

Rising cancer risk in this age group: survey

New delhi date. August 21, 2023, Monday Cancer is a group of diseases related to abnormal cell growth that has the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. While the incidence of cancer is increasing among people, this is a disease that everyone fears. A survey has been done recently. According to that From 2010 to 2019, cases of early cancer have increased among people 50 years or younger. The fastest expanding cancer during this period has been gastrointestinal cancer (14.80 %), followed by endocrine cancer, which has seen up to 8.69 percent. The next highest incidence of cancer is breast cancer (7.7 percent). Gastrointestinal cancer can arise anywhere in the digestive tract. These include the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, pancreas, gall bladder, bile duct, liver, rectum, and anus. Despite the rapid expansion of gastrointestinal cancer, the year 2019 saw the highest number of breast cancer cases among people in the 50 and younger age group. A group o

Tips to Reduce Salt Intake: Reduce the use of salt in food to keep the heart healthy

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 14 August 2023 Monday Excessive consumption of salt is very harmful to our health. Some time ago, the WHO also released a report on sodium intake, in which it was stated that excess sodium intake is one of the main causes of death and illness worldwide. Sodium, considered one of the most essential nutrients for the body, increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and premature death if consumed in excess. Salts in particular are high in sodium, so their low intake is considered beneficial for the body. Salt harmful to health Excess salt can raise blood pressure, which increases the risk of serious illnesses such as heart attack and stroke. Meanwhile, you can reduce the amount of sugar in your diet in this way to keep your heart healthy. Eliminate processed, canned and unhealthy junk food, which is high in sugar, from your diet. Apart from this, choose fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. Remove salt and salty sauces etc. from the dining table t

Stomach is exposed after working in office for hours, get benefit from this asana at home

Image Freepic Dt. 14 August 2023, Monday Due to today's lifestyle and work pressure, people have less time. So sometimes people get stuck on the office desk in such a way that they don't even have time to drink water. Most of the people who do this kind of work lose belly fat. According to experts, it is very important for such people to pay attention to their health. Otherwise, the diseases will become home. Padahastasana Abdominal fat is kept under control by doing Padahastasana. To perform this asana, first stand on a mat with the legs straight, then join the hands together with the legs. Now while inhaling raise the arms and while exhaling bend forward and keep both the palms flat on the floor under the feet. Then try to rest the head on the knee. During this time take care that your legs should not bend. Now stay in this position for a few seconds and while breathing again rise upwards and try to lean back slowly while lifting the arms up as well. Then exhale again a

You look old at a young age, some bad habits cause wrinkles, know the reason

Image Freepic Dt. 14 August 2023, Monday When a baby is born, its skin is so soft, but with age, it is natural to get wrinkles on the face. But nowadays in some cases even young people start to get wrinkles on their faces, which has become a big problem. But we ourselves are responsible for that. Some of our bad habits make us look older at a young age. If a person stays away from such habits, then the problem of aging of the person will be reduced and along with it, he will also start looking young. 1. Abstain from intoxicants In today's fast-paced life, the habit of taking drugs has become common among the youth. But they don't know how much damage it does. Drugs also cause physical and mental problems. In which the habit of intoxicants like cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol creates a house of disease in your body. 2. Be free from anxiety, (anxiety is like a leopard) Today everyone, young and old, has some form of anxiety. The habit of worrying even about small things is se

A storehouse of many medicinal properties in this rare fruit, if you know the benefits, you will rush to find it

Image Twitter Dt. 20 August 2023, Sunday Gingharu is a medicinal and anti-inflammatory plant. From its roots to fruits, flowers and leaves and its branches etc., each one is beneficial for us. This fruit is seen only for 3 months. It is seen around June-July and August. It proves helpful in stopping bloody diarrhea and relieving toothache. Let's know about many more health benefits of ginger. Many such trees and plants are mentioned in Ayurvedic texts, which are widely used in making medicine. One such is this miraculous plant, its fruit is known as Gheenguru. This mountain fruit is popularly known as Ghingharu in Kumaoni, Ghingharu and Ghingharu in Garhwali and Ghingharu in Nepali. Gingharu fruits look like small red apples, also called Himalayan red berry, firethorn apple or white thorn. However, its botanical name is known as Pyracantha crenulata Gingharu is rich in protein The fruit is mildly sour, pungent and sweet in taste. Dhingaru is rich in protein. The small fruits

