

Pomegranate juice is full of amazing health benefits

New delhi date. 14 November 2020, Saturday Pomegranate is one of the healthiest fruits. This fruit is rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin C and many other nutrients. Pomegranate juice also has several benefits. It is also rich in powerful plant components. Not only fruit but also pomegranate juice is full of many health benefits. This treatment is also beneficial for health. Packed juices are mostly sugar, salt and preservatives. Fresh pomegranate juice can be easily made at home. Learn about the benefits of pomegranate juice ... 1. Rich in anti-oxidants Pomegranate juice is rich in strong anti-oxidant properties. According to research, this juice contains three times more antioxidants than green tea. Anti-oxidants protect your cells from free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. 2. A rich source of vitamin C. These juices are also rich in vitamin C which can give your body many benefits. Vitamin C promotes skin health. Helps to boost the immune system. 3. Keeps blood pressure i

Without the vaccine, India will be free of corona

-Good news given by the senior doctor of AIIMS -There have been 1.5 lakh deaths in India so far New Delhi Dated 13th November 2020 Friday Dr. Randeep Guleria, Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, gave the good news that India would be corona-free without the corona vaccine. "We don't need the corona vaccine," he said. We will be in a state of herd community after the outbreak of the corona virus. At that time we will not need the corona vaccine. However he added that if the virus does not mutate or there is no major change in the situation, we may need a corona vaccine. However I don't think we need a corona vaccine. We will be coronated by herd immunity. He added that the medical world is keeping an eye on what kind of changes will take place in the virus in the next few months. This is the first time the virus has been exposed to the world, so the medical world is not yet fully aware of its activity. Like doctors around the world, we are here to

As the sinus problem increases in winter, these 7 home remedies will provide relief

New delhi date. 11 November 2020, Wednesday Sinus is a nasal congestion problem caused by an allergy, bacterial infection or cold. Sinus problems increase during the winter season. The sinuses cause saliva to build up in the body which causes headaches and difficulty in breathing. Sinus problems can last up to 4 weeks or more. But there are some home remedies that can relieve this problem. Stay hydrated: - Lack of fluid increases sinus problems. Always keep yourself hydrated if you have sinus problems. Drink plenty of water, sugar-free tea or juice. This fluid helps the saliva to get out of the body. People with sinus problems should avoid alcohol, caffeine and smoking. Spicy Spices: - Spicy spices like black pepper have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which help in expelling saliva. In addition, mixing horseradish in apple cider vinegar and lemon juice also relieves sinus problems. Steaming: - The most effective way to reduce sinus is to destroy it. Put 3 drops

Kiwi consumption is vital for women during pregnancy, there are many benefits

Ahmedabad. Wednesday 11 November 2020 Women experience many types of hormonal and physical changes during pregnancy. Many changes, from weight gain to changes in body figure, are common in pregnant women. During pregnancy, women's responsibility towards their own health increases. This is because they have to take care of themselves as well as their unborn child. The body needs maximum amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Deficiencies in important nutrients in the diet can impede a child's development. Eating kiwis also helps maintain the overall health of pregnant women. Let's know Blood clots do not form Would you like to eat a whole kiwi or add it to a salad? Pregnant women also benefit from the consumption of kiwi in any form. It contains vitamins that are effective in removing blood clots. Eating it in the last three months of pregnancy can be very beneficial. Ability to absorb iron The presence of iron in the body of pregnant women is very important. They

Diwali 2020: Here are some things to keep in mind to avoid diabetes during the festive season

New delhi date. 10 November 2020, Tuesday The festive season has started and now Dhanteras, Diwali and Bhaibeej are also approaching. People will also make a variety of dishes at home and order from the market. On Diwali, people send sweets to each other to wish them a Happy New Year, but it is not easy for people suffering from diabetes to consume sweets and various delicacies during the festive season. On the day of Diwali, the house is full of sweets. If you suffer from diabetes or want to stay away from it, you can easily keep yourself away from it by trying these tips. Eat small amounts 5 times a day Most people eat three meals a day. This festive season you try to eat small meals four to five times a day. This will keep the sugar level in your body in balance and you will not have any complaints of diabetes. Eat snacks and nuts instead of sweets Salt your mouth on Diwali, but if you are not careful about your health, salting your mouth can be overwhelming. Try to have snack

