

Fresh ginger or ginger: Which ginger is beneficial for health, which should be used more

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 08 November 2023 Wednesday Both ginger and fresh ginger have many health benefits and should be included in the diet but should be used with some caution if you are going through any serious health related problems or allergies. Also, it will be better if you consult a doctor. ginger Ginger, also known as Ginger officinale, is a flowering plant belonging to the Gingeraceae family, a root vegetable. It has a pungent taste which makes it a popular ingredient in cooking. It is also known for its medicinal properties and is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. Fresh ginger Fresh ginger has not been dried or processed in any way. Its skin is usually brown and fibrous in texture. Fresh ginger has a strong flavor and aroma, making it an essential ingredient in many dishes, especially Asian cuisines. It is also commonly used to make ginger tea or added to smoothies for its health benefits. Dry ginger Dry ginger or ground ginger, on t

Anti Pollution Diet: Include this superfood in your diet to prevent diseases caused by pollution

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 08 November 2023 Wednesday Pollution is a problem that can cause you serious illnesses. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can cause breathing problems, lung problems, heart disease, so it is important to avoid pollution. Nowadays the effect of pollution in Delhi and other parts of the country has increased greatly due to which people have started facing many kinds of problems. Meanwhile, by including certain items in the diet, you can get rid of the problems caused by pollution. ginger You can consume ginger to avoid pollution and prevent seasonal diseases. Eating ginger increases immunity, so you can avoid diseases. Ginger tea or you can have it with honey. black pepper Black pepper also protects you from cough and cold along with boosting immunity. You can include black pepper in your daily meals. Turmeric Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, consuming it daily can get rid of lung infections. Apart from this, relief can also be obtaine

7.42 crore people suffer from diabetes in India, the proportion increased among people below 40 years of age

India, the world's epicenter of diabetes with 11 percent of the population suffering from diabetes, has seen a 50-fold increase in the proportion of people under the age of 40 in recent years, experts said. Currently, about 7.42 crore people in India suffer from insulin deficiency, which is required to maintain blood sugar levels in the body. 11 percent of India's population is affected by diabetes Speaking at a health conference held in Mumbai, Hema Venkataram, an endocrinologist of the United Kingdom's National Health Service, said that 11 percent of India's population has suffered from diabetes so far, but now the disease is not limited to the elderly. Between 2002 and 2016, there has been a 50 percent increase in type 2 diabetes among people under the age of 35, he said. Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes in which the body does not produce insulin or the body is resistant to insulin. Diabetes affects 39 percent of India's adults Another private company i

Drink these 4 drinks to keep your digestive system strong this Diwali

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 13 November 2023 Monday At present Diwali festival is being celebrated with great fanfare across the country. This festival is celebrated from the day of Dhanteras to Bhaibij. Due to which, from home made sweets to outside sweets pile up. Meanwhile, continuous eating spoils stomach digestion. Due to which people often fall prey to acidity and indigestion. Meanwhile you can consume these drinks. These drinks are very beneficial in acidity. Fennel water Fennel is often used to remove bad breath after meals but did you know that drinking fennel water provides immediate relief from problems like abdominal pain, bloating, gas and constipation. Fennel has antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to which it helps to keep the digestive system strong. Fennel water provides immediate relief from gas problems. This drink should be consumed 30 minutes after lunch and dinner. Mint tea Peppermint tea detoxifies our body. To make it, t

Vitamin B12: If there is B12 deficiency after the age of 20, then here is the best remedy for it

Image Social Media Dt. 13 November 2023, Monday Vitamin B12 deficiency is said to be very dangerous for health. Deficiency of B12 leads to weakening of the veins. In which its effect is seen on the eye, brain and various parts of the body. If there is too much deficiency, the body becomes like a skeleton. According to doctors, there can be different reasons for Vitamin B12 deficiency. According to a doctor, Vitamin B12 is normally produced by the bacteria in our intestines. 5 remedies must be tried for that. Tips to Overcome Vitamin B12 Deficiency 1. Consume fruits and vegetables Increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. It contains fiber which reduces pre-biotics. Prebiotics are like food and nutrition for the healthy bacteria in the gut, and their numbers begin to grow. 2. Start eating tubers in abundance Vegetables like beets, radishes, carrots, turnips are considered a source of vitamin B12. These vegetables grown in the ground are good for gut health

White Rice: Is your meal incomplete without rice? So know these essential things otherwise...

