects a person may face serious illness. Not eating vegetables in food can cause so many diseases We should eat

Tired of snoring? So try these 5 mouth exercises

Ahmedabad. 21 March 2023 Tuesday Most of the time everyone snores but some people have this problem so much that sometimes they get tired of sleeping with them. Often snoring causes distance with partner. The question is why do snorers speak? The tongue, mouth, throat or nose vibrates when you breathe in. This part of your body relaxes when you sleep. It becomes constricted, causing your nostrils to snort. Here are some exercises to prevent snoring. Following which can lead to snoring free sleep. 1. Stick out your tongue and hold it for five seconds. You should do this exercise 3 to 4 times. If you want better results you can cover your tongue with a spoon. 2. Move your tongue left and right. Try to move your tongue left and right in your mouth while pushing it against your cheeks. 3. Place your fingers on your cheeks and push through your tongue. Place your fingers on the outside of your cheeks. Then press your cheeks with your tongue. You should feel a general tension on the op

This is how a 294 kg man lost 165 kg without any surgery or medication

Image FB Ahmedabad, 15th March 2023, Wednesday Nowadays, many people are troubled by their increasing weight. Due to increasing weight, there are many problems including high BP, diabetes, heart problems, fatty liver. When this weight is maintained, the risk of any serious illness in the future is reduced. Currently, a person's photo is going viral on social media. In the photo that is going viral, this person has reduced his weight to such an extent that it is difficult to recognize him now. 42-year-old Nicholas Craft, who lives in Mississippi, USA, weighed 294 kg in June 2019, which is 130 kg today. Nicholas did not resort to any kind of surgery or drugs to lose this weight. The doctor's words changed the habit Nicholas said during an interview, 'I have struggled with my weight gain since childhood. I was not physically active which made me gain weight. Due to the increased weight, I was not even participating in family functions. I could not take public transport. I

Do you want to get rid of high blood pressure without medication? Pay attention to these 5 things from tomorrow

Ahmedabad. 15 March 2023, Wednesday According to WHO, about 1.28 billion people worldwide have high blood pressure but unfortunately 46 percent of them do not even know that they have blood pressure disease. When he goes for treatment for other problems, he finds that his BP has increased. According to WHO, about 40 crore people are not receiving treatment for high BP. The main reason is that they don't go to the doctor for BP checkup. Blood pressure is responsible in one way or another for the death of 75 lakh people in the world. Sedentary lifestyle and wrong eating habits are mainly responsible for high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart, brain, kidney and other diseases. Therefore, the problem of high BP can be solved by making minor improvements in lifestyle. Eliminate high BP with these 5 steps 1 Walking:- A research from the University of Virginia has found that brisk walking 3 days a week will not only reduce high blood pressure but will a

Tulsi is a panacea remedy for these skin related problems

Ahmedabad. 15 March 2023 Wednesday Tulsi is very important in India. Many people in Hinduism worship Tulsi and believe that it brings happiness and peace in the home. However, apart from its mythological significance, Tulsi is also a healing herb. Its use can cure many problems in the body and it is also very beneficial for the skin. Tulsi cures many problems related to your skin. Whether your skin is oily or dry or has pimples, Tulsi can prove to be an effective remedy for you in all these cases. Let's know what benefits Tulsi leaves can bring to your skin. 1. Keeps skin clean The natural properties present in Tulsi leaves keep the skin clean and help unclog the pores. It acts like a natural cleanser on the skin. Tulsi leaves are a great solution for people with oily skin as it removes the impurities present on the skin and cleanses it. You can make a Tulsi face mask at home and apply it on your skin. Wash the basil leaves and grind them, then add fresh curd to it and apply i

This black fruit is a panacea for diabetes: its bark and leaves are also rich in medicinal properties.

Ahmedabad. 15 March 2023, Wednesday Jambu is a fruit that is full of medicinal properties. Jambu is considered a panacea especially for diabetic patients. Jambu is very helpful in controlling blood sugar. Not only jambu but also its stem, leaves and bark are rich in medicinal properties and are used in Ayurvedic medicines. Regular consumption of jambu helps in keeping the heart healthy. Not only that, purple is also very beneficial for the skin. Jambu is a fruit rich in nutrients. People with weak immune system can increase their immune system if they eat jambu. According to a report, jambu may also be effective in preventing colon cancer. Along with this, jambu also helps in repairing the damage caused by smoking cigarettes. So let's know about the health benefits of jambu. Eating jambu will give you these great benefits 1. Diabetes:- Due to bad lifestyle and wrong diet, the problem of diabetes has started happening at a young age. Jambu is very effective in controlling high