Ajma water is the agave cure for these ailments

New delhi date. 09 November 2020, Monday Lifestyle causes high blood pressure in most people. The main cause of high BP is irregular routine and unhealthy eating. In addition, the problem of high blood pressure is more common in people who do not exercise at all and eat a high-fat diet, which affects the blood circulation in their muscles. In addition to this, sometimes heart blockages as well as small blockages occur in other parts of the body, which leads to increase in blood pressure. So try some home remedies that can help you control your BP. Thus ajma water is a homemade recipe. Thus, ajmo is very effective in many physical problems. Ajma water acts as a medicine for heart patients, it helps in controlling high BP and also lowers cholesterol. To consume ajma water, first soak ajma in a cup of water overnight. In the morning, boil this water well with ajmani for 20 minutes. The water will then change color in a few minutes. You can mix a little lemon in it if you want to taste

Benefits Of Onion juice: Onion juice is very beneficial for health!

New delhi date. 08 November 2020, Sunday Onions are known to enhance the taste of food. When it comes to making paneer chhole and rajma, it seems impossible to make this vegetable without onion. But did you know that onions not only enhance the taste of your food but are also considered beneficial for your health. Drinking onion juice is considered to be very beneficial for health. Many nutrients are found in onions. Onions have magnesium, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties that can help prevent many diseases. Onions are also considered to be effective in serious problems ranging from hair problems to blood pressure. So find out about the benefits of onions ... Onion juice is beneficial for health: - 1. Period: - Onion juice is considered to be very beneficial for period pain. Onions are considered to be very effective in getting rid of problems that occur during periods. Onion juice is also considered good for energy. 2. Teeth: - Eat

Benefits Of Herbal Tea: Make herbal tea at home to keep yourself healthy this winter

New delhi date. 08 November 2020, Sunday You can have many kinds of problems in winter and especially problems like cold and cough become very common. You should also take care of your health because of the corona. If you start the morning with tea, find out about a special tea that will make you healthier and better. Most people start their day with tea while some people consume it before or after breakfast. Tea addiction is such that some people's day cannot start without it. If they do not drink tea, they may get headaches or other problems. You can drink herbal tea to retain energy in your body which is beneficial in every way and also takes great care of your health. Find out which herbal teas you can include in your diet. Green tea Everyone knows about green tea and how beneficial it is. Not only that, drinking it also helps you lose weight and by consuming it every day, you can fight diseases like cancer. Green tea is also considered to be very beneficial for bones. Wh

Know, what can stop the second wave of Corona in India?

New delhi date. 05 November 2020, Thursday The second wave of Corona has arrived in America and Europe. Recently, VK Paul of the Policy Commission said that a second wave of Corona is likely to hit India in the cold. One finding suggests that the second wave may be more dangerous than the first. Find out how we can stop the second wave of corona in the country or slow down its spread. "We are facing difficulties," said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The number of people coming positive after the second wave is increasing. We have to stop it from spreading. According to Antoine Fauci, the good thing about all this is that we can reduce the number of cases of corona virus. It does not require a lockdown, we can only do so with discretion, caution and serious public health thinking. We just have to keep these simple things in mind. 1. Always wear a mask It is clear from the search report that Covid-19 is under control i

Fenugreek is an agave in winter, learn about its wonderful benefits ...

New delhi date. 05 November 2020, Thursday Nature is an important part of our lives. Its use can help keep the body healthy. From the green leaves of fenugreek to the seeds of fenugreek can prove to be nectar for us. Find out how beneficial fenugreek is. Miraculous fenugreek Eating fenugreek seeds lowers cholesterol. Its many benefits have been mentioned in Ayurveda. Eating fenugreek seeds brightens the brain. Fenugreek leaves Green fenugreek lowers blood sugar. Fenugreek petals are also considered as nectar for the stomach. Fenugreek powder Drinking fenugreek with honey is beneficial for the heart. Taking fenugreek powder in hot water relieves constipation. The benefits of fenugreek are many Fenugreek seed tea is consumed when it feels cold. Health but also taste Fenugreek is beneficial in high blood pressure and indigestion. Then drinking fenugreek juice is beneficial in diabetes and eating fenugreek paratha in winter is different fun.

