

Walking in winter has many benefits but it is also important to take care of these things

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 December 2023 Monday People do not feel like exercising in the morning due to laziness in winter. Many times there is fear of walking because the temperature is low. Especially people with certain diseases are careful about it and often skip walking in winter but doing so completely is harmful to health. Because this affects your stomach metabolism and your brain health. Not only this, it also affects the blood circulation. Meanwhile, you should keep some things in mind before taking a walk in winter. How suitable is walking in winter? Walking in winter is very beneficial for health. Walking in winter speeds up the blood circulation of your body. At the same time, the body warms up and the heart muscle relaxes. It keeps the BP balance. Apart from this, it speeds up the sugar metabolism and helps in balancing diabetes. Apart from this, walking in winter is also beneficial for the skin. When should you walk in winter? If you want to walk in wint

Troubled by gray hair? So using amla in this way can be beneficial

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 11 December 2023 Monday There are many reasons behind graying of hair, some of the reasons are natural, sometimes the use of chemical products from the sun and not taking proper care of the hair can also lead to graying of hair. Meanwhile you can use amla to darken the hair once again. Amla is rich in vitamin C. It can be used to treat different hair problems. Using amla removes dandruff from hair, reduces hair loss. The hair becomes thicker and the hair shines. Due to the presence of vitamin C in amla, it can be useful in darkening prematurely gray hair. Acid to blacken white hair Tamarind and lemon juice Amla can also be consumed to darken white hair, but amla can be applied externally on the hair in different ways. Tamarind and lemon juice have a good effect in turning white hair black. For this, prepare a paste by mixing tamarind powder with lemon juice and warm water. Apply this paste from the root of the hair to the head and wash the head af

Follow this home remedy to get rid of diabetic foot pain

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 11 December 2023 Monday Diabetes is a disease that is considered to be the root of many other problems. This leads to heart disease, kidney disease and all sorts of problems, one of which is leg pain, which makes it difficult for patients to even walk. Leg pain after high blood sugar level is common but if you follow some home remedies, this problem can be overcome. Diabetic patients get rid of foot pain in this way 1. Control blood sugar For diabetic patients, maintaining blood sugar levels is the first condition to stay healthy. Without which no kind of trouble can be imagined. For this you should change your daily lifestyle and food habit. Fix a time for your meals to exercise and sleep and do not change it too much. Stay away from more sweet and oily foods as they increase the risk of diseases. 2. Increase physical activity Exercise is a cure for many problems, this also applies to diabetics. If you exercise every day, the pain in the legs w

Protein Deficiency: If there is protein deficiency in the body, this change appears, know the symptoms

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 16 December 2023 Saturday Protein is very necessary for the body otherwise the body becomes lifeless. To keep the body fit, it is very necessary to have many nutrients in the body. Protein is also very important to boost immunity. Protein is very beneficial for your body and it is essential for many cells to develop. Lack of protein causes your hair to fall out. Muscle weakness Due to protein deficiency, your muscles begin to weaken and your body becomes very lifeless, this is a sign that you are deficient in protein. Problems related to nails Deficiency of protein in the body makes your body very tired and pale. Problems related to nails have to be faced. Immunity Due to lack of protein in the body, your immunity becomes very weak. Many kinds of diseases also start coming. Pain in the bones Whenever there is a protein deficiency in your body, the fear of pain in your bones increases.

Flours For Weight Loss: Want to lose weight in the winter season? So include these 5 types of flour in the diet

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 16 December 2023 Saturday Nowadays, rapid changes in people's lifestyles are having a profound impact on their health. Increasing work pressure and eating habits are making people prone to many serious health problems including diabetes, BP, heart disease etc. Obesity is one of these problems, which is a worldwide concern. Being overweight can cause many serious health problems. This is the reason why health experts also advise people to keep their weight under control. Nowadays most people are very alert about their weight. Meanwhile, some people go to the gym and work out to lose weight and control it, while some maintain weight with the help of diet. If you are also trying to lose weight, you can lose weight by including this flour in your diet. Sorghum flour Sorghum flour is a nutritious and gluten free option for weight loss. It is rich in fiber and protein. Which keeps your stomach full for longer and helps in weight loss. Almond flour

Over 40+? Yes..., then cut down on these 5 foods, or you'll be in big trouble!

