

This symptom indicates that your body is becoming dehydrated

New delhi date. 05 October 2020, Monday Many people do not drink enough water despite knowing how much water is needed for our body. Not drinking enough water has a negative effect on our health and can lead to many health problems. Learn about some of the signals that signal your body not getting enough water. So you can improve your drinking habits and take care of your health in time. - Mouth becomes dry when the amount of water in the body decreases. If the mouth is frequently dry, understand that the body is dehydrated. Water should be taken immediately in this situation. - Drinking less water reduces sweating and prevents toxins from being excreted from the body. Dehydration makes the skin dry and dry and can lead to many skin related diseases. - Lack of water not only affects the mouth and throat but also the eyes. The eye becomes dry and red. - Lack of water in the body means a decrease in muscle mass in the body. Drinking water before, during and after a workout keeps the

Regular consumption of lemon will get rid of many diseases of the body

New delhi date. 04 October 2020, Sunday Lemons are used in different ways. The flavor of lemon in salads, sambar, kheechadi etc. makes the dish more delicious. But lemon is very beneficial not only for taste but also for health. Learn how lemon can save us from some diseases. Helps to heal the digestive system - Most everyone has some problems with digestion. But people who drink lemon juice in normal warm water do not face such problems. Start the day every morning with lemon water. - This drink works to flush out all the toxins from your body. If you just have trouble drinking water and lemon, you can mix black salt to taste. It will also enhance the taste of the drink and make your digestive system work better. Protects from colds - Squeezing lemon in normal warm water and consuming it regularly does not cause common cold, cold, cough and throat related diseases. This is because the citric acid in lemon does not allow any kind of infection to develop in your throat. Prevents

Has the increasing coronal transition led to another lockdown in Europe?

London, October 1, 2020, Thursday Lockdowns and sanctions are being re-imposed in Europe in the wake of the growing Corona transition. This is likely to have an adverse effect on social and economic activities. For this, a series of meetings of the countries of the European Union has also started. Britain's pre-determined schedule of operations is being changed. In Britain, 6 people have coronary heart disease and the death toll is as high as 215. New cases of coronary heart disease are emerging every day. On an average, more than 5,000 transitions a day is too much for a country with a limited population like Britain. At one time there was a running competition between Spain and Italy for patients with coronary heart disease. Italy and Spain gave the world the first experience of how dangerous the corona virus is. The world-class strong health system was also shaken. In the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of corona outbreaks. In town areas with a popul

International Coffee Day 2020: From glowing skin to weight loss, coffee is beneficial!

New delhi date. 01 October 2020, Thursday World Coffee Day is celebrated around the world every year on October 1st. The purpose of celebrating this day is to promote the coffee business. Coffee works to give energy to the body. This is the reason why most people start their day by drinking coffee. There are many other benefits to drinking coffee. Learn about the benefits of drinking coffee ... Beneficial for the liver: Health experts say that drinking two to three cups of coffee without mixing milk or sugar reduces the risk of liver related diseases. Experts say that coffee also reduces the risk of liver cancer. Drinking black coffee will also be beneficial for someone who already has liver disease. Weight Loss Coffee: - Coffee contains magnesium and potassium. Both of these things control weight. Beneficial in heart diseases: - Consumption of coffee is also very beneficial for heart patients. Coffee also reduces the risk of heart stroke. Beneficial for diabetics : Diabetes

International Day Of Older Persons 2020: Learn about the 8 most common illnesses in the elderly

New delhi date. 01 October 2020, Thursday Every year October 01 is celebrated as the International Day of Older Persons. International Day of the Elderly is celebrated every year with the aim of curbing the injustice, neglect and mistreatment of the elderly around the world. A theme has been kept to celebrate this day. This year the theme for International Day for the Elderly 2020 is a multi-faceted approach to the ‘Decade of Healthy Ages’ amid the United Nations epidemic. October 1, 1990 was designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day of the Elderly. Now the way we are fighting the corona virus disease also requires more supervision of the elderly. As you grow older, your body's immune system begins to weaken. Due to this many diseases also become a cause of trouble in old age. The World Population Prospects 2019 data states that. "By 2050, one in six people in the world will be over 65, up from one in 11 in 2019." Do you know which disea

World Vegetarian Day 2020: Why is World Vegetarian Day celebrated?