Karwa chauth 2020: If you have these ailments, don't fast

New delhi date. 04 November 2020, Wednesday The fast of Karva Choth is kept for the longevity of the husband. This vow is kept by married women or virgin women for husband or fianc. The rules of fasting are very difficult and women have to fast all day long, hungry and thirsty. Considering the pre-health condition, health experts advise some women not to observe this fast. According to the Allopathy Physician, if a woman has a complaint of diabetes, she should not keep this fast. Living without food and water all day can lead to hypoglycemia. If a woman has a problem with high blood pressure or low blood pressure, she is also advised not to fast. Patients with BP should avoid fasting, as prolonged starvation can cause BP to fluctuate. Control of BP depends entirely on medications and diet. No seriously ill woman should observe this fast. If a woman is undergoing treatment or taking any kind of medicine, she should not fast either. Doing so can cause further damage to health. It i

Corona blast in Delhi: 50,000 new cases, more than 400 deaths in ten days

- On the other hand the sin of pollution made the air poisonous New Delhi 4th November 2020 Wednesday Fifty thousand new cases of corona were reported in ten days after the explosion of corona in the country's capital New Delhi. More than 400 people were killed. The onset of winter on the one hand and the burning of straw in neighboring states on the other had poisoned the air in the capital. In it, Corona resumed her black care. In the last twenty-four hours, 6,725 new cases were reported and 48 patients died. Fifty thousand new cases were reported between October 25th and November 3rd. Under these circumstances, Diwali celebrations and shopping in the markets were likely to be adversely affected. The air quality index in Delhi was over 300. In some areas, the figure was as high as 400. With the king of festivals like Diwali approaching, the markets were crowded and people were seen moving around without masks or social distance. Crowds of people in areas like Chandni Chowk,

Karva Choth 2020: Pregnant women should fast with these precautions

New delhi date. 03 November 2020, Tuesday How many pregnant women are enthusiastic about fasting? Karva Choth fast comes only once in a year and is associated with longevity of the spouse, so women do not make any compromises regarding this vow, but pregnancy is a time in every woman's life when it is very important to be health conscious. Pregnant women can fast but some precautions should be taken. - It is necessary to seek advice If you are going to fast during pregnancy, it is very important that you consult your doctor. Your doctor knows more about your health. The idea of ​​fasting should be abandoned if even a general problem appears and the doctor is not allowing fasting. - Don't go hungry all day One should not fast all day in pregnancy by being hungry. Being hungry is not good for the body, so eating a few fruits and nuts helps maintain energy in the body. Do not consume fruits with salt. - Drink milk Don't take tea or coffee by mistake even during Sargi, t

Eating too much salt can cause hypertension-kidney damage

New delhi date. 03 November 2020, Tuesday Too much salt in the body can be detrimental to health. This can cause high blood pressure. That is why patients with hypertension should use it with caution. Not only that. Salt can also cause a number of kidney diseases. According to some studies, salt also impairs the immune system. If you also choose to use more salt in your meals or eat more salty foods, then you have to take more care of your health. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has come up with some good measures to control the amount of salt in food. This can be very effective in preventing high blood pressure or kidney disease. Instead of using too much salt in your meals, look for other seasonal alternatives. You can use lemon powder, amchoor powder, ajmo, black pepper, oregano leaves instead of salt. The FSSAI wrote in its tweet, 'Instead of adding salt in between meals, add salt at the end. This way you will use less salt when cooking. ' Most

In the WHO's Presidential Quarantine, Corona's patient was contacted

- Announced himself on social media on Sunday - although he also claimed to have no symptoms of corona New York, Ta. Monday 2 November 2020 "I am in quarantine after coming in contact with a patient in Corona," said Tedras Adhnom, director general of the World Health Organization (WHO). However he also claimed that not a single symptom of corona was found in my body. "I came to the quarantine myself when I was informed that I had come in contact with a patient who had been a victim of Covid 19," Adhnom wrote on social media on Sunday. However not a single symptom of corona has been seen in my body yet. He called upon mankind to heal in this epidemic by following the instructions and guidelines given by the doctors so that the epidemic could be brought under control. Forced to stay in quarantine for at least 14 days after coming in contact with a corona. We all need to take precautions to reduce the workload on the health care system. Adhanom further wrote tha

