

Women of this age beware of stomach cancer, know why it is 'dangerous'

Image: elements.envato New delhi date. 13 September 2023, Wednesday Millions of people die from cancer every year. There are different types of cancer. One of them is gastric cancer. It spreads rapidly due to bad lifestyle and wrong eating habits. Gastric cancer is also called stomach cancer. How dangerous is gastric cancer? Gastric cancer can occur in any part of the stomach. Research has found that most cases of this cancer start from the gastroesophageal part. This is the part of the stomach where the long tube that carries food, the esophagus, meets the stomach. Although anyone can get stomach cancer, people over the age of 60 are at a higher risk. According to a study, there is a higher risk of this cancer in women. Symptoms of gastric cancer Gastric cancer can spread not only to the stomach but also to other parts of the body. For example, if this cancer reaches the lymph nodes, a lump may form. You can feel it through the skin. If the cancer spreads to the liver, the ski

New variant of chickenpox found in India, know the symptoms and treatment

Image: Freepik New delhi date. 13 September 2023, Wednesday Chickenpox virus disease once spread very rapidly in India. The alarming news is that scientists have recently found a new variant of this deadly chickenpox in India. According to the information, this type of chickenpox has been identified while examining the sample of a suspected monkeypox patient in a scientific lab. This type of chickenpox is called clade 9. Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that spreads through airborne droplets. Fluid-filled vesicular rash with intense itching and fever are typical symptoms. Ever since this new strain of chickenpox was found in India, health experts have been appealing for vigilance regarding its prevention and treatment. This disease spread by varicella zoster virus has spread to countries like America, Britain and Germany before India. Chickenpox virus is also spread by coughing and sneezing. People are falling prey to this virus even after coming in contact with infec

It is very important to take care of these things during night shift work otherwise health may deteriorate

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 19 September 2023 Tuesday Nowadays people's lifestyle is changing rapidly. The increasing workload has also started affecting people's health. The pressure of work has started to increase in such a way that nowadays working in night shift has also increased a lot. Many times people start falling victim to many problems due to working till late night. Meanwhile, it is necessary to take care of one's health along with work. Night shift work can have a negative impact on your body if you do not take proper care of your health. Meanwhile, it is necessary to take care of some things to keep yourself healthy. Follow a healthy diet If you work in night shift, take special care of your diet to stay healthy. You can include dry fruits, fruits, vegetables in your diet for this. Also avoid heavy meals in dinner as this can make you sleepy and cause digestive problems. Get enough sleep Many times sleepiness occurs while working in night shift. T

Fatty liver patients should consume these 4 vegetable juices, herbs will do the job

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 19 September 2023 Tuesday Liver related diseases are increasing due to bad diet and lifestyle. The condition is that the level of cholesterol and triglyceride in the body is increasing and due to this the health of arteries and liver cells is affected. Not only bad fats are accumulating in the liver cells and affecting its functions. Apart from this, due to this condition for a long time, you may also develop fatty liver disease. Meanwhile, drinking the juice of these vegetables can act as a detoxifying agent and keep your liver healthy. Which juice to drink to keep the liver healthy 1. Karela Karela juice is thus considered good for diabetic patients but its consumption is also beneficial for liver patients. Karela helps to cleanse your liver. It can protect against liver failure by strengthening the anti-oxidant activity of enzymes in the liver. 2. Ginger Ginger contains gingerol which is an antioxidant that can help prevent many liver related

Caution! Consuming these foods can increase restlessness and anxiety problems

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 19 September 2023 Tuesday Now-a-days improper diet can lead to many problems. Certain foods can cause restlessness and panic. So health experts advise to pay special attention to food. A busy lifestyle and poor diet can lead to increased anxiety and panic attacks. There can be many reasons for this. Many foods are also involved in these causes. Therefore, to keep health healthy, special attention should be paid to food and drink. Sweet foods If you are fond of eating sweets, pastries or refined sugar, then be careful, because the consumption of these foods increases the blood sugar level in the body. This can lead to sadness, anxiety and panic. So such sweet things should not be eaten. Spicy food Eating more spicy food has a bad effect on mood. Consuming this can cause mood swings. Due to which problems like restlessness, panic can occur. So don't eat too much spicy food. sweet If you eat too much sugar. If you have a habit of taking extra

Avoid consuming these fruits during night otherwise health related problems may occur