New delhi date. 01 October 2020, Thursday The vegetarian diet is considered a safe alternative to prevent any kind of virus infection. Animals are considered a major link, from swine flu to the spread of the corona. According to the World Health Organization, in the last 50 years, 70 percent of global diseases have been transmitted through animals. Numerous researches have proved that it is advisable to follow a vegetarian diet to reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and cancer. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Today is World Vegetarian Day. Find out how vegetarian meals can make a difference in your life. Find out why vegetarian meals are appropriate. The risk of viral infection is reduced According to a 2013 report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, more than 90 percent of the world's meat comes from factory farms. Animals are kept in these farms and cleanliness is not taken care of here. This increases the risk

In India, the ideal weight of men is 4 kg and that of women is 4 kg

Pineapple is useful in many diseases! Learn about the benefits ...

New delhi date. 30 September 2020, Wednesday Pineapple is considered a very beneficial fruit. Pineapple also known as pineapple. This is a fruit that is usually prickly on the outside and slightly bitter, sour-salty and juicy on the inside. In earlier times this fruit was available for a limited time but after the progress of agronomy, not only this fruit but all the fruits are available in twelve months. Pineapple is a fruit that is rich in nutrients. Learn about the benefits of pineapple ... Benefits of Pineapple: - 1. To strengthen the bones Eating pineapple is considered beneficial for bones. Pineapple juice is very effective for strengthening the bones as it is rich in all minerals and vitamins. This can be very beneficial especially for children and women whose bones are weak. 2. For the eyes If you want, you can consume pineapple as a fruit chart or in the form of juice. Pineapple is considered very beneficial for the eyes. 3. For Stone Pineapple is used as a natural her

If you also have these habits involved in Morning Habits, you too can get old soon.

Ahmedabad. 29 September 2020, Tuesday Youth does not mean that it will last forever, but everyone always wants to be young. Age also changes with time and gradually the rounds of beauty parlors increase, but the youth slips by hand like sand. But age is not the only reason your youth sinks, some of your beliefs are similar. Yes! There are many things that make you old before you are old, who do not know how many years you have been inadvertently repeating them and now it has become your habit. Some of these morning habits, i.e. the values ​​that you repeat every morning and which are slowly swallowing your youth, we will present to you today. Take a warm bath Bathing in hot water is a habit of many people, maybe you are one of them, but did you know that people who bathe in very hot water show wrinkles on their skin. If you drink hot water instead of bathing and it will not damage your skin and you keep bathing with mild warm water. Don't have breakfast in the morning We have

Wrong brushing will make your teeth fall out faster, know the right way

Ahmedabad. 29 September 2020, Tuesday Everyone has always wanted to have beautiful pearly teeth. Doctors often say that for healthy teeth you need to brush your teeth twice a day, but very few people know what is the right time to brush, and what is the right way to brush. Let's know some important things related to cleaning teeth- Do not brush within 30 minutes after eating The pH level of the mouth decreases after eating food, and brushing immediately after eating causes damage to the teeth. That’s why brush at least 30 minutes after eating. Start brushing from different parts of the mouth Most of the time, when brushing, we inadvertently start brushing from one part of the mouth, as a result we get bored at last. And by doing this the rest of the mouth is not cleaned properly, start brushing with new parts every day, this will clean your whole mouth evenly. Do not use force Teeth may look hard, but they also need to be softened, brushing too hard can damage your gums and

World Heart Day 2020: Find out why World Heart Day is celebrated.

