

Do you often feel tired?, then include these things in your diet from today

Ahmedabad. 12 April 2023, Wednesday Sweating is common in summer season. Fatigue also starts with it. If you exert yourself even a little, you will feel like you are already exhausted. If such a condition occurs in other seasons than summer, it is necessary to pay attention to the causes of fatigue. Sometimes one feels tired due to lack of sleep. But mostly it can also be due to diet. If your diet lacks essential nutrients, fatigue may also be more likely. To get rid of it carefully include some items in your daily diet. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:- Research conducted by the University of Siena in Italy claims that Omega 3 fatty acids increase alertness. People who consume a good amount of fish, seeds in their diet feel less tired. And they also stay more alert than others. Almonds:- Almonds have the power to fight fatigue. Eating almonds also reduces appetite. In addition, it is an excellent source of omega three fatty acids apart from vitamins and zinc. Which gives the body full energ

If you are suffering from stomach gas problem, keep this powder at home, just half a teaspoon will be beneficial

Image Twitter Dt. 10 April 2023, Monday Sometimes overeating causes gas in the stomach. So sometimes eating heavy food or too much oily or bland items causes gas in the stomach. Due to the formation of gas in the stomach, the stomach becomes bloated and there is constant sour belching. And sometimes this gas cannot get out so the head also starts to hurt. And constantly feeling restless. How many foods should be avoided to get rid of gas? You don't need to go anywhere for this, you can make this powder at home. Make this powder at home for stomach gas You can easily make this powder at home to get rid of gas in the stomach. In which you have to take 2 spoons of ajwain, some asafoetida and one spoon of black salt. Now roast it on low heat on gas first with ajwain. Allow the ajwain to cool after roasting. Take this half powder with water whenever there is gas in the stomach After the ajwain cools down, add asafoetida and black salt and grind it. When it is finely ground, pour

What is more beneficial, raw fruits and vegetables or juice? Know the true facts

Image: pixabay In today's busy life, people's lifestyle has also become busy. Due to which they do not get time to eat properly. In a busy life, people sometimes drink juice and sometimes have breakfast during work. Many people believe that drinking vegetable or fruit juice provides their body with essential nutrients. Fruit and vegetable juices contain many nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. However, eating fruits and vegetables may be more beneficial than drinking juice. Juice does not only contain fiber Juicing contains most of the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables, but juicing leaves behind the healthy fiber of fruits and vegetables. By eating fruits and vegetables, the amount of fiber reaches the body along with the juice. Fiber is considered very beneficial for health and provides relief from many ailments. Fiber plays an important role in improving the digestive system. Drinking fruit and vegetable juice will not provide f

Do not take the new variant of Corona as normal, scientists have warned, it can cause havoc

Image Envato New delhi date. 17 April 2023, Monday When the corona virus came into our lives, since then people are living in constant tension as new variants of it are coming. However, there was some relief in Corona cases from last year. But the danger is not over yet. Recently, due to the new corona virus, corona has appeared with its new form in some parts of the world including India. And in that case, the scientists announced some messages on this matter. It may be more dangerous than Omicron According to a report, scientists have claimed that the way the new variant of Corona is growing, it can be more dangerous than Omicron. Until now, Omicron was considered the most dangerous. Because it was infecting people very quickly due to the spike protein. It is our mistake to generalize the Arcturus variant.. More than 11 thousand cases of Kovid have been reported in our country till last week. This new strain of Covid has been detected in more than 22 countries till date. Accor

If such symptoms are observed in the body, there may be deficiency of potassium, it is imperative to consult a doctor

Image Envato Dt. 11 April 2023, Tuesday Potassium is one of the most important elements for our body along with calcium, potassium chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sulphur. Thus, in general, an age-appropriate person needs 47,000 mg of potassium per day. Potassium is available from daily food. Potassium is considered excellent for cells and muscles. Because it provides nourishment to man. Potassium deficiency also causes mental stress According to doctors, potassium helps in maintaining the functioning of the heart, brain and muscles. There is a risk of hypokalemia due to deficiency of potassium in the body. Due to lack of potassium in the body, negative effects are also seen mentally. Apart from this, mental stress is also generated. Today we will learn about the damage caused by potassium deficiency to the brain. Feeling tired often Many people complain at a young age that they feel tired. Fatigue is one of the major symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body. It