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 12 September 2023 Tuesday Fruits are considered very beneficial for the body. It contains all the essential nutrients, which help keep you healthy. It protects the body from many diseases, so health experts also advise to include fruits in the diet every day. Many people eat fruit after dinner. Did you know, eating certain fruits at night can cause many health related problems. banana Nutrient-rich bananas are considered to be beneficial for health. If you eat this at night, it can be harmful for health. Eating this at night can increase the body temperature and also takes time to digest. This can make it difficult for you to sleep. Apple Apples are no less than a boon for health. The vitamins and minerals present in it keep you away from many diseases but you should not eat apples at night. This can lead to digestive problems like acidity. Oranges and grapes This fruit is rich in fiber and vitamin-C. If you eat these fruits at night, stomach r

Eating salad before or after meal is beneficial for the body, know the facts

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 12 September 2023 Tuesday Salads are especially advised to be included in the diet to stay healthy. Because it includes many types of vegetables, pulses and fruits, which benefit our health in different ways, but when to eat salad, there is a lot of confusion among people. It is not understood whether salad should be eaten before or after the meal. When should you eat salad? A salad made with a variety of fruits and vegetables keeps digestion strong. Salad has a good amount of fiber. Eating which keeps the stomach full for a long time. This is why it is beneficial to eat it before meals, which keeps the stomach full and prevents overeating. Eat a salad half an hour before your meal. This will make weight control easier. Benefits of eating salad Immunity is strengthened The antioxidants present in the salad help in keeping the body healthy for a long time. Eating salad cures many diseases. Helps in weight loss If you consume salad every day, th

Nipah virus is spreading again! Know about its symptoms now, otherwise there will be big trouble

Image Freepic Dt. 12 September 2023, Tuesday Two people have died of fever in Kerala's Kozhikode. Nipah virus is said to be the cause of unnatural death of both people. After which it was speculated that the Nipah virus spread from animals to humans. This virus is a zoonotic virus that can spread from person to person. Fruit bats, bats also known as 'flying foxes', are being speculated to be the cause of the Nipah virus. FYI this disease was named after a village in Malaysia. Its first case was found here. What is Nipah virus... Nipah virus is a zoonotic disease that spreads from animals to humans. This is especially spread by bats. But apart from this it is also spread by pigs, goats, horses, dogs, cats. The most important thing is that it is not spread by air but by a material or by a substance or by a drop of fuel. How is the Nipah virus spread? Nipah virus is actually spread from animals to humans by eating the affected fruit. If an animal is diagnosed with this

Very beneficial leaves of this plant, 30 times sweeter than sugar, panacea cure for sugar

Image Freepic Dt. 12 September 2023, Tuesday India is full of various herbs, all that is needed is their identification and proper use. Because on the basis of the herbs of our country, the sages used to ward off any disease. Among these herbs, sweet basil and herbal herb butio are beneficial in treating diabetic patients. They claim that this herb will get rid of sugar in a diabetic patient. What is this stevia herb? Stevia is also known as sweet basil in India. This sweet basil is sweeter than sugar. It is known by different names in India. Stevia leaves are 30 times sweeter than sugar. in stevia   Due to its medicinal properties, various types of medicine are made from it. Stevia is an Ayurvedic herb and it is used in various medicines due to its medicinal properties. This herb is very effective in controlling sugar. Apart from this, it is effective to remove excess, to remove the problem of allergy, to prevent cancer diseases, to stay healthy in heart and blood circulation

Consuming too much sour food in food can harm you in this way

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 September 2023 Monday Some people consume sour things in their food like lemon, pickle or tamarind. Sour food can imbalance the pH level and function of all the organs in your body. Our body has an acid level and a basic level, when you eat sour food, it creates an imbalance between the two and damages many organs, which can quickly lead to many problems in the body. What is the harm of eating too much sour food? 1. Decreases calcium Eating too much sour food reduces calcium in the body. This causes calcium to flow through the urine along with water and damage the bones. This gradually weakens the bones. Apart from this, it can cause the problem of arthritis and osteoporosis. 2. Weakens teeth Too much acidic food weakens and damages the layers of your teeth. This causes the teeth to weaken from within. A toothache can occur at any time or the tooth can quickly deteriorate and break. Also, the problem of tooth decay can increase rapidly. 3. H