New delhi date. 29 September 2020, Tuesday World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29 every year to raise awareness about heart health. This special day was first observed in the year 2000. It was decided at that time that World Heart Day would be celebrated on the last Sunday of September every year but in the year 2014, the date was fixed as September 29 to celebrate this special day. . Many people today, from young to old, suffer from heart disease due to poor lifestyle. Heart disease is emerging as a serious disease all over the world today. At present every fifth person in India is a heart patient. According to the World Heart Federation, about 18 million people die each year from heart-related diseases. Young people over the age of 35 are also at increased risk of heart disease due to inactive lifestyle and bad eating habits. The number of people suffering from heart problems has increased rapidly in the last 5 years. Most of them are men and women in their 30s and 50s. The

This vitamin reduces the risk of death from corona by up to 50 percent: Research

New delhi date. 28 September 2020, Monday Corona virus transmission is increasing rapidly around the world. The epidemic has so far killed more than 9.93 lakh people. The World Health Organization (WHO) says the number of deaths from the corona virus could rise to two million, despite many efforts to stop the spread of the corona. Meanwhile, a study conducted at Boston University in the US claims that patients who have adequate amounts of vitamin D in the corona virus have a 50 percent reduced risk of death. Researchers at Boston University have found that people who have adequate amounts of vitamin D have a 52 percent lower risk of dying from coronavirus infection. Researchers say that a patient with vitamin D recovers faster from corona. According to scientists, vitamin D plays an important role in our body's immune system. Adequate amounts of vitamin D in the body also reduce the risk of serious illness by up to 13 percent, scientists have found. Patients with adequate level

How does corona affect a person's brain? Stroke- Increased memory loss problem

New delhi date. 27 September 2020, Sunday Fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath are the main symptoms of corona virus. Patients with Covid-19 currently have some neurological symptoms such as confusion, loss of smell, and behavioral changes. The mental state of some patients admitted to the hospital affected by the virus is adversely affected. Some dangerous effects such as stroke, brain hemorrhage and memory loss are now being seen in patients with coronavirus. Robert Stevens, MD of Johns Hopkins University, says he has seen neurological symptoms in about half of the patients in the Covid-19 unit. Scientists are currently trying to understand why the virus is affecting the brain. Robert Stevens, in an article published in Jones Hopkins, lists the theories of scientists who are doing research on the subject. Cases of coronavirus all over the world are being linked to brain conditions. These include confusion, loss of consciousness, warping, stroke, loss of smell,

Those whose immunity is very weak should consume this special drink

New delhi date. 25 September 2020, Friday Corona virus is constantly on the rise. Doctors and scientists claim that having Immunity Week may increase the risk of corona. The body can easily fight many diseases due to good immunity. You often get sick because your immune system is weak. It has become very important to take care of immunity. Learn about a drink that will help boost your immunity. Milk will boost immunity Milk is considered a complete food as it provides all the essential elements to the body but it has a double benefit if some medicinal items are mixed in it. This can also be very helpful in boosting immunity. Find out what 4 things you can mix and drink in milk to benefit you. When and how to consume? You can also drink hot milk but drink it at least 30 minutes after dinner. Drinking this drink every night before going to bed will help boost immunity. Content Cow's milk - 1 glass Almonds - 10 Dates - 3 Turmeric - 3 pinches Cinnamon - 2 pinches Cardamom

Is Chikungunya a Viral Disease? What is the way to avoid it

New delhi date. 23 September 2020, Wednesday Chikungunya disease is spread by a virus that is caused by mosquito bites. The first case of this disease was reported in 1952. Discovery at the time revealed that chikungunya was caused by mosquito bites. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes spread the virus. The disease is found in many countries. In addition to Asia, the disease is spreading rapidly in the United States, Africa, Europe, and many other countries. Symptoms of Chikungunya The main symptoms of Chikungunya are high fever, body aches, bone pains, muscle aches, rashes, weakness and fatigue. This symptom of Chikungunya is very common and occurs 5 to 7 days after being bitten by a mosquito. It is possible that this symptom is due to some other reason so it should be investigated. How can this disease be prevented? "If Chikungunya is spread by mosquitoes, we can protect ourselves from mosquitoes if we protect ourselves from mosquitoes," says an AIIMS profe