Drink mint buttermilk in summer to get rid of stomach related problems

Ahmedabad. 11 April 2023 Tuesday People like to drink buttermilk in summer. Buttermilk is a drink that helps in increasing the metabolic rate of your stomach and cleansing it. It also helps in curing problems like constipation. Drinking mint curd makes the bowels work faster. For mint buttermilk, mint leaves are to be ground and then extracted into buttermilk. Drinking buttermilk after adding some black salt on top helps in curing many stomach related problems. 1. Helpful in bowel cleansing Drinking mint buttermilk can help you cleanse the colon. Along with cleansing your colon, it helps in detoxifying it from within. It helps in flushing out the accumulated dirt from the body which improves its function and digests food easily. 2. Keeps stomach cool Drinking mint curd keeps the stomach cool and improves your digestion. This increases the metabolic rate of the stomach and promotes digestive enzymes. Apart from this, it balances pitta, thereby relieving stomach problems. 3. Agen

In 10 years, an epidemic like Corona can take the lives of 6 lakh people in the world, a shocking claim in the report

In the next 10 years, an epidemic like Corona can engulf the whole world. According to Airfinity Ltd, a London-based health analytics firm, there is about a 27 percent chance of facing a deadly pandemic like Corona in the next decade. According to London-based Airfinity Limited, climate change, increasing international travel, a growing aging population and threats from spreading zoonotic disease are the most important factors driving the epidemic. According to the firm's modeling, fatal outbreaks are reduced by 8.1% if a vaccine is found within 100 days of exposure to the virus. This new assessment outlines possible scenarios for the future under different epidemics This new assessment outlines possible futures under different epidemics. In a worst-case scenario, a bird flu-type virus that can spread from person to person could kill more than 15,000 people in a single day in the UK, according to estimates. In 20 years, three major corona-like viruses were found According to t

If you want to keep the liver functioning properly, follow this lifestyle and diet plan

Image Envato Dt. 16 April 2023, Sunday Like other parts of the body, the liver needs special attention to keep it healthy. That is why the concept of liver should be kept. World Liver Day is celebrated on April 19 every year. By which people's attention can be drawn to it and people can have an idea about the liver and awareness can be created. It is not that we are deliberately careless, but sometimes we do it unknowingly and then it has serious consequences. This article gives you some information about liver. In which few diet plans and some tips are given. 19th April is celebrated as World Liver Day to spread awareness about liver related diseases The liver is largely responsible for taking care of the toxins produced in the body and the harmful substances absorbed by the intestines from whatever food we eat. April 19 is celebrated worldwide as World Liver Day to spread awareness about liver related diseases, so what changes can we make in our lifestyle to ensure health o

Does sneezing really stop the heart beating? Know the facts

Ahmedabad. 16 April 2023 Sunday Sneezing is very normal. However, there is an assumption in the minds of some people that whenever there is a sneeze, the heartbeat stops for some time. But is this really a fact or just a myth. Sneezing usually starts with a strange feeling in the nose first. Which is followed by a sudden sneeze that shakes the whole body. During a sneeze, it feels as if the heart has taken a short break from its work. Many people feel that their heart stops beating when they sneeze. However, that is not the case at all. When you inhale before sneezing, the pressure in your chest increases. After which the pressure in the chest decreases when you forcefully exhale during a sneeze. These same pressures cause changes in blood flow. which can affect heart rate. However, it does not mean that your heart stops beating when you sneeze. Electrical activity in the heart continues uninterrupted during sneezing. Spilling inside the nose while cooking also causes sneezing. Apa

How beneficial is eating watermelon in summer season, know its 7 benefits

Image Envato Dt. 16 April 2023, Sunday With the onset of summer, people love to eat watermelon and sugar tarts. Watermelon relieves summer problems like stomach ache, dehydration etc. Apart from this, consuming watermelon in summers keeps you from feeling hungry, due to which your body weight can be reduced. In this way, watermelon has many benefits. Today we know about the benefits of watermelon in this article. Benefits of eating watermelon in summer Watermelon is very beneficial for our health. This cures many problems in the body. Such as obesity, weak immune system, digestive related problems etc. can be overcome. 1. Digestion is strengthened Eating watermelon in summer reduces digestive problems. Consuming watermelon makes food easier to digest. Watermelon is actually rich in fiber, which helps in strengthening your digestive system. Consuming watermelon in summer does not cause problems like diarrhea and gas i.e. digestion is normal. If there is any problem related to dig