Mobile phones, junk food, lifestyle and steroids are responsible for increasing cases of heart attacks among young people, know what doctors say

Image Freepic Dt. 18 September 2023, Monday Nowadays, the number of heart attacks among the youth is increasing, due to which the atmosphere of fear has been created again. A video of a gym in Ghaziabad is going viral on social media, in which a young man died of a heart attack while running on a treadmill. Similarly, a 22-year-old youth who took part in a run during the recruitment of firefighters in Etawa, UP, died of a heart attack. The elder brother of this youth also died of a heart attack last year during the recruitment of Agniveer. Health experts of the country are considering heart disease as very serious as it is increasing among the youth. Steroids should never be taken without consulting a dietician. According to experts, several reasons are responsible for heart attacks in young people. But the cause of steroid overdose can also be considered important. In the rush to build a beautiful body, young people are at risk of heart attack. Untrained gym trainers are increasi

There is a risk of spreading this disease among children in the month of September-November, it is very important to take care of these 3 things

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 September 2023 Monday Influenza is also known as a flu. This is a contagious disease. which especially affects the airways of children. Influenza symptoms can range from mild to severe. The symptoms are sometimes so severe that children need to be admitted to the hospital and can even be life-threatening. Symptoms of influenza in children include fever, chills, cough, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, body aches, headache, fatigue and sometimes vomiting and stomach upset. Awareness of illness It is very important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of influenza in children when a contagious disease is spreading. If you are experiencing these common symptoms, contact your doctor immediately without wasting time. However, there is a vaccine to protect children from influenza. It is essential that the hygiene of the child is taken care of so that this virus does not harm the children. There can be many reasons for this illness However, the fal

These various diseases including cancer are hidden in the nails, if your nails look like this, be careful

Image Envato Dt. 11 September 2023, Monday Whenever we get sick, we go to the doctor. The doctor first checks our nails, tongue and eyes. In fact, the secret of many diseases is hidden in the nails. Until there are signs of terrible diseases like cancer in the nails. Usually, the nail color is slightly reddish. But when the color of the nails becomes discolored, then understand that someone needs some trouble. Changing the color and shape of the nails means that there are signs of some disease. Due to the change in the color of the nails, there can be diseases related to the liver, lungs and heart, so if the color of the nails changes, it should never be ignored. In such a situation, you should go to the doctor immediately. 1. Darkening of nails According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, dark streaks in fingernails or toenails can be a sign of skin cancer. A dark streak means a dark streak or black line in the hands or feet, or in the nails, may be melanoma. T

Health: Follow some home remedies to control thyroid

Navi Mumbai, 11 September 2023, Monday The thyroid is a part of the neck, a gland that produces hormones that help the body function properly. Unhealthy diet and stressful life lead to thyroid related diseases. A person affected by this disease faces problems like fatigue, weight changes, feeling very cold and hair loss. Consuming iodized salt and eating foods rich in selenium and zinc are beneficial. Maintaining thyroid balance is very important for health. Thyroid can be reduced with some home remedies. Using whole coriander Soak 2 teaspoons of whole coriander in 500 ml of water overnight. Boil it thoroughly in the morning until the amount of water is reduced to half. After that cool the water and drink slowly. Doing this will help in lowering the thyroid. Raw coconut water Raw coconut water contains selenium, which is good for the health of thyroid patients. Linseeds Omega-3 fatty acids are found in flaxseed. Grind flaxseed and make its powder and consume one teaspoon of p

You may not know these health benefits of neem leaves

Navi Mumbai, dt. 11 September 2023, Monday Bitter neem is amazingly beneficial in terms of health. Although neem leaves are bitter in taste, the nutrients in them can prove to be a panacea for your health. Bitter neem is an Ayurvedic medicine that has many health benefits. Neem leaves inhibit the growth of cancer cells and tumors, as well as kill cancer cells. Neem is extremely beneficial for our body, skin and hair. It may taste bitter but its health benefits are very sweet. Neem leaves help in weight loss. Eating neem leaves on an empty stomach can reduce acne problems. According to the Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, an herbal anti-acne gel containing a hydro-alcoholic extract of neem leaves effectively reduces breakouts. Eating neem leaves on an empty stomach also boosts immunity. According to research, neem leaf extract enhances immune function in animals. Neem leaves maintain blood sugar levels. So it is also beneficial for diabetic patients. Ne