Allegation of rape on a young woman on a ventilator

-The accused is having breakfast -The case of Fortis Hospital in Gurugram, Haryana Gurugram on 30th October 2020 Friday A young woman on a ventilator in the ICU department of Fortis Hospital in Gurugram area of ​​Haryana alleged that she was raped. The girl's father had lodged a complaint at the Gurugram police station. The girl was ready to cooperate with the police in the investigation. The police investigation was ongoing. The girl claimed that she was raped by a young man named Vikas when she was in a semi-conscious state. Police seized CCTV footage and launched an investigation into the development based on it. The 21-year-old girl was admitted to the hospital on October 21 with respiratory problems. As her condition worsened, she was placed on a ventilator on the 22nd. When the girl regained consciousness six days later, she reported the incident to her father. This meant that it was raped between 22 and 27 October. However, the girl was not in a position to give a stat

World Stroke Day 2020: Learn, Stroke Symptoms and Remedies

New delhi date. Thursday, October 29, 2020 October 29 is celebrated as World Stroke Day. The purpose of World Stroke Day is to spread awareness about the disease. So that people living in time can get rid of this disease. Stroke is a disease in which any part of a person suddenly stops working. In this disease, there is no life in the limbs and often the voice of the person is also lost. If left untreated, it can lead to death. What is a stroke? Stroke can occur in any part of the body. But strokes are mainly seen to be connected to the heart and brain. A stroke that occurs in the brain is called a brain stroke. This condition causes difficulty in getting blood to the brain, which causes the brain cells to become depleted. A stroke is a condition when one of your limbs suddenly stops working. If you also have this type of experience, you should get a checkup from a doctor right away. Excessive intake of sugar and salt can also cause stroke People who suffer from diabetes, choleste

Ban on pollution-increasing fireworks in Delhi

-Violators will be fined one lakh rupees -Advertisement made by Kejriwal government New Delhi, Thursday, October 29, 2020 In a bid to curb rising pollution in the capital, New Delhi, the Delhi government has banned the use of high-pollution fireworks. It was also announced that a fine of Rs one lakh would be imposed if the violator was caught. The Delhi government is set to launch an anti-cracker campaign from November 3. Eleven teams of Delhi Police will be formed for this. The team will be constantly moving in each area. At the same time, the state government will bring a green app to promote green fireworks. A fine of Rs one lakh was announced for those who set off firecrackers other than green ones. On the one hand, with the onset of the standing harvest season in North India and Punjab-Haryana, the incidence of straw burning has been on the rise, causing unbearable pollution in Delhi. The state government decided to tighten its grip on Diwali after experts warned that firewo

Do you spend the whole day in drowsiness? So know the way to overcome drowsiness

New delhi date. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 Often our minds do not feel at work. In the meanwhile fatigue and lethargy surround us without doing anything, which has a negative effect on our daily activities. We cannot put our mind to it. That is why it becomes very necessary to bring inspiration by removing the lethargy of the body. Learn what to look for and tactics to help ease the way. Green tea We face both fatigue and stress while working overtime. If this happens to you, you should drink green tea in the meantime. This only gives energy to your body. This also helps in increasing concentration. Aniseed We know anise as a kitchen spice and mouth freshener. But it has more than that. Anise contains elements like calcium, sodium, iron and potassium, which help your body to get rid of drowsiness. Chocolate Often our mood gets worse due to different reasons and when the mood is not right, we don't feel like doing any work. In that we should eat chocolate. The cocoa in ch

Sharad Purnima 2020: Learn about the scientific importance of keeping pudding in the moonlight.

New delhi date. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 The holy festival of Sharad Poonam will be celebrated on Friday, October 30. According to religious beliefs, the moon rains nectar on this day. There is also a belief of keeping kheer in the moonlight all night on the day of Sharad Poonam. It is believed that consuming this pudding is very beneficial for health. Keeping pudding in the moonlight all night has religious as well as scientific significance. The scientific significance of keeping pudding in the moonlight all night ... Pudding is made from milk and rice. Milk contains an acid called lactic acid which absorbs most of the energy from the moon's rays. At the same time starch is found in the rice which makes the process easier. According to scientific beliefs, consuming pudding is also very beneficial. Pudding is beneficial for asthma patients This pudding is very beneficial for asthma patients. Asthma patients should consume this pudding. On the night of Sharad Poonam, an ast