Vitamin A, B, C, D...not only 'P' is also very important, it can cure these diseases

Image Freepic Dt. 13 August 2023, Sunday Not only vitamins A, B, C, D, E are present in our body but also 'P' is very necessary for health. Vitamin P is known as flavonol. Vitamin P is actually a phytonutrient. Which is full of antioxidants. Vitamin P also has anti-inflammatory properties. Let's find out what are the health benefits of it and in which foods it is found. Total 6 Overwhelming Benefits of Vitamin 'P' Good for the heart Blood works very well by eating fruits with vitamin P. This takes good care of heart health. By consuming it, the risk of heart diseases is greatly reduced. Strengthen immunity Vitamin P acts as an antioxidant. It protects the body from free-radical damage. It does not damage the cells and strengthens the immune system. Due to which the body is able to fight against diseases. Helps with allergies, asthma, arthritis Being full of anti-inflammatory properties, vitamin P reduces inflammation in the body. Vitamin P works to relieve

5 signs you are dehydrated

Five signs of dehydration (img: Envato Elements) Dehydration occurs when our body loses more fluids than it takes in, leading to an imbalance in the body's electrolytes and reduced ability to function properly. Recognizing the signs of dehydration is crucial, as it is essential to address it promptly to maintain overall health. A well-renowned dermatologist guides through signs that may indicate you are dehydrated, along with tips to prevent dehydration. Dry, flaky skin Your skin may feel tight, rough, or flaky. Fine lines and wrinkles may become more pronounced due to decreased skin elasticity. Chapped or cracked lips Your lips may feel dry, and tight, or develop cracks. Lips may appear red, irritated, or peeled. Dull complexion Dehydration can lead to a lacklustre complexion with less radiant and glowing skin. Increased skin sensitivity Dehydrated skin can become more sensitive to irritants, leading to itching, redness, or discomfort. Delayed wound healing Dehydrated

The number of eyes increased by 30 percent in children up to 10 years!

Ahmedabad, The growing technology has given wings to the fast life style of people. Private online tuition classes have been booming for some time now. Many children go straight home from school to get online education on computers, laptops or mobiles. As the school and office were closed during the corona virus, everyone from the elders to the little ones were busy in online meetings and classes. Not only learning, nowadays, from the time a child is born, from watching cartoons on the phone, to listening and watching songs and bhajans. Children are turning to video games instead of going out and playing games. Some of which have had a mild effect on their vision. Nowadays, children get glasses from a very young age. Especially at the time of Corona, the eyes of children who are constantly engaged in online classes have been damaged. According to doctors, the number of children aged 3 to 10 years has increased by 30 percent. People get distant numbers, near numbers and troubling numb

Consume Tulsi daily on an empty stomach in this way, the body will get many benefits

Image Source: Wikipedia Ahmedabad. 19 August 2023 Saturday Tulsi is called mother and worshiped all over the country but do you know that apart from its religious significance, Tulsi is also very beneficial for your health. Many medicines and herbs of Ayurveda are prepared by mixing Tulsi. If you have a cold or cough, add basil to the decoction and drink it or drink basil tea to get relief. We have been doing this medicine for years. Immunity booster Tulsi is known for its immunomodulatory properties, which means it strengthens your body's immune system and protects it from any kind of infection. Better digestion Basil can help with optimal digestion and is effective in reducing gas and bloating. Drinking Tulsi water improves digestion and removes toxins from the body. Rich in antioxidants Basil contains compounds like flavonoids, polyphenols and essential oils that act as antioxidants. These antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, thereby reducing

Are you in the habit of eating dal and rice at night? So you can get sick

Image: Freepik Navi Mumbai, dt. 19 August 2023, Saturday What is the most popular food of the people of India? So we will say that dal bhaat, dal bhaat is a must have for lunch at every home. It may be made differently in each province. Every home has a recipe but the method of preparation is different. There are many people who prefer to eat dal-rice and roti for dinner instead of in the afternoon or morning because they are busy with work. On the other hand, such people who are dieting or working out, prefer to have only beans for dinner. Lentils are also considered beneficial for health as they are rich in protein. Tuvar dal at night is not good for stomach Many people eat dal-rice at night. Some health experts believe that tuwer dal in dinner is not good for the stomach. According to Ayurveda, if lentil dal is eaten at night, the doshas of the body can increase. However, this rule does not apply to every human being. Each pulse has a different quality. If you don't know