Navi Mumbai, dt. 16 December 2023, Saturday With increasing age, many types of problems begin to occur in the body. Often by this time people pay less attention to diet but let us tell you that diet has a direct effect on our body. There are many such foods around us, which can make us age faster. Those who are above 40 should pay special attention to their diet because, if our eating habits are poor, we can suffer from many diseases at this age. So at this age you are advised not to eat these foods. Raw vegetables By the age of 40, many types of oral problems begin to occur. Consuming raw vegetables can harm the body as well as cause dental problems. Vegetables should be lightly fried or made into soup. Dairy products As you age, you may find it difficult to digest milk or dairy products, but the body needs calcium at this age. Yogurt and buttermilk can be consumed in the diet to provide calcium. These foods are easy to digest and rich in calcium. Caffeine Many people experie

Does the medicine wear off before the expiry date? Find out what the experts say

Image Envato Dt. 16 December 2023, Saturday As the seasons change in every city-state, the outbreak of diseases increases and people suffer from colds, coughs, fevers, allergies, and in these diseases people often try home remedies first. So some people use the medicine kept in their house. In fact, some families keep medicines for common ailments at home like their children's toys. Sometimes medicines can go bad before the certain date printed on them But did you know that this medicine can sometimes go bad before the certain date printed on it? So, before taking medicine, we usually take care of its expiry date. But sometimes the medicine goes bad before its specified date. Why is the expiry date written? In this regard, experts say that most people take care of the expiry date while buying medicine, but the expiry date should be taken care of while storing the medicine. Sometimes due to our carelessness and not keeping the medicine at the right temperature, the medicines

Caution! If you have a family history of heart disease, take care of your heart like this...

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 16 December 2023 Saturday If you have a family history of heart disease, you need to be very cautious in your future life. Such people have a higher risk of heart disease as compared to other people. If there is something like this in your family too, keep getting regular check-ups and make lifestyle changes. Most of the people are struggling with heart related diseases due to bad lifestyle and diet nowadays. The risk of serious diseases like heart disease like heart attack, stroke and heart failure is increasing day by day but do you know bad lifestyle and family history of heart disease also increases the risk of heart disease. If someone has a family history of heart disease, attack, stroke, or heart failure before the age of 55, they are at increased risk of heart-related disease. Coronary Artery Disease is a genetic disease. Which creates a family history of heart disease. In such a situation you need to be more alert. How to reduce the risk o

Taking Meftal for pain relief? So be careful, the government has issued a warning

Painkiller Meftal: Meftal spas used for pain relief are used in almost every household. In this regard, worrying news has now come to light. The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) has issued a warning regarding Meftal. It is stated that the mefenamic acid found in Meftal causes dangerous side effects. Consumption of this drug may cause eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome. A pain reliever made from mefenamic acid is used to treat gout, bone disease osteoarthritis, period pain in girls, general pain, swelling, fever and toothache. The IPC, in its safety alert, said DRESS syndrome was identified through an initial analysis of Meftal's side effects through the Pharmacovigilance Program of India (PVPI) database. Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) issued a drug safety alert about Meftal painkiller, stating that its constituent, mefenamic acid, can cause adverse reactions — ANI (@ANI) December 7, 2023 What is DRESS Syndrome? DRESS syndrome

Apply mustard oil on the bottom of the feet, you will get full and deep sleep, there are many benefits

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 08 December 2023 Friday Everyone wants to work no matter how much during the day but sleep well at night. Due to the stress of work and hectic life, sleeplessness at night starts to become a problem. If you don't get enough sleep at night, many health related problems can occur. Meanwhile, health experts also say to get full and deep sleep at night. If you do not get proper sleep at night, mustard oil massage can prove to be very helpful in this. Benefits of mustard oil massage on the bottom of the feet Mustard oil is said to be very effective for health in Ayurveda. Along with its consumption, its massage also relaxes the muscles. Mustard oil massage speeds up blood circulation in the body and also increases physical activity. Meanwhile, if you massage mustard oil on the bottom at night, the tiredness of the feet will go away and your mind will also get a lot of relaxation. Meanwhile you will get full and deep sleep. Women who suffer from abd