Wherever this satyanashi plant grows, know how useful it is for health

Image Freepic Dt. 11 September 2023, Monday This yellow flowered plant is a must-see when you are out for a walk or walking on the road. On it, very beautiful flowers of yellow color are seen. But if asked his name, most of the people would not know. So some people consider it a wild plant. But you may not know that this beautiful plant has many benefits. Let's know about its benefits. It grows easily on any type of soil and its name is Satyanashi The name of this plant is satyanashi, which means one who does bad things, as it grows by itself on the road everywhere. A person who is of no use, who wastes every work i.e. who is of no use is called a satyanashi. But there is one plant that grows easily on any type of soil and its name is satyanashi. Satyanashi plant usually grows in different places like roadside, barren soil, rocky soil. A yellow milky substance comes out from this satyanashi plant after breaking the flower Satyanashi plant is used in many types of medicine. T

Consuming these 4 pulses is a boon for health, helps in rapid weight loss

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 16 September 2023 Saturday Nowadays most of the people are troubled by increasing weight. The biggest reason for this is unhealthy lifestyle and improper diet. People make all kinds of efforts to get rid of this. Meanwhile, if you consume some pulses, they contain some nutrients that help you lose weight faster. Apart from this, this dal is helpful in keeping eyes, skin, hair etc. healthy. These include mung beans, tuwer dal, gram dal and lentil dal. How to reduce weight by including pulses in diet Nutrient present in dal Mung beans, chickpeas, chickpeas, and lentils contain a variety of nutrients, with protein being the highest. This gives energy to the body. Apart from this, dal is also a good source of dietary fiber, magnesium, copper, potassium and iron. This is the reason why experts advise to include it in one's diet. Can get rid of many diseases Eating pulses which are rich in many nutrients can cure many diseases. Bad cholesterol is

Is the new variant of chickenpox dangerous for children? Know its symptoms and prevention

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 16 September 2023 Saturday Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Scientists have found a new variant of this deadly chickenpox in India. This variant of chickenpox is being called clade 9. This disease spread by varicella zoster virus has already spread from India to countries like America, Britain and Germany. After the case of a new variant of chickenpox was found in India, people have become worried. Can chickenpox be spread by coughing and sneezing? Chickenpox virus is also spread by coughing and sneezing. Meanwhile, people can also become victims of this virus by coming in contact with infected patients. Characteristics of a new variant of chickenpox grains fever Loss of appetite headache tiredness Deterioration of health When do chickenpox lesions appear? Chickenpox spores appear 2-3 weeks after exposure to the virus. However, before this, fever, body aches and headaches start. The rash appears in

Increasing cholesterol can be controlled by consuming these 5 foods, know the right way to eat

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 15 September 2023 Friday Cholesterol is considered the home of many diseases. Many times people worry about their rising cholesterol. Fennel If you soak fennel seeds in water at night and then strain and drink the water in the morning, it can improve your cholesterol to a great extent. Fennel is often used as a mouth freshener. Garlic Many people do not like garlic because of its smell but it is very helpful in reducing cholesterol in the body. Chew 2 or 3 buds of this every morning or roast it and add it to vegetables while cooking. ginger Ginger is considered very good for digestion in our body. You can eat ginger raw or roasted. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It works a lot in reducing the bad cholesterol in the veins. Turmeric We use turmeric to flavor our food but did you know that it can also lower cholesterol. For this, add some turmeric in milk and hot water and drink it. You will see the difference in a few days. Sour Amla ca

Consumption of these vegetables is very harmful for diabetic patients, increases blood sugar level

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 14 September 2023 Thursday Thus, vegetables are called the treasure of health, but vegetables also have different effects on people. There are certain vegetables which can increase blood sugar very quickly. Meanwhile, when the number of diabetic patients is increasing rapidly in the world, diabetic patients should also pay special attention to the consumption of vegetables. Health experts advise that diabetic patients should not consume certain vegetables. Especially vegetables that grow under the soil, such vegetables should be excluded from the diet of diabetics. Diabetic patients should not consume these vegetables Health experts say that those vegetables which have a high glycemic index should not be consumed by sugar i.e. diabetic patients. Such vegetables go into the body and increase the blood sugar level, which can worsen the health of the diabetic patient. Which includes potatoes, corn, sweet corn, sweet potato, and sorrel. These vegetabl

Eat 1 bowl of sprouted chickpeas every morning to keep cholesterol-sugar under control, bones will also become strong.