Now saliva can detect whether you have heart disease or not, scientists have found a new way

Image Freepic Dt. 19 August 2023, Saturday Now you can tell if you have heart disease or not by human saliva? It has been revealed in a research that in the coming time heart disease will be known through these signs. Periodontitis is a specific type of gum infection that has been linked to heart disease. Research scientists found that inflammation causes this blood to leak through the gums and into the circulation, posing a risk for heart disease. This Canadian university published the report A team from Canada's Mount Royal University used a simple mouth rinse to see if the level of white blood cells in the saliva of healthy age-matched people, a sign of gum inflammation, could be a warning sign of heart disease. They found that high levels correlated with blood flow, which is the starting level of bad arteries. Trevor King of Mount Royal University said that young people can develop oral diseases that can influence heart disease. For your information, it is one of the leadi

Not only papaya, its seeds are also beneficial for health, know the benefits of eating it

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 12 August 2023 Saturday Papaya seeds are considered very beneficial for health. Eating this gives many benefits to the body. Benefits of papaya seeds People often throw away the seeds while eating papaya but you will be surprised to know that papaya seeds are also considered to be very beneficial for health. Papaya seeds contain the enzyme papain, which aids in digestion. Eating these seeds after meals can help break down proteins and improve digestion, reducing symptoms like bloating, constipation and indigestion. Detoxify the liver Papaya seeds are considered very beneficial for the liver. It contains many compounds that help detoxify the liver and protect it from damage. Antibacterial property Papaya seeds have anti-bacterial properties that help the body fight many types of infections. You can grind these seeds and sprinkle them on top of salads. Anti-inflammatory properties Consuming papaya seeds reduces swelling in the body. Eating its

This vegetable works as a medicine in many stomach related problems, know the right way to use it

Image Source: Wikipedia Ahmedabad. 12 August 2023 Saturday A healthy stomach is very important to keep the body healthy. If you are bothered by stomach related diseases, you may get many serious diseases. Stomach diseases are treated in many ways in Ayurveda. Stomach diseases can be treated with the use of Sargava. Be it the leaves or the pods of Sarga which are full of medicinal properties are used in the treatment of many ailments. Sargava for stomach disease Grind mustard and ginger in equal proportions along with saffron root to maintain good digestion. Make a pill of this paste and consume 1-1 pill daily in the morning and evening. Consuming this pill will improve your digestion. If there is bacteria in the intestines, eat sorghum pods. These vegetables will kill your gut bacteria. Cut 4 pods of sargavan and boil in 1 liter of water to make a decoction and drink after mixing 1 teaspoon of ginger in it. Drinking this decoction will improve your digestion. To get rid of the

Ginger Benefits: Include ginger in food for these 7 reasons, you will get miraculous benefits

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 12 August 2023 Saturday Ginger is used a lot in Indian cuisine. Which enhances the taste of food. Also beneficial in many health related problems. Ginger has many properties that we are unaware of. Ginger contains bioactive compounds like gingerol, which has anti-inflammatory properties. According to a study, ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Including it in your diet can help reduce inflammation and provide relief from conditions like osteoarthritis. Are you facing indigestion problem? You can include ginger in your diet. Studies have shown that ginger has long been used as a treatment for gastrointestinal problems. Ginger has a positive effect on the time it takes a person to digest food. Including ginger in your diet can help you get rid of digestive problems like stomach ache, bloating, feeling too full, nausea. Irregular periods can be painful. Meanwhile you should consume ginger. Consuming ginger relieves menstrual pai

Eating pizza can cure this serious disease, scientists claimed

Image : freepik New delhi date. 12 July 2023, Saturday Pizza is one such fast food which is good in the test but it is said that there is a risk of weight gain by eating it. Today's generation especially now children are also fond of pizza. Pizza is so famous, but people also know that it is an unhealthy food. Eating this can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart attack and high blood pressure. But according to a research, eating pizza can reduce the risk of serious illness. We are not saying this. A study has claimed that by eating pizza you can get relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis problems. According to this study, pizza prepared with fresh ingredients can reduce the problems associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Eating pizza reduces pain Some of the ingredients used in pizza have anti-inflammatory properties. Mozzarella cheese and olive oil are considered most beneficial in making pizza. According to Italian scientists, eating half a pizza once a week can reduce the pain cau