Some misconceptions about dengue that people are unaware of

New delhi date. 23 September 2020, Wednesday Mosquito terror also increases as the climate changes. According to one statistic, thousands of people die of dengue every year. Which occurs due to untimely treatment and lack of awareness. That is why it is necessary to make people more aware about it. Aedes aegypti mosquito bites spread dengue. These mosquitoes thrive in stagnant clean water, which is why the number of mosquitoes increases due to flooding during the monsoon. Dengue is characterized by a high fever followed by a red rash on the body, as well as headaches, back pain, joint and muscle aches, loss of appetite and vomiting. But dengue can only be confirmed after a blood test. There are so many things about dengue that you probably know, learn about some of the things about dengue ... Dengue attacks white blood cells If a dengue mosquito bites you, it can be fatal for you. Dengue mosquitoes directly attack your white blood cells. This causes your body's immune system t

The number of Koro infections in the country has crossed 56 lakh, with 83,347 new cases in the last 24 hours.

- Corona was assuming a monstrous form New Delhi Dated 23rd September 2020 Wednesday In the last 24 hours, 83,347 new cases of corona have been reported in the country, bringing the total number of corona to over 56 lakh. However, the Centre's health department claimed that the recovery rate was 81.25 per cent. In the last 24 hours, 83,347 new cases of corona have been reported, according to figures released by the health department at 8 am today. At the same time, the number of infected people in Koro was 56 lakh 46 thousand 010. A further 1,085 people died in the last twenty-four hours. At the same time, the number of deaths due to corona was 90 thousand 020. So far, 45 lakh 87 thousand 613 people have recovered and returned home. The death toll from Kovid 19 fell to 1.59 percent. However, 9 lakh 68 thousand 377 people were still under treatment, which is 17.15 per cent of the total cases. On August 7, the number of Kovid transitions in India exceeded two million. Then on Au

Students and teachers need to be aware of this to avoid coronavirus

New delhi date. 22 September 2020, Tuesday The Government of India has announced guidelines for partial reopening of schools on a voluntary basis for Std-9 to 12. According to the guidelines issued by the Home Ministry, students can visit their school to seek guidance from their teachers by getting written permission from their parents. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued guidelines for all students and teachers to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. But keep in mind that students can decide to go to school of their own free will. Students must have written permission from their parents if they decide to go to school. It is very important for students and teachers going to school to keep these 10 things in mind to protect themselves from the corona virus and to make sure that it does not happen to others. 1. Admission to school should be planned in such a way that social distance is maintained between teacher and students. 2. The use of face masks o

Pay special attention to this in your diet to keep your heart healthy

The number of heart patients in India is steadily increasing. Heart disease is now affecting people from all walks of life. The disease is on the rise in India due to poor lifestyle, stress, irregular diet and lack of exercise. Due to which the number of deaths due to heart disease is increasing every year more than other diseases. (Or increases annually) Heart failure means that the heart cannot pump blood to the body as needed. So that death can also occur due to lack of oxygen in the body. The heart is an important organ of the body and it is very important to take proper care of it. Eating and drinking habits are very important for heart care. Things that are useful for our body should be included in our diet. So here's how to take care of your heart. 1. Reduce the use of salt in the diet First of all, reducing the amount of salt you use can increase your heart protection. You can hardly use salt when cooking, steaming, roasting, steaming or grilling. Add less salt to wate

World Alzheimer's Day: Loneliness and negative thoughts are increasing patients

New delhi date. 21 September 2020, Monday Being alone at home and putting too much stress on the brain due to negative thoughts can lead to Alzheimer's disease. The disease is more common in the elderly. To avoid this one should have the habit of living in all kinds of environments. At the same time people should be contacted. As we age, all kinds of diseases begin to affect our body. Alzheimer's is one of them. This is found in older people. With age, the ability to remember decreases and things are forgotten. World Alzheimer's-Dementia Day is celebrated on September 21 every year to raise awareness about the disease. Under the National Dementia Awareness Week, which runs from September 21 to 27, an awareness campaign will be launched in all the districts of the city through various programs to identify the disease and its prevention. A neurologist at Columbia Hospital said Alzheimer's disease impairs memory and the ability to think. People who suffer from Alzheim