Why do you feel sleepy and lazy while studying?, these are the reasons

Ahmedabad. 20 March 2023, Monday You must have noticed that children start falling asleep as soon as they open the book. This happens not only with studying children but also with adults. Parents often overlook this problem in children but experts believe that it needs attention. Experts say that any tips that can be adopted to get rid of sleep should be implemented, otherwise this problem can become the enemy of your memory. Pressure on eye muscles In fact, while studying, our eyes are strained and the brain keeps feeding the reading like a computer memory. In such a condition, the eye muscles start to relax and the brain starts to refuse hard work in a short period of time and we start to feel sleepy. The body remains in a relaxed posture Another reason for falling asleep while studying is that most of our body is at rest and only the eyes and brain are working. In such a condition, due to complete body relaxation, the muscles start to relax and sleep starts. This is the reason

Energy drinks have many disadvantages, root of many problems like sugar and sleep

Ahmedabad. 20 March 2023, Monday Nowadays we have created a world where there is a mentality that any work should be done immediately. Everyone wants results in the blink of an eye. In today's crowd, people are playing with their health. People are turning to energy boosting drinks especially in the hot season these days. Energy comes immediately after drinking these drinks. Drinking energy drinks has become a part of fashion now but for your information let us tell you that these drinks can prove fatal for health. Let's know what are the ingredients in energy drinks, which can be harmful to the body. A recent study says that sweeteners used in energy drinks to sweeten the immune system. The ability to fight many diseases, including cancer, can be weakened. Not only this, the sugar level can also increase. This is very harmful for the body. Let's know about the health damage caused by consuming energy drinks... Hypertension and sleep problems The first disadvantage of

Do you have a habit of snoozing the alarm and going back to sleep? So be careful!

Ahmedabad. 14 March 2023 Tuesday Who doesn't like sleep? Many people snooze the alarm a little later in the morning. You must have done this many times. Many people find it very difficult to get up from the first alarm in the morning. This is the reason why they either turn off the ringing alarm or put it on snooze to get some more sleep. But do you know how dangerous putting the alarm to snooze can prove to be for your health? It is said that waking up early in the morning is very beneficial for health. This is absolutely true. Although this benefits only those who wake up without an alarm, people who cannot wake up without an alarm and keep hitting the snooze button may have worse health than others. A research has revealed that frequent use of the snooze button is not good for health. This is because doing this causes bad sleep. It is always best to wake up early in the alarm. Here we give you some information about the snooze button that you may have never thought about. W

H3N2 virus: Who is most at risk, whether corona vaccine is effective on this infection or not, know expert advice

New delhi date. 14 March 2023, Tuesday While the cases of Kovid-19 have been on the decline for some time now, a new virus is rearing its head. The name of this new virus is H3N2. This is a subtype of influenza. After getting infected with this virus, the patient shows symptoms like fever. In which the main symptoms are high fever, difficulty in breathing, fatigue, dry cough. This will be seen for about 3 weeks. Its guidelines have been announced in every state regarding this virus. According to doctors, precautions should be taken to avoid H3N2 virus. So that this virus can be prevented from spreading. There are many questions about the virus in people's minds After going through the corona epidemic for three years, now there are many questions about the virus in people's minds. The vaccine that was given to prevent corona virus. It is able to protect against H3N2 virus or not. People want to know about this. Find out what doctors say about this. Does the covid vaccine pr

If you are keeping a water bottle with you, be careful, there is a shocking revelation in this report

Image Envato Dt. 14 March 2023, Tuesday Recently, a team of researchers from America's ( lifted bottle caps, corked bottle caps, squeeze bottles from different places and checked them three times. From which two types of bacteria were found. In which gram negative rods and bacteria called bacillus were found. One study found that reusable bottles contained 40,000 times more bacteria than those found in a bathtub. A research was conducted by a research team from the Catholic University of Australia, in which this research was compared with toys used to relieve children's stress. He said that there are things which never deceive us, they are trustworthy, and they are not among those who harm us. A water bottle contains twice as much nitrogen as a kitchen sink. The research team explained that such infections can be caused by gram negative bacteria. Which is resistant to antibiotics drugs. Some types of bacillus can cause gastrointesti

If you are drinking water while standing, be careful, otherwise such a disease may occur

Image Envato Dt. 14 March 2023, Tuesday Water is very important for our body. Water is an important chemical component of the body. About 60 to 70 percent of our body is water. And water is the main support to keep the body alive. All cells, tissues and organs of the body need water to function properly. Loss of water in the body causes the problem of dehydration. That is why it is necessary to drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily. But among all these the question is what is the right way to drink water. Is it better to drink water standing or sitting? ? It is believed that water should not be drunk standing up. Otherwise, it may cause damage. But finally know how true this is with the doctor's advice. Drinking water while standing can cause indigestion, constipation and acid reflux problems. According to the Director of Preventive Health Department of Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, one should never drink water while standing or sleeping. Everyone should always drink water wh