The leaves of this tree are very beneficial, chewing them daily will bring 5 miraculous benefits

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 August 2023 Friday Lemon is used throughout the year at home, from flavoring dal to shikanji, lemon is used in everything. Along with this, lemon also has many benefits for health. Lemon and honey are mixed in hot water to lose weight and lemon is also used to eliminate stomach problems, but apart from lemon, its leaves are also very beneficial. What are the benefits of eating lemon leaves? Chewing lemon leaves daily reduces stress. Lemon leaves have many properties that reduce stress. Smelling lemon leaves gives off a musty aroma. Like lemon, its leaves also contain vitamin C, which works to increase the body's immunity. By consuming this, you can avoid infections that spread during the change of season. Chewing lemon leaves can make your weight loss journey easier. You can find a lemon tree in any park, apart from this you can also plant a lemon tree at home. Lemon leaves are also beneficial in tension headaches. Chewing lemon leaves da

Know the many benefits of eating dates on an empty stomach in the morning

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 August 2023 Friday All of us probably know that eating dates is beneficial for health. It contains many nutrients that are beneficial for the body. It is rich in fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6 and iron but do you know how much positive effect it has on the body if this sweet fruit is eaten every morning. Benefits of eating dates on an empty stomach in the morning 1. Weight will decrease Eating dates on an empty stomach in the morning will help you lose weight, so people who are trying to lose weight should eat dates after waking up from sleep, as this will keep you from feeling hungry for a long time. 2. Energy will increase If you eat dates on an empty stomach every day, the body will maintain energy throughout the day. This sweet fruit is rich in iron. This increases the level of hemoglobin in the body and fills you with energy. 3. Digestion will be strengthened People who suffer from stomach problems should eat dates in

Eating mushrooms has not only advantages but also disadvantages, know the disadvantages of eating wild mushrooms

Image Source: Freepik Mumbai, dt. 18 August 2023 Friday Mushrooms are rich in protein as well as many nutrients but cook them properly to reap the nutritional benefits but did you know that people who eat wild mushrooms can develop serious illnesses. Harms of eating wild mushrooms tiredness Not only do some people feel weak after eating mushrooms, it can also make you feel restless and lethargic. This has had the opposite effect on many people. Digestive problem Mushrooms are high in simple carbohydrates, which are difficult to digest. As these carbohydrates pass undigested into the large intestine, they are fermented by our gut microbiota, causing gas and even digestive problems in some people. Allergies in the skin Some people may be allergic to mushrooms, consuming too much of them may cause rashes and irritation on the skin. Some people may also experience nosebleeds, dry mouth, dry nose and other problems. Do not consume during pregnancy Many breastfeeding and pregnant

Caution! Consuming too much fibrous food can cause these 4 problems in the body

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 August 2023 Friday Fiber is just as essential to the body as any other nutrient. Fiber comes from large grains and fibrous fruits. Like whole grain foods, fruits like apples and oranges and other foods. It acts like a laxative and also speeds up the metabolism of the stomach. It speeds up your bowel movement and helps reduce the problem of constipation but consuming too much of this food can cause problems in the body. What happens when you consume too much fiber? 1. Stomach water dries up Consuming too much fiber dehydrates your stomach. You should consume more water along with fiber rich foods. Because lack of water can dehydrate your stomach and its effect can be seen in your whole body. It also affects the liver, kidneys and appetite. 2. May cause constipation Consuming too much fiber can cause constipation. Because if you don't drink more water along with fiber rich food then your stomach becomes deficient in water and due to which y

Do you get sore hands and feet as soon as you wake up in the morning? So these are symptoms of serious illness

New delhi date. 11 August 2023, Friday It is normal to feel stiffness in the hands and feet as soon as you wake up in the morning, but if this happens every day, then you need to be a little careful because it may be a symptom of some serious illness in your body. Sometimes the leg pain starts even after a long walk or run. This pain can occur at night before going to bed or after waking up in the morning. There can be many reasons behind it. Plantar fasciitis If you have persistent foot pain, it could be plantar fasciitis. In which there is severe pain in the legs. This is usually caused by inflammation in the thick band that makes up this tissue. This ligament connects the part of our heel bone and the big toe. A tissue strap connects the sole of the foot and the sole of the foot. Swelling in it causes severe pain. Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid is one of the serious diseases that occur in the bones and joints. This disease can occur not only in the feet but in any joint of t