Image Envato Dt. 15 September 2023, Friday Nutrients like protein, fiber are always needed to keep the body healthy. Chickpeas contain all the nutrients that keep the body healthy. The protein in it is necessary for muscles. Apart from this, it is also said to be an excellent source of fiber. This improves digestion and relieves constipation. Pregnant women get essential nutrients Gram contains vitamin C, vitamin B in abundance. Chickpea bone calcium strengthens bones and teeth. Apart from this, when Aryan is in the body, it helps to make hemoglobin and remove it if there is deficiency of blood. Chickpeas are also rich in folic acid, which provides essential nutrients to pregnant women and contributes significantly to the development of the baby. Apart from this, gram contains good amount of magnesium. It maintains brain function and reduces depression. Weight and diabetes will be under control Sprouted chickpeas should be included in your diet if your body is overweight. Becaus

Nipah' outbreak in Kerala, 700 people exposed to patients, 77 in 'high risk category', total cases '5'

image : Envato The number of patients suffering from Nipah virus is increasing rapidly in Kerala. The concern of the health department has increased with one more patient. The number of patients in the state has now increased to 5. State Health Minister Veena George said that the state government has declared containment zones to prevent the spread of infection. About 700 people who came in contact with the patient were listed. Out of them 77 people have been identified who have been placed in high risk category. Two patients have died According to the information, two patients in the state have died due to the infection of Nepal virus. The minister also expressed apprehension that there is a risk of infection spreading across the state. Measures have been started in the state to stop the spread of infection. People placed in the high risk category have been immediately prohibited from leaving their homes. Prohibition of gathering crowds in festivals and celebrations Information

As soon as a heart attack occurs, do this work immediately, life can be saved

Source: Freepik According to the World Health Organization, the number of people who died from CVD in the year 2019 was 1.79 crore. New delhi date. 14 September 2023, Thursday A heart attack occurs when blood supply to a part of the heart muscle stops. Blood clots usually occur. Along with high BP, smoking, and high cholesterol, there are many lifestyle-related factors that lead to heart attacks. For example, smoking causes severe damage to the arteries and veins of the heart. Apart from this, increasing cholesterol causes many problems in the arteries of the heart. Apart from all these there are many reasons due to which the risk of heart attack increases. Pain during a heart attack that feels like pressure, tightness, squeezing, or heaviness in the center of the chest. Pain or discomfort that radiates to the arm (usually the left arm), neck, jaw, shoulder blades, back, or even abdomen. Shortness of breath or rapid breathing. Dizziness with profuse sweating, often cold and clam

Nipah virus takes off in Kerala, 2 dead, know how the infection occurs

Thiruvananthapuram, September 14, 2023, Thursday Two people have died due to Nipah virus infection in Kozhikode district of Kerala state. After the transition of Nipah, the educational institute was ordered to remain closed till Friday. The health team is trying to reach out to all the victims of the hoarding. A team from the center has also reached Kozhikode. The team is covering the virus infected area and visiting. The state government has ordered the health system to quarantine people infected with the virus. According to the Health Minister of Kerala, 3 samples have come positive so far during the investigation. Contract tracing has been started by the government. Out of 706 contacts in this process, 77 people fall into the high risk category. Those who fall in the high risk category have been instructed to quarantine at home. According to the World Health Organization, Nipah virus is highly contagious from animals to humans. Nipah virus was first detected in Malaysia in 1998.

Know what is the difference between Weight Loss and Fat Loss? Somewhere you are also not making this mistake

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 04 September 2023 Monday Obesity is becoming a big problem nowadays. People are falling prey to obesity due to bad diet and lifestyle. Sitting in the same place continuously in the office or at home also starts accumulating fat in the body. However, most of the people are becoming very aware about this and also want to stay fit. People use different methods to control their weight. But maintaining a healthy weight is also necessary to keep the body fully healthy and at the same time it is very important to know whether you should lose weight or lose fat to maintain a healthy weight. In general, it is not good to just lose weight because the entire body weight is lost in the process of muscle, water, glycogen and fat. Fat loss involves reducing body fat already stored in the body. So it is considered as a better option. What is weight loss? Weight loss simply means to lose body weight, it means to lose muscle, fat and water weight from the body. M