Depression, weakness, lethargy... indicate vitamin B12 deficiency in the body

Ahmedabad. 14 March 2023, Tuesday Your body needs vitamin B12 to protect itself from disease. If it is deficient in the body, the body starts giving you its signals in several ways. If you tire easily and feel tired and lethargic, you may be deficient in vitamin B12. It is best to have regular blood tests to check the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Deficiency of vitamin B-12 in the body can lead to many problems. B12 also plays an important role in brain development. This vitamin is necessary for our body. So we must include some foods in the diet to meet our B12 needs. Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body If the body is deficient in vitamin B12, you can include eggs, chicken and meat in the diet. If you are a vegetarian, you may have difficulty meeting your B12 needs. You can include some readily available vitamin B12 supplements in your vegetarian diet. If you cannot meet your daily requirement of vitamin B12 through diet, you can consult your doctor. You can make

Consume these items with curd for instant energy, fatigue will go away in minutes

Dt. 14 March 2023, Tuesday Many people include yogurt in their diet for a nutrient-dense diet. Yogurt is a treasure trove of nutrients to maintain physical health. Most people consume only plain yogurt in their meals. Yogurt is considered a good source of protein, vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and folic acid. However, do you know that eating some things mixed with curd not only gives you instant energy, but also removes all the tiredness of the body within minutes. Let's find out which things you can mix in yogurt to make it more beneficial. Curd and Cumin Cumin should be mixed with curd and eaten to cure digestive problems. Due to which the digestive system of the body remains healthy and food is easily digested. Roasted cumin seeds and black salt eaten with curd increases appetite and makes you feel energetic. Curd and dry fruits Adding dry fruits to curd can make it doubly tasty and healthy. Mixing cashews, almonds and walnuts in curd will not only double

Do Bedtime Meditation before sleeping at night, you will get these miraculous benefits

Ahmedabad. 13 March 2023 Monday Most of the people who enjoy a healthy lifestyle do not forget to exercise, yoga and work out in the morning. Morning meditation is also an important part of some people's daily routine. But some people cannot find time to meditate in the morning. Meanwhile, you can also reap some great health benefits by trying bedtime meditation before going to bed at night. Meditation works as an energy booster for the body as well as making people mentally strong. Due to busy schedule, some people cannot meditate in the morning even if they want to. Meanwhile, doing bedtime meditation at night can prove to be the best option for you. How to do Bedtime Meditation Keep the room generally dark for meditating before going to bed at night. Now sit in a clean and quiet place and close your eyes. After that relax the body by taking deep breaths. Now focus your attention on breathing and practice meditation for half an hour. You can also keep yourself stress free by

Are you taking longer to recover from illness?: So keep these 5 things in mind to recover faster

Ahmedabad. 13 March 2023 Monday As the weather changes, the outbreak of many diseases also increases. After catching cold-cough, fever, skin allergy or other diseases, it takes 4 to 5 days for a person to recover. People who have weak immunity take a week or 10 days to recover. After slow recovery some people may take longer to fully recover but what is the reason behind slow recovery? Not consuming a healthy diet or making mistakes related to diet can slow down the recovery process. Diet plays an important role in fighting any illness or recovering from a wound or infection. A variety of nutrients present in the diet provide energy to the body, relieve fatigue and repair cells. 1. Avoid consuming foods that are difficult to digest Light meals should be taken during recovery from ill health. During this time the taste in the mouth is bad and one feels like eating fast food. Meanwhile, if you consume too much fried or spicy food, indigestion or acidity may occur. If you consume thi

People who eat curd every day must know this, otherwise new diseases will come home

Image Pixabay Dt. 18 March 2023, Saturday Including yogurt in breakfast in the morning keeps the body energized throughout the day. Its protein content keeps sugar under control. And gluttons are relieved. In addition, yogurt probiotics help improve digestion. Also, it is beneficial in the problem of inflammation and constipation. But people who eat curd should keep some things in mind. Otherwise it may have bad consequences. These things must be kept in mind while eating curd Most Indians take curd while having meals. But before consuming curd there are some things to keep in mind. Curd should not be eaten at night Never eat curd at night time. Eating curd at night increases drowsiness in the body. This is due to mucus formation. According to Ayurveda, the sweet and pungent properties of curd work to produce saliva. It can lead to respiratory problems. This mucus accumulates in the nasal passages and becomes thick, resulting in problems like swelling of the nose. Do not consum

This doctor does 5 exercises a day to look young, you will be shocked to know the real age

Dt. 18 March 2023, Saturday Everyone knows that one day everyone will grow old. But still many people have a hidden desire to stay young forever. No one can stop the outward appearance from aging. However, health can be kept young. An American doctor looks very fit and healthy even at the age of 63. He has also written a book on his fitness, which shows many tips to stay young. Let's know what this American doctor does to look young? 1. Vegan Diet This American doctor follows a vegan diet. This diet eats only things that are made from things that are available only from trees and plants. This diet is very high in phytochemicals and provides adequate amount of nutrients required for age. 2. Protein shake American doctors pay a lot of attention to exercise to stay fit. For which they also need protein. To get this protein, he takes a protein shake 1 hour before exercise. 3. This exercise keeps you young The doctor exercises 4-5 days a week to look fit and young. For which the