Why is it necessary to wear supporter in the gym? Know the reason

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 09 December 2023 Saturday Today everyone has become aware about fitness. Everyone knows that being fit is very important for a healthy life. Meanwhile, some people keep themselves fit by doing yoga, while some people keep themselves fit by going to the gym. However, today the number of people going to the gym is more than yoga. Why do you have to wear a supporter? You may also have heard that a supporter is needed when lifting heavy weights. Meanwhile the question is why a supporter is needed when lifting heavy weights after all. Do you know about this? Is the body in control Supporters are needed while lifting heavy weights as these lifts put pressure on our muscles and other body parts. It helps our backbone, waist and legs so that we can lift and control the weight properly. A supporter stabilizes the body while lifting weights. A supportive supporter also helps maintain proper posture and weight. Disadvantages of not wearing a supporter If

91% inject drugs in country, every second person infected with hepatitis C, alarming report

every second person infected with hepatitis C: A report published by a shocking research has revealed that 91 percent of the country uses injections to take drugs, due to which approximately every second person is infected with hepatitis C. The incidence of hepatitis C infection is several times higher than that of HIVV. However, these people do not get timely examination or treatment. People who abstain from drugs are at the greatest risk of this disease. The infection is spreading from the elderly to the young among the injecting drug users A study conducted by Delhi AIIMS and Bangalore-based NIMHANS found that hepatitis C infection persists for a long time due to lack of treatment. These people can infect others through sexual relations. Not only this, a program is being implemented at the national level to get rid of hepatitis C infection, but the infection is spreading among the injecting drug users, from the elderly to the young. Antibodies were found in 56 percent Accordin

Caution! According to a research, dengue is dangerous not only for the liver but also for the heart

Dengue Effects On Heart: With the onset of winter, mosquito infestation increases and dengue cases are seen. This virus, spread by mosquito bites, causes high fever and causes a lot of damage to the body. Due to which the liver becomes inflamed along with fever. Also, a new research has revealed that due to dengue, heart cells are also damaged. Dengue is also dangerous for the heart A test was conducted on dengue patients in a medical college in Delhi. During which it was found that dengue virus has serious symptoms related to neuro, liver and heart. Which is now known as Extended Dengue Syndrome. When dengue affects the heart, there is an increase in heart rate, swelling of the heart muscles. Also, dengue affects the veins of the heart the most, meaning when the heart muscle becomes inflamed, it becomes difficult for the heart to pump blood. In such a condition, the heart rate is also affected. Due to this, the patient starts to feel burning and pain in the chest. In such a condit

Learn about the health hazards of ajinomoto used in junk food

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 13 December 2023 Wednesday In modern lifestyle people eat a lot of junk food. Ajinomoto is used in these packaged and junk foods. This ajinomoto is a type of salt. This works to enhance the taste of food. Ajinomoto salts are also called monosodium glutamate. It is of white crystal color. Ajinomoto is high in amino acids. Ajinomoto was invented in 1909 by Japanese scientist Kikunai Akeda. It is also known as Umami Taste. Ajinomoto is also known as Ashes of Taste. In what type of food is Ajinomoto used? Ajinomoto is used in Chinese food such as noodles, fried rice and Manchurian. Ajinomoto is used in junk food like pizza, burgers and maggi masala. Also it is used in sauces like tomato sauce, soy sauce. It is also used in packaged foods such as chips. Affects the nervous system Ajinomoto present in Chinese food affects your nervous system. It affects the nerves and increases the risk of brain damage. The glutamic acid found in it works like a neurot

Kiwi consumption is very beneficial for diabetic patients, it controls the blood sugar level

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 13 December 2023 Wednesday Diabetes is a serious disease. According to a study in June 2023, more than 101 million people in India are now victims of diabetes, while the figure was close to 70 million in 2019. The study said that in some states the figures have stabilized while in many states they are increasing rapidly. If you are also a victim of diabetes and want to include such fruits in your diet. By means of which your blood sugar also remains under control. Along with this, the amount of protein is also complete. Kiwi fruit can prove to be a good remedy for all those diabetic patients. This fruit is rich in antioxidants and has a low glycemic index, which is considered very beneficial in controlling blood sugar levels. Kiwi is rich in antioxidants Along with vitamin C, many other vitamins are found in kiwi fruit. Which controls blood sugar. This fruit is full of antioxidants and has a low glycemic index. It is considered very beneficial in