Image Source: Wikipedia Ahmedabad. 13 November 2023 Monday White rice is a staple food all over the world, cooked and eaten in many ways. These foods give you energy and maintain your physical health. There are many of us who cannot imagine our daily meals without white rice. Too much white rice   Harmful to consume 1. Risk of diabetes White rice is one of the food sources that has a very high glycemic index. The higher the amount, the higher the blood sugar will be. Hence the risk of diabetes increases. For this reason its consumption should be limited and should also be avoided by diabetic patients. 2. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals White rice itself can be seen as having minimum nutritional content compared to other grains. It is not a rich source of fiber, vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function properly. Deficiency of this nutrient at proper levels can lead to bone, teeth and many other problems. Also this can weaken your immune system. Hence it is mo

If you have a habit of eating in a hurry, be careful, know the harm caused by it

Image Envato Dt. 13 November 2023, Monday Health: In today's modern era, people don't have time to run around everyday. This is the age of smartphones and internet. People don't have time to sit and eat in peace. He who wants is constantly running away. In the morning, people have to reach the office quickly, in the afternoon, they are in a hurry to have a quick lunch in the office, and at night, being tired, they have a habit of sitting on the bed and going to sleep. But if you have such a habit, be aware immediately. Gas and bloating may occur Some research has shown that eating too quickly and in large chunks forces air and food into the stomach at the same time, leading to gas and bloating problems. So, if you have a habit of eating quickly, stop it immediately. Rapid weight gain According to science, when we eat food, the stomach gives a signal of fullness within 20 minutes of eating, if you eat food in a hurry, your stomach starts giving the signal before 20 m

Winter Foods For Kids: Include this food in the food to increase the immunity of children in winter

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 07 November 2023 Tuesday Children often suffer from cold, cough and fever in winter. Children's health related problems increase due to weak immunity. Parents try everything to protect their children from the seasonal flu, but the children still fall victim to the disease. the fruit It is very important to include fruits in the diet of children to boost their immunity. You can feed them oranges, grapes etc. It is rich in vitamin-C, which can prevent many diseases. These are known as immunity boosters. If children are reluctant to eat these fruits, you can make juice of these fruits and feed them by adding them to salads. curd Eating yogurt rich in probiotics strengthens the immune system. You can feed enough curd in the daily diet of children, it keeps digestion healthy and also strengthens the immune system. Yogurt is rich in calcium, which strengthens bones. Green vegetables Eating nutrient-rich green vegetables boosts immunity. The fiber

These three main symptoms of high blood sugar, recognize diabetes in this way

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 18 November 2023 Saturday Diabetes is a disease in which the blood sugar level in the body increases. It is a serious illness that can cause many other health problems. There are many symptoms of diabetes, some of which can also be seen in the mouth. Whenever the blood sugar increases in the body, its signal starts appearing in the body. The body gives the signal of blood sugar in many ways. Insulin deficiency is a metabolic disorder. Diabetes occurs when the amount of sugar in the blood starts to increase and insulin becomes inactive. Diabetes type one is genetic or congenital, while type two is caused by poor lifestyle and eating habits. Which 3 symptoms are seen in the mouth when diabetes or blood sugar increases 1. If the mouth suddenly becomes dry or less saliva is produced. 2. Fruity smell or bad smell starts coming from the mouth. 3. Cavities and blood problems are seen in the teeth. Also identify other symptoms of diabetes - Passing ur

Take care of your health in the midst of the festivities! Take care of these things while eating Diwali sweets

Diwali 2023: The glow of Diwali is visible all around. The festival of Diwali brings with it lots of happiness and light. On this occasion people decorate their house and also prepare many dishes. Eating and drinking during the festive season has a distinct joy of its own. However, during the festive season people face many health related problems due to overeating. In such cases, falling ill spoils the fun of the festival. So today we look at the tips with which one can savor the dishes during the festive season without any fear. Choose fiber-rich snacks and sweets If you want to enjoy sweet dishes on Diwali, choose sweets that are rich in fiber. For this, sweets made from gram flour rich in fiber will be beneficial for you. Barley and millet have slightly less fiber than gram flour. In such a situation you can eat gram flour laddus instead of ragi or wheat flour laddus. Natural sugar sweets Most of the sweets eaten on Diwali use artificial sweeteners, which are harmful to healt