Neem leaves are helpful in diseases ranging from cancer to diabetes

New delhi date. 21 September 2020, Monday Neem leaves are very beneficial for our health. This helps reduce inflammation in the body. Keeps the liver and heart healthy and strengthens the immune system. Neem is a tree whose bark, leaves, twigs, sticks etc. are all considered very beneficial in terms of Ayurveda. Neem leaves in particular have medicinal properties. Getting up every morning and eating 5-6 neem leaves on an empty stomach is very beneficial for your body. Which can save you from many serious illnesses. Learn about its benefits ... Cancer prevention Cancer is one of the major diseases in the world at this time, causing millions of deaths every year. Neem leaves contain special antioxidants, which prevent cancer cells from growing in the body. That is why by taking 4-5 neem leaves every morning, you can avoid serious and deadly diseases like cancer. Increased immunity There is no need to take very expensive drugs or supplements to boost immunity. You can wake up every

World Alzheimer's Day 2020: What is Alzheimer's disease?

New delhi date. 21 September 2020, Monday World Alzheimer's Day is celebrated on September 21 every year around the world. This day is celebrated in the name of Alzheimer's disease, so that people can be made aware of it. In this disease the patient forgets things. Like forgetting something by putting it somewhere, forgetting something a while ago, etc. But people become oblivious to it as normal. The disease occurs in people after an age in which people cannot remember things. Older people are more likely to get the disease, but young people today also have symptoms of the disease. Some years have seen an increase in the number of patients with this disease. Find out why this disease occurs, what are its symptoms and how to prevent it ... The disease is caused by damage to brain tissue in old age. The risk of this disease is increased due to disturbances in the structure of proteins in the brain. This is a disease associated with the brain, in which the person gradually beg

Breathing while wearing a mask has a bad effect on lung-immunity

New delhi date. 20 September 2020, Sunday It has become very necessary to wear a mask to prevent the transmission of corona virus. It is imperative to wear a mask to protect oneself and others. But do you know how dangerous wearing a mask can be for our lungs? Yoga and wellness coaches say that wearing a mask and breathing can have a very bad effect on our lungs, vitality and immunity. Fitness experts say that people who wear masks regularly should do pranayama or deep breathing exercises regularly to avoid such problems. This will not only improve your lungs and immunity but will make you feel more energetic and healthy. The fitness and yoga expert said that the process of inhaling after exhaling is called apan vayu in yoga and ayurveda. The amount of oxygen in the air decreases, which has a bad effect on your health. Exercise should be done to get rid of it. There are benefits to doing yoga and breathing exercises.

Eat these foods to strengthen digestion, will get tremendous benefits

New delhi date. 20 September 2020, Sunday It is said that the body stays healthy if the stomach is healthy. That is why it is very important to keep the stomach healthy. Problems like constipation, indigestion in the stomach are caused by bad eating and drinking. Stomach related problems also give rise to many other problems in the body. When digestion is weak, our digestive system does not work properly which leads to stomach problems. Frequent stomach problems can also weaken our immune system. That is why it is very important to keep the digestive system healthy so that the digestive system can function properly. Find out what foods we can use to improve our digestion. Anise is consumed after a meal to digest food. Anise helps digest food. This also works as a mouth freshener. You can also consume aniseed water for stomach related problems. Yogurt strengthens your digestive system, so you can include a bowl of yogurt daily for breakfast. This eliminates many stomach related prob

Consumption of this substance will prove to be beneficial in boosting the body's immune system

New delhi date. 20 September 2020, Sunday Garlic has been used in food items in countries around the world, including India. Its unparalleled taste and strong smell give the food a distinct taste and aroma. Garlic is used not only in food but also as a medicine. It contains anti-oxidants that boost the body's immune system and help fight infections. In winter, garlic is used only because its consumption clears the phlegm, which removes the trouble of breathing. The elements found in it are very beneficial for health. Garlic also protects against lung infections. Learn how ... According to one study, the inclusion of garlic in the diet can prevent lung infections. A chemical found in garlic kills the germs of cystic fibrosis (a type of genetic disorder that causes infections in the lungs). That is why it is very beneficial to include garlic in the diet to prevent this infection in the lungs. Garlic contains a compound called allicin. But this is only found in fresh garlic. The c