Vitamin D is very important for boosting immunity in children, learn main source

Image Freepic Dt. 7 December 2023, Thursday A balanced diet is a basic requirement for the health and overall development of children. Balance dye balances physical development and immunity of children. Apart from that, some important nutrients like Vitamin D etc. should also be given in sufficient quantity in a balanced diet. Vitamin D, like other vitamins, is usually not found in sufficient quantity in our diet. Therefore, special attention should be given to children to fulfill this vitamin. Importance of Vitamin D for Child Development Vitamin D is also called sunshine vitamin. Strength in children is extremely important for their development. These fat-soluble vitamins are not only important for bone strength, but also affect various bodily functions in the form of hormones. Different Sources of Vitamin D by sunlight Your skin gets Vitamin D from sunlight in the morning. By standing in the sun for just 15-20 minutes every morning, the body gets enough Vitamin D. Proper di

Using headphones for hours may not make you sick, know the disadvantages

Image Freepic Dt. 13 December 2023, Wednesday Nowadays no one has time, they do everything simultaneously, in which one is mostly on mobile. And since he lacks time, he uses headphones or earphones while driving. Mobile is dangerous but even more dangerous is using headphones-earphones. Harmful to both children and adults Today even children from big to small are using headphones-earphones, in which children and adults are fine for talking but more for listening to songs and watching movies. And he keeps headphones-earphones on his ears all the time. Which is very harmful to the ears. The ability to hear is reduced Many diseases are caused by listening with earphones in the ears for hours. Headphones- Overuse of earphones reduces the hearing capacity of the ears. May suffer from headaches and migraines Constantly using headphones-earphones is not good for your heart either. It also affects him. The electromagnetic wave emanating from it has a bad effect on the brain. Additiona

Consume these fruits in winter, you will get miraculous benefits throughout the season, you will not have to go to the doctor

Image Freepic Dt. 13 December 2023, Wednesday Health : In winter, people have to take care of their heart and body. People strengthen their heart and body by eating habit. According to experts, people pay more attention to food and drink in winter and if the fact is to be seen, it should be kept. Fruits rich in vitamin C should be consumed more in winter: Expert According to experts, more fruits rich in vitamin C should be consumed in winter. Like orange, Malta, Lemon, Mosambi etc. can be taken. According to him, one should drink Navseku or lukewarm water in the morning. Also lemon should be consumed more. Navseka should be mixed with lemon juice and drunk. People should take a balance diet in winter. Soups should be consumed more and sour fruits should be taken in larger quantities. What should not be consumed? According to experts, people should not consume fried food in winter. It increases the risk of heart attack. People's activity decreases due to cold. Due to which t

Adulterated ghee : Genuine- fake ghee test can be done using water

Image Envato Dt. 13 December 2023, Wednesday Nowadays, both genuine and fake items are available in the market, so it becomes very difficult for us to identify them. Today we are talking about how to identify fake ghee as many of these types of food items are confused. How to test the fake ghee available in the market. Real-fake ghee can be identified by using only water Pure ghee is not only essential for health but also for keeping the body fit. But today, a large amount of fake ghee is available in the market. In such cases, we have no idea how to identify genuine ghee. But let us tell you that only by using water can you know that ghee is genuine and fake. This is how genuine fake ghee can be identified 1. Genuine Desi Ghee can be identified by water. For that you take water in a bowl and put two to three drops of desi ghee in it. If the ghee sinks down in the water, then know that it is fake, and if it floats in the water, then know that this ghee is genuine. 2. You can te

Caution! If asking ChatGPT about the treatment of the disease is not expensive, it gives the wrong answer about the medicine

Image: FreePik Navi Mumbai, dt. 6 December 2023, Wednesday ChatGPT is being widely used. Some people are doing it to make notes and some are doing it to make a diet plan. ChatGPT is mostly used in customer support, but some people are so smart, they are consulting ChatGPT for their ailments too. People report their illness to ChatGPT and take medicines based on the instructions given by them, but this can prove to be very dangerous for your health. Some experts have warned people about this. A research was done by pharmacists at Long Island University. In which the use of ChatGPT to answer questions has been investigated. A study of pharmacists found that the chatbot, ChatGPT, gave incorrect or incomplete answers to nearly three-quarters of drug-related questions. During the study, 39 health-related questions were asked from ChatGPT, of which only 10 questions were answered satisfactorily. The remaining 29 drug-related responses were considered incorrect and incomplete. ChatGPT,