The body gives this sign when the heart is swollen, if you don't pay attention, there may be serious consequences

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 11 November 2023 Saturday Some people have problems like chest pain, bloating and shortness of breath that people ignore. Meanwhile if you too often ignore this problem. So this can be very heavy for you. These types of problems may indicate swelling of the heart. Also this is a serious problem related to heart health. When there is swelling in the heart, our body gives some signal which you should not ignore even by mistake but should contact the doctor immediately. The body gives this signal when the heart is swollen feeling tired If you feel tired all the time, don't ignore it. Because doing so can put you at risk as this is a sign of inflammation in the heart. Dizziness problem Some people always have the problem of dizziness which they ignore but doing so can be overwhelming as it can also be the cause of swelling of the heart. Swelling in these parts of the body If any part of your body like legs, hands is always swollen then immedia

Every year 7 lakh people in the world lose their lives due to not washing their hands, the practice of hand washing started 150 years ago.

The entire world was faced with a terrible infectious epidemic like Corona. Even now, new variants of Corona are being found in different corners of the world and predictions are being made of more terrible epidemics and diseases in the near future. Due to the bad habits of people not washing their hands, these diseases have increased and there are chances of increasing in the future. A recent report said that waterborne diseases, diseases caused by improper sanitization and diseases caused by not washing hands are leading to death in the world. 14.50 lakh people in the world lose their lives due to these types of diseases. 7 lakh people worldwide die every year from infectious diseases spread due to poor hand washing. According to a report, 4000 people die every day due to diseases caused by not washing their hands and improper hygiene. Out of these deaths, 1000 deaths are of children under five years of age. People started following Indian tradition since Corona period. The practic

Be careful with fake sweets on the festival of Diwali, otherwise it will harm the body

Image: Freepik New delhi date. 10 November 2023, Friday The festival of Diwali has started across the country. The practice of decorating the house and making each other's mouths salty along with worship on this occasion is very old. Diwali is not only a festival of firecrackers, but sweets and dishes are made on this festival. Different types of sweets are made every day in this festival which lasts for 5 days. New sweets are also available in the market. Also the demand for sweets also increases. Against this, consignments of fake sweets also come in the market. To earn profit, fraudsters sell fake and chemically colored sweets in the market. which affects our health. Fraudsters use fertilizers, potato, iodine, detergents, synthetic milk, whitener, chalk, urea and other types of chemicals to make fake sweets. Not only this, aluminum work is being used instead of silver work to decorate sweets, which can prove to be very dangerous for health. However, even after eating such s

dry cough and burning eyes; Don't take allergies lightly, know how to avoid them

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 03 November 2023 Friday According to a study, only 1 in 7 people in the country cleans the house seriously. Another 6 people clean only on festivals and Diwali. The situation is the same in the office. According to the study survey 2022, after the corona epidemic, 61 percent people have become serious about cleaning the house but there has not been much improvement. Long-standing dust particles in homes and offices not only trigger allergies but can also cause asthma and breathing problems. About 20 percent of viral fever patients complain of allergic asthma. These range from common rhinitis to anaphylaxis. Following exposure to an allergy may cause symptoms - Sneezing - Runny or blocked nose - Redness of eyes, itching - Tearing from the eyes - Wheezing while breathing - Constant coughing - Tightness in the chest - Shortness of breath - Itching What is an allergy? An allergy is a medical condition in which eating or coming into contact wi

Low blood? So this food is a boon for the body, start eating it from today

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 03 November 2023 Friday The winter season has already started and we have to change our food according to the season. In winter we need warm things. New fruits and vegetables come in the market in winter. Dates are one of the best food for winter season which has more than one benefits. Tasir of dates is hot so it should be eaten on cold days. Consuming dates every day will eliminate many problems in the body and you will also get many benefits. For the growth of red blood cells Black dates are considered to be the best source of dietary fiber. Consuming it removes stomach related problems. It is considered very effective in removing stomach gas, indigestion, poor digestion and many other problems. Apart from this, it also contains iron. Its consumption increases the growth of red blood cells and removes blood deficiency in the body. If you have hemoglobin deficiency then you should start consuming dates from today. Beneficial for bones Dates are