A child developing in the womb was infected with Covid, two children suffered brain damage

Image Envato Dt. 9 April 2023, Sunday A child developing in the womb has been confirmed to be infected with Corona. An American study has revealed that the brains of two children were damaged due to corona infection. In this incident, a child died in just 13 months, which was confirmed after testing in his post modem report. According to the study, this is the first case of its kind in the world. He had a stroke on the day of birth According to a study published in a journal, both the babies were born to mothers who tested positive for the delta variant of Corona in the second trimester of 2020. This was the time when the Corona vaccine was not available in the market. On the same day the children were born, both the children had a stroke and their mental development slowed down. One child died at 13 months of age and the other was placed in a hospice, researchers said. Risk of corona in a child Pediatrician and Assistant Professor Dr. Marilyn Benney said none of the children te

Eight diseases are increasing rapidly in Indians after Corona, know their reasons

Image Envato Dt. 9 April 2023, Sunday After Corona caused havoc in the world, new diseases are emerging in people today. In that too, the disease is increasing especially among the people of India. World Health Day was celebrated two days ago. However, this day is celebrated every year. and in which efforts are made to create health awareness. This time the World Health Day was celebrated on the theme of 'Health for all'. Corona has been spreading rapidly in India for some time now. Although this virus was considered dangerous earlier, but now after passing through Corona, people are not afraid of it much. But it is necessary to be careful with Corona because currently most of the people are getting various types of diseases. Such a large number of diseases have never spread before Corona. In terms of people's health, there has been a huge increase in the number of illnesses after the corona has been gone for a long time, but it is difficult to say that this is happeni

Wrinkles on the skin at a young age, try these tips and get rid of them in 4 days, the face will also glow

Image Envato Dt. 10 April 2023, Monday In today's hectic life, people do not take care of their face and then gradually the glow of the face diminishes and wrinkles grow on the face. And it's okay if this happens to older people, but now even younger people are starting to have this problem. You don't need to bring any expensive creams or facials from the market to get rid of sagging facial skin and wrinkles that appear near the eyes, cheeks and neck. You can use home made masks to remove aging and it will be very effective. If you think that only expensive creams, hydrating masks or facials are useful for skin care or anti-aging to maintain the glow of the face and only these can help tighten and wrinkle the skin, then you are wrong. There are some things in your home that can easily cure many of your skin problems. And can make a beautiful soft face again. Today we are giving you information about one such magical hair mask. Which will remove the wrinkles on your ski

Increases insulin by absorbing sugar from the blood. Chew the leaves of this fruit and eat one leaf daily

Image Envato Dt. 10 April 2023, Monday Diabetes can be permanently controlled by trying some home remedies along with blood sugar lowering medication or insulin. Sometimes native herbs and leaves work better than drugs to control insulin in the blood. Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas that works to control blood glucose. Some people with type 1 and time 2 diabetes find it very difficult to manage the insulin in their blood to control their blood sugar levels. At such times some indigenous herbs or leaves can be used as alternative medicine and that too without any harm. Today we are going to give you information about one such leaf which is anti-diabetic. Know the wonder of the four fig leaves A research has found that fig leaves have proved to be very useful in the treatment of diabetes. May help regulate blood sugar levels. Boil four fig leaves in water and drink them as tea or eat them raw. According to Nutt, fig leaf extract rapidly increases low insulin levels i

If you are taking your phone to the toilet, be careful, these diseases can happen

Image Envato Dt. 10 April 2023, Monday In today's modern era, the phone has become an integral part of human life. Most of the people today are so used to the phone that they have it in their hands from the time they wake up in the morning till they go to sleep at night. Apart from this, many people carry it with them even while going to the toilet. But this habit can become a big problem. According to doctors, men should not go to the toilet with a phone as this habit can be fatal for a person. 57 percent of bacteria particles can reach a person in 5.5 seconds According to the doctor, splashes of urine containing bacteria can live in toilets and public toilets for several days. Several studies have shown that urine splashes can travel up to three feet. Urine can travel up to six feet during flushing. In such a situation, there is a possibility of reaching the phone in the person's hand. Feces can contain many bacteria and viruses. When you flush the toilet, bacteria sprea

If such symptoms are seen in the body, understand that the amount of sodium is decreasing, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.