Diabetes... If these symptoms appear, go to the doctor immediately, otherwise you will become a victim of the disease

Image Envato Dt. 6 December 2023, Wednesday Diabetes is a disease that causes some fatal diseases in the body. According to WHO, more than 42.2 crore people are suffering from diabetes. More than 15 lakh people die every year due to it. Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to digest or absorb carbohydrates or sugars from food. In fact, the hormone insulin is needed to absorb sugar. When insulin stops being made, sugar floats in the blood and starts to do damage. Which causes damage to the rest of the organs, because the necessary body fluids are filtered in the kidneys and come out through the urine. The same can happen in diabetes. If the color of urine is light blue... According to doctors, when someone has diabetes, due to high amount of sugar, its residue comes out in the urine. Due to this, the color of urine becomes light blue. This happens only when the amount of sugar in the blood increases to a large extent. However, there may be other reasons for urine color change.

Caution! This problem can be caused by using too much garlic, onion and chili in food

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 12 December 2023 Tuesday Spices present in the kitchen are a wealth of nutrition but there are some spices that can cause problems for our body. So they should be used wisely in food. Certain spices present in the kitchen are beneficial. Eating garlic, onions or chilies should not be taken lightly if bloating is occurring, as bloating is considered a sign of digestive problems in the body. There can be many reasons behind frequent bloating. In which slow digestion process, wrong food and drink, physical stagnation, some spices present in the kitchen can be useful to remove them. Garlic-onion, chili can be a problem Onions, garlic and red chillies used as spices can cause bloating. Raw garlic has a pungent smell and taste. Garlic also contains fructans, a soluble fiber that is very difficult to digest. Also cayenne can cause pain, inflammation, nausea and swelling. cumin Cumin has many medicinal properties. Meanwhile it can also be used medically.

Troubled by gray hair? So using amla in this way can be beneficial

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 11 December 2023 Monday There are many reasons behind graying of hair, some of the reasons are natural, sometimes the use of chemical products from the sun and not taking proper care of the hair can also lead to graying of hair. Meanwhile you can use amla to darken the hair once again. Amla is rich in vitamin C. It can be used to treat different hair problems. Using amla removes dandruff from hair, reduces hair loss. The hair becomes thicker and the hair shines. Due to the presence of vitamin C in amla, it can be useful in darkening prematurely gray hair. Acid to blacken white hair Tamarind and lemon juice Amla can also be consumed to darken white hair, but amla can be applied externally on the hair in different ways. Tamarind and lemon juice have a good effect in turning white hair black. For this, prepare a paste by mixing tamarind powder with lemon juice and warm water. Apply this paste from the root of the hair to the head and wash the head af

Follow this home remedy to get rid of diabetic foot pain

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 11 December 2023 Monday Diabetes is a disease that is considered to be the root of many other problems. This leads to heart disease, kidney disease and all sorts of problems, one of which is leg pain, which makes it difficult for patients to even walk. Leg pain after high blood sugar level is common but if you follow some home remedies, this problem can be overcome. Diabetic patients get rid of foot pain in this way 1. Control blood sugar Maintaining blood sugar levels is the first condition of staying healthy for diabetic patients. Without which no kind of trouble can be imagined. For this you should change your daily lifestyle and food habit. Fix a time for your meals to exercise and sleep and do not change it too much. Stay away from more sweet and oily foods as they increase the risk of diseases. 2. Increase physical activity Exercise is a cure for many problems, this also applies to diabetics. If you exercise every day, the pain in the legs

Why is it necessary to wear supporter in the gym? Know the reason

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 09 December 2023 Saturday Today everyone has become aware about fitness. Everyone knows that being fit is very important for a healthy life. Meanwhile, some people keep themselves fit by doing yoga, while some people keep themselves fit by going to the gym. However, today the number of people going to the gym is more than yoga. Why do you have to wear a supporter? You may also have heard that a supporter is needed when lifting heavy weights. Meanwhile the question is why a supporter is needed when lifting heavy weights after all. Do you know about this? Is the body in control Supporters are needed while lifting heavy weights as these lifts put pressure on our muscles and other body parts. It helps our backbone, waist and legs so that we can lift and control the weight properly. A supporter stabilizes the body while lifting weights. A supportive supporter also helps maintain proper posture and weight. Disadvantages of not wearing a supporter If