This serious skin disease can be caused due to air pollution

New delhi date. 9 November 2023, Thursday Delhi's toxic air and bad eating habits have increased the risk of several skin-related diseases. According to health experts, air pollution increases the risk of skin diseases along with respiratory diseases. This air pollution can also cause skin diseases. If there are red spots and rashes on the skin, it is also called urticaria. Air pollution causes this serious skin disease. Red marks on the skin, itching are all symptoms of urticaria. According to experts, bad eating habits and air pollution are the cause of this disease. Symptoms of the disease This disease is directly related to skin diseases and wrong eating habits. In this disease, first of all, itching and rashes appear on the skin, due to which the skin starts to itch. If it increases a lot and bothers you, definitely consult a doctor at once. According to health experts, anyone can get urticaria. This can happen to a young child, a 20-year-old, or a 40-year-old. Is disea

Weight loss drug used in daughter's wedding, which led to death, know what Ozempic drug is

Weight loss medicine: Nowadays everyone wants to look slim and beautiful. Many people also take a variety of medications to lose weight. These drugs have an adverse effect on the body and many people even die. One such case has come out from Australia. An Australian woman wanted to lose weight for her daughter's wedding. 56-year-old Trish Webster was taking Ozemic drugs. It is mainly used to treat type-2 diabetes and weight loss. However, he died of gastrointestinal disease. The woman's husband warned people that this drug is not at all suitable for weight loss. She wanted to look thin in her daughter's wedding Trish Webster wanted to fit into a dress for her daughter's wedding on January 16. For this he was prescribed Ozempic, a type 2 diabetes drug. It is also widely used as a weight loss drug worldwide. Lost 15 kg in 5 months Webster took Ozempic along with the prescription injection Saxenda and lost about 15 kg in five months. The drug initially helped her los

If you have throat problems due to changing seasons and pollution, try these tips

Cough and Cold Prevention Tips: As the season changes, health problems increase for people. During this time people in every house have to face problems like cold, cough and fever. Pollution also plays an important role in ill health. Let's find out which tips can be helpful when dealing with nose and throat problems. Do a salt water rinse Throat cleaning is very important to get relief from throat infections caused by this season and pollution. Because throat infection sometimes causes throat swelling and pain. In that case, salt should be added to warm water daily and rinsed two to three times a day. It will relieve the inflammation and also kill the bacteria. Steam should be taken Taking steam clears the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. Add eucalyptus oil or Carvol Plus capsules to the water while taking steam. Cover your head with a towel, then steam. This will open the blocked nose and the phlegm and dirt accumulated in the lungs will come out easily and provide relief. Ta

Consume these 5 vegetables rich in vitamin A in winter, stay fit and fine

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 02 November 2023 Thursday Vitamin A is essential for staying healthy. Vitamin A helps keep many parts of our body healthy. Vitamin A is also very important for the proper development of children. Vitamin A is essential for improving eyesight, skin care and maintaining proper blood in the body. Prolonged vitamin A deficiency increases the risk of anemia. Many researches have also revealed that if the body is deficient in this vitamin, it increases the risk of skin cancer. Meanwhile, you should take special care of your diet. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A are abundant in winter. You can make up for vitamin A deficiency by including these 5 vegetables in your diet. Vegetables rich in vitamin A carrot Carrots turn red in cold weather. Vitamin A is highest in carrots. Eating about a bowl of carrots every day can make up 334 percent of the vitamin A deficiency in the body. Eating carrots is very beneficial for eyes. You can use carrots in the

Diabetes: This aromatic leaf will provide relief in blood sugar, know how to consume it

New delhi date. 2 November 2023, Thursday Diabetes patients are increasing in the country. This disease makes the human body hollow. The body becomes very dry and weak. So weak that one's body cannot even heal its own wounds. It is a disease that has no permanent cure. It can be controlled only through lifestyle and diet. Diabetics are advised not to eat sweets. But betel leaf can prove to be very beneficial for diabetic patients. Tamarind is considered medicinal in Ayurveda. In the kitchen, it is used for seasoning but it also has many Ayurvedic benefits. This plant is found in many Asian countries. Betel leaf is beneficial for blood sugar Polyphenols are also found in bay leaves. This helps in controlling glucose levels. It also works to control the rise and fall of insulin in blood sugar patients. Vitamin-A and Vitamin-C are found in this leaf. Consuming it also keeps the digestive system healthy. Its leaves are similar to litchi leaves. Doctors recommend drinking tea fro