Both the name and the taste of this fruit are similar to mango, know the benefits of eating it

Image Source: Wikipedia Ahmedabad. 11 August 2023 Friday You will get to eat different fruits in different parts of India. If we talk only about this season, you will find this fruit called mangosteen in the market. Although mainly a fruit of Kerala and South Indian states, you will find it in many parts of the country. The specialty of this fruit is that it contains many nutrients at once. This fruit is rich in vitamin C, fiber and many anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming this prevents cell damage in the body and prepares the immune system to fight viral infections that occur this season. What are the benefits of mangosteen? 1. Helpful in reducing obesity The benefits of eating mangosteen in reducing obesity are many, it is rich in fiber which speeds up the metabolism and helps in rapid weight loss. Apart from this, it is also low in calories, which gives other benefits to the body but does not increase weight. Also, it contains vitamin B which can prevent the causes of obes

Rich in potassium, this fruit reduces the risk of these diseases including high BP

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 11 August 2023 Friday Banana is one of those healthy fruits that can be consumed in many ways for health. The most special thing about bananas is that they contain potassium, which reduces the sodium effect. Apart from this, eating bananas is good for overall cardiovascular health. This keeps the heart pumping and strengthens the heart muscles. Along with this, bananas also work in many ways for heart health. Benefits of eating bananas 1. Protects against high BP Potassium can help manage blood pressure and reduce stress on the cardiovascular system. A medium-sized banana provides about 9 percent of a person's daily potassium intake. This means that even if you eat a banana, it will give you enough potassium which will keep your blood vessel walls healthy and protect you from many heart related diseases. 2. Prevents hardening of the arteries Many heart diseases begin when your arteries become narrowed. This is called arterial stiffness in me

Do you also get mood swings before your period? So adopt these 6 remedies, you will get relief

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 11 August 2023 Friday Periods are a natural process that every woman has to go through. These are very difficult days. Meanwhile, women have to face many kinds of difficulties. Women have many symptoms before their periods. In some people this symptom is not seen but is found. Some women experience emotional and physical changes. This is known as premenstrual syndrome. If you also experience mood swings or emotional changes before your period, these remedies can help you. What is PMS? PMS Matbal Premenstrual Syndrome. There are many women who experience some symptoms before the onset of periods. Problems like irritability, breast pain, swelling occur. This also affects daily routine badly. Some women don't even feel like working. This symptom usually starts a few days before the period and gets better after the period starts. Remedies to reduce PMS symptoms 1. Mood swings before periods are caused by hormonal changes in the body. To manage th

Vegan snacks to binge on this rainy season

Vegan Snacks (img: IANS) We enjoy staying indoors and snacking on treats when it rains. And what better means of achieving it than with vegan snacks, right? Let's try some delectable vegan snacks during this rainy season if you're a vegan or just inquisitive about new dishes. Vegan Stuffed Popcorn You may eat these delightful stuffed popcorn morsels by themselves or as a protein-rich addition to your preferred salad or wrap. For a delightful variation, try combining your favorite salad greens with frozen vegan popcorn, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and avocado. If you want something more luxurious, try a vegetarian meal of popcorn stuffed with honey chilli sauce. Bhel You can try 'Bhel' if you wish to move from deep-fried appetizers to something less greasy. Bhel, a form of sweet, spicy, and tangy chaat composed of puffed rice, vegetables, papdi, and tamarind sauce, is one of the most well-liked snacks in India. Minced Veg Samosa Of all Indian street meals, samosas

Do not ignore these symptoms that appear in the body, it is a sign of weak bones

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 17 August 2023 Thursday Strong bones are a sign of your health and good lifestyle. Strong bones beautify our body structure as well as protect our organs. However, as we age, the width of our bones gradually decreases, making them more prone to fractures and breaks. Osteoporosis is a condition where the fluid inside the bones starts to decrease. Due to which the bones start to weaken. Frequent fractures One of the most easily seen symptoms of weak bones is frequent fractures or breaks from common injuries or falls. Individuals with weak bones may fracture easily and this injury may take longer to heal than expected. Decrease in height Over time the bone begins to shrink and due to this the width of the bone decreases. Spinal cord compression can occur in the spinal cord, causing height loss. If you feel that your height is decreasing, you should start taking care of your bone health. back pain Persistent back pain, especially in the middle or l