Clove is a panacea for stomach ailments ranging from colds

New delhi date. 27 October 2020, Tuesday The summer season is going on and the cold is knocking. Special care must be taken with health to prevent diseases caused by climate change. There are some health problems that are minor but can be overwhelming to ignore. Do you know how many ailments are cured in our kitchen? Clove used as a spice is beneficial in many diseases. Cloves are a treasure trove of medicinal properties. It is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, carbohydrates, sodium and hydrochloric acid. Its use provides relief in many ailments ranging from colds to flu. Having cloves in the mouth gives a lot of relief in case of cold. In winter this brings warmth to the body. Drinking cloves dipped in tea is also beneficial. Cloves also provide relief in sore throats with winter. Clove is very effective in stomach related ailments. Cloves are very beneficial for people suffering from indigestion, flatulence or even constipation. In the morning, on an empty sto

Consuming water in this way on an empty stomach in the morning has health benefits

New delhi date. Monday, October 26, 2020 Drinking warm water on an empty stomach in the morning is extremely beneficial and curative for health. Everyone must drink hot water at least five times throughout the day and thus it is advisable to drink hot water during the Corona period. Water is usually beneficial, because if you are feeling tired or weak, it is very important for you to drink the right amount of water. It will bring a lot of benefits. If we talk about warm water, it also removes many ailments associated with the body. Although it is beneficial to drink hot water at any time of the day and anytime, it can be more beneficial when you drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Warm water cleanses the stomach Drinking warm water on an empty stomach in the morning will clear your stomach completely, it will make you feel refreshed. Your mind will be stress free throughout the day, because stomach problems are the cause of many problems in our body. Eliminates the complai

Avoid these items if you are over 30 years old

New delhi date. Monday, October 26, 2020 There are many types of changes in the body with age, be it female or male. Thus, it has been found that youngsters in the age group of 20-25 years have a lot of energy in doing any work but after the age of 30, their body starts getting a little sluggish. During this time it is very challenging to keep the body fit as before. It is important to pay special attention to the food and drink of the people so that the body stays fit and you can avoid diseases that occur with age. Avoid eating these things if you are also over 30 years of age, otherwise it can be harmful to health. More sodium should not be taken The main ingredient in the salt we consume is sodium. But did you know that too much sodium can be dangerous for you? Excessive sodium intake can lead to problems such as hypertension and blood pressure. Control foods high in sugar and carbs After the age of 30, you should control your diet high in sugar and carbohydrates (white bread,

Mixing cinnamon in milk and drinking it has tremendous benefits!

New delhi date. Sunday, October 25, 2020 Milk has always been included in our diet. This is an integral part of our diet. Everything from pudding to dessert is not possible without milk. Milk is a treasure trove of nutrients. In addition to protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, it also contains vitamins A, D, K and E. Usually people drink milk with a little sugar. But mixing some things in it increases its quality and benefits. For example, mixing turmeric in milk and drinking it is effective in preventing seasonal diseases, headaches, colds, etc., as well as boosting our immunity. But did you know that mixing cinnamon in milk has tremendous benefits. It is also an effective remedy for improving digestion, from insomnia to controlling blood sugar to whitening the skin. Learn about the benefits of mixing cinnamon in milk ... There are several benefits to mixing cinnamon in milk. This relieves stomach related problems. This eliminates the problem of gas, its consumption will also i

Corona vaccine will be available by June 2021, assured by Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech

- Conducts research with IMCR and NIV New Delhi on Saturday 24th October 2020 The corona vaccine, which is being manufactured in India, will be available by June 2021, said a spokesperson for Bharat Bachotech. The Hyderabad-based institute was conducting research in collaboration with the Indian Council for Medical Research and the National Institute of Virology (IMCR and NIV). A third clinical trial of the vaccine had been approved. The vaccine had previously been successful in a two-stage clinical trial and was endorsed by the IMCR. A spokesperson for Bharat Biotech said the vaccine could reach the market sooner if the government allows emergency use. Sai Prasad, Executive Director, Bharat Biotech, said, "We were preparing clinical trials of the vaccine on 20,000 volunteers in 14 states of the country." If we get all the necessary permission in time, this vaccine will be available to everyone in June 2021. The vaccine was developed with the help of an inactivated viru