If the blood sugar level increases after eating sweets during the festival of Diwali, control it in this way

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 08 November 2023 Wednesday Diwali is not only a festival of lights and crackers but a lot of sweets and delicacies are made on this festival. In this 5-day long festival, different types of sweets are made every day and people eat a lot of sweets but people suffering from diabetes cannot control their mind and increase their blood sugar level by eating sweets on Diwali. Take care of your health this way on Diwali Just make time for a 10 minute walk Diwali is so busy that you skip working out. But take 10 minutes after meal. Walking keeps the blood sugar level of the body under control. According to research, people suffering from diabetes should walk for 20 minutes every day. Eat sweets like this If a diabetic patient wants to eat sweets, then one thing must be remembered that one should never eat sweets on an empty stomach because eating sweets on an empty stomach can increase the blood sugar level. You can consume sweets with a small amount of

Troubled by stone pain? Eat this fruit, you don't have to go to the hospital!

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 08 November 2023 Wednesday Stones are a very common problem nowadays. Most people are struggling with this problem. A major cause of stones is a poor lifestyle and diet which causes the kidneys to have large amounts of minerals that form stones. So you should avoid eating foods that are high in oxalates. Meanwhile you can get rid of kidney stone by consuming certain things. Kidney stone patients should consume these fruits daily Eat water-rich fruits daily Consume water-rich fruits like coconut water, watermelon, and sugarcane every day. This is because watery food works to dissolve stones. So you should include more watery fruits in your diet. You should drink more water. Eat sour fruit Sour fruit is rich in vitamin C. Which works to dissolve stones. Citrus fruits and juices contain citric acid so consuming them is beneficial for you. For this you should consume oranges, lemons and grapes. Include calcium rich foods in the diet If you also ha

Drink this juice on an empty stomach in the morning, you will get full energy and strengthen the immunity system

Dt. 8 November 2023, Wednesday Health care: It is our own duty and necessity to take care of health during the constant rush and bad lifestyle. In which consumption of some juices can be beneficial. Because the juice contains a huge amount of nutrients like vitamins, minerals. Which is beneficial for body and health. And that too if consuming the juice on an empty stomach is very beneficial. Let's find out which juices can be beneficial to consume. 1. Pomegranate juice Pomegranate juice contains several nutrients, which are beneficial for health. Drinking pomegranate juice helps to replenish blood deficiency in the body. Consuming it also increases immunity and relieves the problem of constipation. 2. Aloe vera juice Drinking aloe vera juice on an empty stomach in the morning is very beneficial for health. Aloe vera is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, calcium and iron. So, eating on an empty stomach in the morning removes stomach heat. It also relieves acidity, constipat

If you have a habit of eating in a hurry, be careful, know the harm caused by it

Image Envato Dt. 13 November 2023, Monday Health: In today's modern era, people don't have time to run around everyday. This is the age of smartphones and internet. People don't have time to sit and eat in peace. He who wants is constantly running away. In the morning, people have to reach the office quickly, in the afternoon, they are in a hurry to have a quick lunch in the office, and at night, being tired, they have a habit of sitting on the bed and going to sleep. But if you have such a habit, be aware immediately. Gas and bloating may occur Some research has shown that eating too quickly and in large chunks forces air and food into the stomach at the same time, leading to gas and bloating problems. So, if you have a habit of eating quickly, stop it immediately. Rapid weight gain According to science, when we eat food, the stomach gives a signal of fullness within 20 minutes of eating, if you eat food in a hurry, your stomach starts giving the signal before 20 m

White Rice: Is your meal incomplete without rice? So know these essential things otherwise...

Image Source: Wikipedia Ahmedabad. 13 November 2023 Monday White rice is a staple food all over the world, cooked and eaten in many ways. These foods give you energy and maintain your physical health. There are many of us who cannot imagine our daily meals without white rice. Too much white rice   Harmful to consume 1. Risk of diabetes White rice is one of the food sources that has a very high glycemic index. The higher the amount, the higher the blood sugar will be. Hence the risk of diabetes increases. For this reason its consumption should be limited and should also be avoided by diabetic patients. 2. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals White rice itself can be seen as having minimum nutritional content compared to other grains. It is not a rich source of fiber, vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function properly. Deficiency of this nutrient at proper levels can lead to bone, teeth and many other problems. Also this can weaken your immune system. Hence it is mo