Image Envato Dt. 10 April 2023, Monday Nature has designed our body so wonderfully that every part has some importance. It is necessary to maintain the amount of water and sodium, food etc. in the body. If there is any problem in any part of the body, the possibility of various types of diseases increases immediately. Today, there are many problems in Jidangi, full of constant running. In which today you have to talk about a disease which seems so common but it sometimes causes a lot of trouble. Man is going into coma due to lack of sodium in the body You must have heard many times that due to lack of sodium in the body, there are chances of a person going into a coma. Due to the loss of sodium from the body, the man goes into a coma. So at such times it is important to know the symptoms of low sodium and report it. That's why it is very important to keep getting checkup done and get it treated immediately. Sodium is an electrolyte in the blood and controls the amount of wate

The habit of eating these things with tea can invite serious illness

Ahmedabad. 15 April 2023 Saturday Do you drink tea first thing in the morning? Not only tea but also many kinds of things with it, if yes then now you need to be careful. We all drink tea every day but it is important to be careful while drinking tea. Drinking tea on an empty stomach should be avoided. This can lead to acidity problems. - There are people who take food with tea but this should be avoided as it can be harmful to health. - People who smoke cigarettes with tea need to be careful as it has very bad effects on the body. This increases the risk of cancer. - Not only cigarettes but there are many things, which consumption with tea can prove harmful to the body. - People who eat pakoras with tea need to be careful because the combination of gram flour and tea directly weakens the digestive system. - Lemon or any drink made from it should not be consumed while drinking tea. Due to doing this, acidity problem can occur in the house. - The combination of tea and onion is

Green juice is a metabolism booster, beneficial for health

New delhi date. 15 April 2023, Saturday Green juice is a famous detox drink and is very healthy for you. As the name suggests, the green ingredients in this juice are mainly green vegetables. You can make it very easily. You can make juice using simple ingredients like ajmo, kale, spinach, cucumber, parsley and mint. These veggie juices are super refreshing and many people also use some fruits to enhance the taste. Apples, pears, kiwis, lemons and oranges can also be used in it. If you feel your metabolism is slow or you want to lose weight, include a glass of green juice in your daily diet. Should drink green juice to increase metabolism? This fresh green juice keeps your digestive system healthy. It helps in reducing constipation, weight loss and improves immunity. It is an excellent option for weight loss. However, you should avoid drinking too much as it can be high in sugar, which can lead to weight gain. Prepare fresh green juice at home for immediate drinking. It is very eas

Do not let your children eat these things even by mistake, otherwise other problems may arise

Image Envato Dt. 8 April 2023, Saturday Digestion in children is weaker than that of an adult. Parents are most concerned about the overall development of the child. For the development of the child, parents try to give him a balanced and nutritious diet. But due to not having enough information, they often make big mistakes. There are certain foods that should not be given to young children and there are also certain food combinations that can harm children. This food combination is harmful for children 1. Fruit and milk Both fruits and milk are very important for the development of children. But it is not advisable to give them together as the acid in the fruit can cause milk to curdle in the stomach, leading to digestive problems like bloating, gas and stomach pain. Instead both fruit and milk should be given at different times. 2. Honey and water Honey is a natural sweetener that is used in many foods and beverages. But honey should not be given to children under one year o

If you are making these 3 dishes in an iron pan, be careful, it may have a serious effect on your health

Image Envato Dt. 8 April 2023, Saturday In many countries including India, women learn to cook delicious food. But in the circle of delicious food, it is very important to have knowledge about Kharak Radhwa utensils. Utensils should also be of proper quality to prepare tasty and healthy meals. Iron kadai is mostly used in Indian kitchens today. And in that regard, it is believed that iron deficiency is removed by consuming food prepared in an iron pan. Dry snacks or vegetables are mostly prepared in iron kadai. But it is not suitable to cook all types of food in an iron pan. It gradually affects the health very badly. Tomato dish Tomato has acidic properties. Because of this, if tomato items are made in an iron pan, the taste of the food may deteriorate or deteriorate and the taste of iron starts to appear in it. Spinach dish Spinach also contains oxalic acid. In which the color of spinach is black due to the combination of oxalic acid and iron. And the taste of cooked food also

You will be shocked to know about the health benefits of eating cucumber in summer

Ahmedabad. 08 April 2022, Saturday There are many things that are eaten in summer that provide many health benefits besides cooling the body and mind. One such thing is called cucumber. Along with water, cucumber is rich in nutrients like fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Apart from this, it is also rich in vitamin-B, vitamin A and antioxidants, which are considered to be very beneficial for health. All these qualities present in cucumber help to keep the stomach cool in summer and also prevent heat stroke. Apart from this, consumption of cucumber is considered very good for diabetic patients as well as BP patients. So let's know how consuming cucumber in summer benefits your health. Keeps the body hydrated:- Due to excessive sweating in summer, the body becomes deficient in water. In such a situation, regular consumption of cucumber helps in keeping your body hydrated by replenishing the water deficit. Apart from this, eating cucumber also removes toxins fro

Eat this thing to avoid heat stroke, dehydration, panacea to stay healthy

Image Envato Dt. 8 April 2023, Saturday There are certain things to eat to stay healthy during the hot season. That keeps the body cool and can get rid of the problem of loo and dehydration. Sattu is one such food. Which is beneficial in many ways in heat. In which sattu is made by roasting and grinding black gram. People in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand use this superfood a lot. Salty or sweet sherbet made from sattu is a panacea remedy to ward off heat stroke and dehydration in summer. Know, what are the benefits of consuming sattu in summer. Sattu contains these nutrients and cools the body The effect of Sattu is cold. You can consume this anytime. Experts advise sattu to be eaten daily in summer due to the tasir being cold. It keeps the stomach cool from inside. Talking about the nutrients in it, it contains fiber, protein, carbohydrates, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese etc. Benefits of eating sattu in summer According to a dietician regarding sattu, sattu is a very nut

Boost your immunity by consuming these 5 things amid increasing cases of corona virus

Ahmedabad. 14 April 2023 Friday Corona virus has once again spread all over the world. Cases of Kovid-19 are also increasing in India. Meanwhile we need to be vigilant once again. First of all, masks should be started and hands should be washed frequently with soap. Many of us may have taken all doses of the corona vaccine but the risk of viral infection still remains. Meanwhile with all caution it is also necessary that we should increase our immunity. 1. Turmeric Turmeric is consumed in almost every household in India. This spice has many medicinal and Ayurvedic properties. People who eat this spice regularly have an increased immune response in their body. 2. Broccoli Broccoli is considered to be the most powerful green vegetable that is very effective in fighting diseases. It contains an antioxidant called sulforaphane. Which supports our immune system. 3. Foster Spinach is a very nutritious green leafy vegetable. It contains many essential antioxidants that help us fight v

Heatwave Alert: Take these precautions to protect children from heatstroke

Ahmedabad. 14 April 2023 Friday The heat has started. The weather is getting hotter. Meanwhile, the risk of diseases caused by heat has also started to hover. The risk of heat stroke is usually high due to heat wave. Often people fall under the grip of stroke. Due to which complaints like restlessness, headache, vomiting, diarrhea are seen. Both adults and children can suffer from any heatwave. Meanwhile, some precautions are advised to avoid heatwave. Coconut water Warm winds will start blowing in the coming days. Even a little carelessness can be heavy in the heat. Meanwhile, coconut water should be included in the regular diet. Children generally drink less water. Coconut water can benefit them. Coconut water contains certain essential enzymes, minerals and vitamins. It can benefit them. pickled cucumber If you want to avoid heat, there should be no shortage of water in the body. To avoid this, one should use food that keeps water in the body. Pickled cucumber can be the best

Do you often feel tired?, then include these things in your diet from today

Ahmedabad. 12 April 2023, Wednesday Sweating is common in summer season. Fatigue also starts with it. If you exert yourself even a little, you will feel like you are already exhausted. If such a condition occurs in other seasons than summer, it is necessary to pay attention to the causes of fatigue. Sometimes one feels tired due to lack of sleep. But mostly it can also be due to diet. If your diet lacks essential nutrients, fatigue may also be more likely. To get rid of it carefully include some items in your daily diet. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:- Research conducted by the University of Siena in Italy claims that Omega 3 fatty acids increase alertness. People who consume a good amount of fish, seeds in their diet feel less tired. And they also stay more alert than others. Almonds:- Almonds have the power to fight fatigue. Eating almonds also reduces appetite. In addition, it is an excellent source of omega three fatty acids apart from vitamins and zinc. Which gives the body full energ